牛轭湖(oxbow lake)


牛轭湖(oxbow lake)

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Passage Five

The Northern Pike is a very bad fish. It is a big, hungry fish, and swallows little fish such as trout and perch. Many Northern Pikes live in Lake Davis. They are killing all the smaller fish in the lake. The Northern Pike are a serious threat to the lake because they eat all the smaller fish. Soon, all other species of fish in the lake will be killed off. This is not healthy for the environment.

Experts are afraid that the Northern Pike will swim out of Lake Davis through many smaller rivers that feed into the lake. They could spread all over the country and damage many other water environments. If that happens, it would be too late to stop the Northern Pike.

For ten years, officials have been trying to remove the Northern Pike from Lake Davis. They haw. tried using nets, explosives and poisons. However, the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis. Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish. They worry that the poi- sons are bad for humans who use the water. No trace of the poisons has ever been found in local wells, however.

Scientists are going to try the poison again. This time, they will drain the lake before they add the poison to the water. A public hearing will be held to talk about the problem.

52. Why are some people against the use of poisons to kill Northern Pike?

A. Fishermen will be poisoned too.

B. The poisons are expensive.

C. They think that wells will be polluted.

D. The lake will become unsafe.

52.第三段。人们担心湖水里放毒药会殃及人的用水。选项 C是正确的。


The police found the murder weapon at ( ).

A、the bottom of the lake

B、the bottom of lake

C、bottom of the lake

D、bottom of a lake



Passage Three

A group of scientists rowing toward the center of a lake saw something shocking. They turned back as fast as they could. What had they seen.? The lake was boiling!

The group was investigating a crater lake in the mountains of St. Vincent. A crater lake is the mouth of a volcano that has been dormant for some time and has filled with water.

This particular crater was the tip of a volcano called Soufriere, which erupted last in 1902. Since that time, it had not shown any signs of action. But in the fall of 1971, mountain climbers who had hiked near the lake returned to the lowlands with strange stories. They said the water had turned yellow and was giving off a smell like burnt eggs. A seething fog was rising from the lake's surface.

Local scientists rushed to Soufriere to see if this might be the beginning of a new volcanic explosion. They found a huge black mass in the middle of the water. It was a great blob 1,000 feet long and 300 feet wide. Lava had pushed up through the bottom of the lake and formed a new island.

The investigators wanted to make sure that the volcano was safe, and that the lava would not over- flow into the surrounding countryside. But they could never reach the island to study it, because the lava was so hot that the water around it bubbled and boiled.

44. This passage is about ______.

A. mountain climbing

B. a boiling lake

C. a new volcanic island

D. a mysterious blob



下列地质学上关于牛轭湖的说法正确的有( )。



The house ______ beside the lake.














The largest lake in Britain is _____.

A.the Lough Neage

B.Windermere Water

C.Coniston Water

D.the Lake District



A crater lake is at the tip of a ______.

A. mountain

B. ridge

C. island

D. volcano



The Exploding Lakes of Cameroon
What comes to mind when you think of a lake?You probably imagine a pretty scene with blue water, birds,and fish.For the people in the northwestern Cameroon,however,the image is very different.For them, lakes may mean terrible disasters.In 1984,poisonous gases exploded out of Lake Monoun and came down into the nearby villages,killing thirty-seven people.Two years later,Lake Nyos erupted.A cloud of gases rolled down the hills and into the valleys and killed 1,700 people.
Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are crater(火山口)lakes.They were formed when water collected in the craters of old volcanoes.The volcanoes under Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun are not active anymore.However, poisonous gases from the center of the earth continue to flow up through cracks in the bottom of the lake.This is normal in a crater lake.In most crater lakes,these gases are released often because the water"turns over" regularly.That is,the water from the bottom of the lake rises and mixes with the water at the top,allowing the gases to escape slowly.
However,in Lakes Nyos and Monoun,there is no regular turning over.No one knows the reason for this fact,but as a result,these lakes have more gases trapped at the bottom than other crater lakes.In fact, scientists who have studied Lakes Nyos and Monoun have found 16,000 times more gases.When a strong wind,cool weather,a storm,or a landslide(滑坡)causes the water to turn over suddenly,the gases escape in a violent explosion.
In the past,no one knew when the gases might explode,so there was no way for the villagers to escape disaster.Now scientists from the United States,France,and Cameroon have found a way to reduce the gas pressure at the bottom of Lake Nyos.They stood a 672-foot plastic pipe in the middle of the lake,with one end of the pipe near the bottom and the other end in the air.Near the top of the pipe,the team put several holes that could be opened or closed by a computer.Now,when the gas pressure gets too high,the holes are opened and some of the gas-filled water shoots up through the pipe into the air like a fountain.With less pressure,a disastrous explosion is much less likely.However,the scientists are not sure that one pipe will be enough to prevent explosions.They hope to put in others soon and they plan to install a similar pipe and a computer system at Lake Monoun as well.
To protect people nearby until all of the pipes are in place,the scientists have installed early warning systems at both lakes.If the gas pressure rises to a dangerous level,computers will set off loud sirens(警 报)and bright lights to warn the people in the villages.In that way,they will have time to escape from the dangerous gases.

Which of the following statements about Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun is true?
A:They were formed in 1984.
B:They are at the top of two active volcanoes.
C:They are not like most other crater lakes.
D:Water in them turns over regularly.

根据第四段第三句“They stood a 672-foot plastic pipe in the middle of the lake , with oneend of the pipe near the bottom and the other end in the air.”可知,该科学家团队在湖里立了一根管子,管子的一端在湖底,另一端在空中。这样做是在利用连通器的原理来减小湖底压强,因此A项正确。


The largest lake in Britain is( ).

A.the Lake Neagh
B.Windermere Water
C.Coniston Water
D.the Lake District

英国地理。题目问英国最大的湖泊是什么湖,答案是Lake Neagh(内伊湖)。英格兰西北部的湖区(the Lake District)是英国著名的旅游景点,也是著名的湖畔诗人华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)的家乡。
