The first step documented in’s HACMP test plan is to start the cluster manager on the normal service node and verify that HACMP daemons have started with the ’lssrc -g cluster" command. What daemons MUST show as active in the ’lssrc -g cluster" command to have an operational cluster?()
A cluster script failed because it was unable to set the hostname, and the Cluster Manager reported the event failure. What must be done prior to sue the "HACMP Problem Determination Tools" -> "Recover From Script Failure" to have the Cluster Manager resume cluster processing?()
An administrator is reviewing the /tmp/hacmp.out after an unsuccessful fallover and notice that the event stop_server PROD_DB failed. Besides manually intervening,what step must be performed to return the cluster to a stable state?()
An active PowerHA cluster was shutdown from C-SPOC with the "Unmanage Resource Groups" option. Afterthe operation successfully completes, what is the internal state of the cluster manager as shown by the lssrc -ls clstrmgrES command?()
A cluster node has been started and has not acquired the resources in the resource groups. Which log file will show the details of any event script processing that has occurred?()
A cluster administrator is performing fallover testing during a scheduled system outage. Node ’A’ Was forced down and eventually rebooted. When Node ’A’ reintegrates into the cluster, the resource group state is offline. No errors are found in reviewing the hacmp.out file. What could have been done to ensure the resource group was acquired when cluster processing was restarted on Node ’A’?()
第6题: has a cluster with nodes that support "hot swap" adapters. During an upgrade of The network infrastructure,an additional network adapter has been added to the nodes and configured in AIX. What is the next step required to add this adapter to HACMP?()
While performing a site survey to document the existing environment before implementing a new HACMP cluster, it was discovered that a port filtering firewall was being used to protect the production system. The plan is to continue using the firewall and add a second firewall to avoid a single point of failure. Each node in the two-node cluster will have all of its network adapters connected to the firewalls, and all connections to the nodes will pass through these firewalls. What must be considered about HACMP in a firewall environment?()
A new HACMP maintenance level has recently been released. An administrator is creating a project plan that is required for applying the updates for a three-node production cluster. To minimize downtime,what is the best way to accomplish the updates on all cluster nodes?()
An administrator runs clstat on a cluster node and receives the following response: ’Can not get Cluster Information.’ Which of the following daemons may need to be started in order to correct this problem?()
A step in the HACMP test plan is to gracefully stop the cluster on a node and to verify that the Shared resources fallover to the standby node. To prepare for this testing step, both nodes in the two-node cluster are in a stable state with the single resource group active on Node ’A’. Which of the following is the best way to execute this portion of the test plan?()