
最新河南电大商务英语基础(2)教学考一体化网考形考作业试题及答案100%通过2015年秋期河南电大把商务英语基础(2)纳入到“教学考一体化”平台进行网考,针对这个平台,本人汇总了该科 所有的题,形成一个完整的题库,内容包含了单选题、判断题,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起 着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具,把考题中的关键字输到查找工具 的查找内容框内,就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他教学考一体化答案,敬请查看。7. What are your plans? (3.00 分)A. I have arranged to go to see some of our overseas franchise holders next week.B. Im going to Italy.C. I dont want to cancel those meetings.D. Thanks, Jenny一单选题1. Offer me a better price and we can do.(3.00 分)A businessB. commissionC. compromiseD. concession2. Will it affect their sales? (3.00 分)A Its been a long time.B. Not much in the first six months, I suppose.C. Its the first six months that are important.D. Whats your opinion?3. Your salary increase was conditional on youraconcession on the car. (3.00 分)A givingB. markingC. makingD. producing4. Edward, are you interested in a little foreign travel? (3.00 分)A Thank you.B. What time?C. Not bad.D Yes, very.5. How much cash do you think I should take? (3.00 分)A Have a nice day!B. The more, the betterC. Yes, I dont see why not.D. Dont spend too much6. We can make the new research anpriority.(3.00 分)A absoluteB. obviousC. entireD. expensive8. Iyour company to send someone this morning.(3.00 分)A am askedB. had askedC. has to askD. did ask9. We always buy products with thesalesperformance. (3.00 分)A mostB. bestC. moreD. much10. Look, can I give you a life back? (3.00 分)A I havent retired yet!B. Nice to meet you again.C. Not at all.D. Thank you very much.ll.Is it feasible? (3.00 分)A No, thank youB. If s a pity.C. Ok.D. I dont think so.12. What else can we do in marketing? (3.00 分)A No, I have no idea.B. We must get into Smiths catalogue first.C. Yes, we do.D. Sorry, I cant tell you anything.13. We trust you will do your best to have the matter atonce. (3.00 分)A settleB. settledC. settlesD. settle down14. How may I help you? (3.00 分)A Of course.B. Id like to send a fax to London, please.C. Could I buy a street map of Atlanta?D. Thank you.15. Do you know how large their production run s going to be? (3.00 分)A. Its going to be around 300000 units.B. NO.C. Well, let me tell you this.D. Xbry well.16. What s the advertising budget? (3.00 分)A Yes, of course.B. Ybu could say thatC Sorry, I dont knowD. How general?17. How are things at Bibury System? (3.00 分)A Really?B. Well, are you?C. Very interesting at the moment.D. Thafs not exactly true.18. We can talk about. (3.00 分)A. how we can work tootherB. together how can we workC. how work togetherD. how can we work together19. I dlike the copiertomorrow. (3.00 分)A repairedB. repairingC. to repairD. repair20. No credit will be offered you place an order formore than 40,000 units. (3.00 分)A afterB. til、lC. whenD unless21. The price of our new toys is 30%than ofsimilar toys of American origin. (3.00 分)A lowerthoseB. lowerthatC. belowthoseD. underthat22. Mr. McNeil asked Mr. Don Bradley to ship the goodsair. (3.00 分)A onB. forC. byD. at23. What is the XR590? (3.00 分)A In my opinion its not reliable enough for children.B. Its not good.C. I think it has a few weaknesses.D. XR590 is the power source which drives Dealer Dait24. He just learned that all business letters must besigned. (3.00 分)

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