Morphology studies how words can


Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful sentences.

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( ) studies the ways words are combined to form. sentences in a language ./font







By origin, English words can be classified as “native words” and “loan words”.( )




How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to present those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words. The power of words, then, lies in their associations - the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something increases. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar. What is true about words?

:A、They are used to express feelings only

B、They can not be written down

C、They are simply sounds

D、They are mysterious.



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim: Students can understand the pronunciation of “ear”, and get some simple spelling rules.
Ability aim: Students can read the words with the pronunciation of “ear” correctly by listening and speaking. Ability of listening and speaking will be improved.
Emotional aim: Students can increase their interests in learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key points: Students can understand the pronunciation of “ear”, and how how to read the words contain “ear”, such as hear, near and etc.
Difficult points: Students can master the pronunciation of “ear” and read the related words correctly.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
Greeting the students.
Sing a song: Head shoulder keens and toes.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Show the chant and ask the students the question: Can you find the same letter combination in these words?
2. Listen to the tape and let students pay attention to the pronunciation of “ear”, and then ask the students question: what does “ear” sounds like in these words?
3. Teacher the pronunciation of “ear” ,and let students pay attention to the teacher’s mouth.
4. Game: Play the finger show to practice the new words.
Step 3: Practice
Find more words with “ear” such as tear, dear, clear... and ask students to try to read by themselves and then invite some of them to share with the class. The teacher should act the role of monitor.
Step4: Production
1. Ask students to make up their own sentences by using the words learned today, such as “He hears the bad news,and then his tears falls down. ”.
2. Reading competition: let students to read the chant as quickly as possible, and then let students choose the best one.
Step5: Summary and homework
1. Summary: ask students summary what have learned in the class.
2. Homework:
(1) read these word after class.
(2) Find more words with “ear” and make another chant.



Grades and Scores

1. How are you getting on with your studies?



—I can't see the words on the blackboard. —Perhaps you need _( )

A. How long ago did you get it this

B. How long have you been like this

C. How soon have you got it

D. How soon have you liked this



Grammar studies how words and phrases are grammatically organized and formed.()



回答下列各题 Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers learned that4-day-old could understand 26______and subtraction. Now, British research psychologist Graham Schaferhas discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak. He foundthat 9-month-old infants could be taught, through repeated show-and-tell, to 27______the names of objectsthat were foreign to them, a result that 28______in some ways the received wisdom that, apart from learningto29______ things common to their dally lives, children dont begin to build vocabulary until well into theirsecond year. "Its no 30______that children learn words, but the words they tend to know are words linkedto 31______situations in the home," explains Schafer. "This is the first demonstration that we can choosewhat words the children will learn and that they can respond to them with an unfamiliar voice 32______in anunfamiliar setting. " Figuring out how humans acquire language may 33______why some children learn to read and writelater than others, Schafer says, and could lead to better treatments for developmental problems. Whatsmore, the study of language 34______offers direct insight into how humans learn. "Language is a test casefor human cognitive development," says Schafer. But parents eager to teach their infants should takenote : even without being taught new words, a control group 35______the other infants within a few months."This is not about advancing development," he says. "Its just about what children can do at an earlierage than what educators have often thought. 第(26)题__________




Fluent and appropriate language use requires knowledge of _ and this suggests that we should teach lexical chunks rather than single words.

A. denotation
B. connotation
C. morphology
D. collocation

考查词汇教学。从传统的词汇学角度来讲,词义包括概念意义(denotative meaning)和关联意义(connotative meaning)。概念意义指的是词汇的字面意义,而关联意义指的是词汇的引申意义,通常会附加情感在其中。根据题干,表明我们应该进行词块教学而非单个词汇,而词块教学指的是学习单词是应该注意搭配,例如decrease to, decrease by分别意为“下降到”和“下降了”,可以判断出流利准确的语言要求具备搭配知识,故选D。


The study of the internal structure of words is ( )


