When defining a referential cons


When defining a referential constraint between the parent table T2 and the dependent table T1, which of the following is true?()

  • A、The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause can be a subset of the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2.
  • B、The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause can be a subset of the list of column names in the primary key of T1 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T1.
  • C、The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2.
  • D、The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T1 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T1.
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A) "ups" and "down"

B) "goods" and "bads"

C) "pros" and "cons"

D) "highs" and "lows"

[试题分析] 句意衔接题。
[详细解答] 根据生物钟的特点,谜里显然填入D项合理,同时,根据常识也可判断,正确答案为D。


When defining an application for AppFlow acceleration, which two must be configured on the WX device?()(Choose two.)

A. Define application type.

B. Enable AppFlow for the application.

C. Enable monitoring for the application.

D. Define source and destination IP addresses.

参考答案:A, B


Referential theory holds that a linguistic sign derives its meaning from that which refers to something in the reality.()




正确答案: 由于CONS是通过网络的虚拟线路传输方式来实现的,所以又称之为“虚线路服务”。为了提供这种服务,网络层必须具有能在源/宿端系统之间建立虚拟线路网络连结的功能。CLNS是通过网络的数据报传输方式来实现的,所以又称之为“数据报服务”。为了提供这种服务,网络层不必在源/宿端系统之间建立象虚拟线路那样的网络连结,故谓之“无连结的”服务。


The most suitable question type to check students′ comprehension and develop theircritical thinking is __________.

A.rhetorical questions

B.referential questions

C.close questions

D.display questions

考查课堂提问的类型。题干意思是:哪一种类型的问题最适合用于检测学生的理解以及培养他们的批判性思维rhetorical questions“反问句”,句子表面是疑问形式,但说话者的态度和意见很明确.并不需要听话者的回答;referential questions“参考性问题”.此类问题一般没有现成的答案.教师也没有明确的答案,提问的目的在于力求学生发散思维、寻求信息,一般包括推理、评价性的问题和批判、创造性的问题:closequestions“封闭性问题”,有固定答案且答案是唯一的,学生回答时借助再认或再现,通常用于强化巩固课堂:display questions“展示性问题”,这种问题的答案通常是唯一的,教师预先知道问题的答案.提问只是为了考查学生对语言知识的掌握情况,学生作答时只需凭借表层理解、短时记忆,或是快速查找课文.便能找到答案.一般包括对是非、对错的选择性问题和事实,回忆性问题。故选B。


When configuring resource access policies in a Junos Pulse Access Control Service device, which entry is permitted when defining the specific resources?()

A. Hostname

B. fully qualified domain name

C. IP address

D. address book entry



When defining a referential constraint between the parent table T2 and the dependent table T1, which of the following is true?()

A.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause can be a subset of the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2.

B.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause can be a subset of the list of column names in the primary key of T1 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T1.

C.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T2 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T2.

D.The list of column names in the FOREIGN KEY clause must be identical to the list of column names in the primary key of T1 or a UNIQUE constraint that exists on T1.



When defining a function activity, what is true about the Result Type?() (Choose two.)

A. Result Type is optional.

B. Result Type is mandatory.

C. Result Type can be changed after it is assigned to the function activity.

D. Result Type should belong to the same item type as the function activity

参考答案:A, C





What are the three main types of networks that must be considered when defining a security policy?

正确答案:Trusted, untrusted, unknown.
