Customers return the product bec


Customers return the product because of()

  • A、Quantity  
  • B、Quality  
  • C、Quality control  
  • D、Quality unqualified
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Customers()refuse to filling the questionnaire are not permitted to buy the product .

A. what

B. which

C. Who



资料:Early Experiences
If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of?
Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location.
Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers.
Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness.
If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value.

What does approximate customers mean?

A.The nearest customers
B.The virtual customers
C.People that pretend to be customers
D.The VIPs

本题问的是“approximate customers(近似客户)是什么意思”。 A选项“最近的客户”;B选项“虚拟客户”;C选项“冒充客户的人”;D选项“重要客户”。根据主题句可知,本来应该用真实的客户评审产品,但有时候却用近似的人假装客户做这项工作,所以应该选择不是客户的选项,故C选项正确。


2 Chen Products produces four manufactured products: Products 1, 2, 3 and 4. The company’s risk committee recently

met to discuss how the company might respond to a number of problems that have arisen with Product 2. After a

number of incidents in which Product 2 had failed whilst being used by customers, Chen Products had been presented

with compensation claims from customers injured and inconvenienced by the product failure. It was decided that the

risk committee should meet to discuss the options.

When the discussion of Product 2 began, committee chairman Anne Ricardo reminded her colleagues that, apart from

the compensation claims, Product 2 was a highly profitable product.

Chen’s risk management committee comprised four non-executive directors who each had different backgrounds and

areas of expertise. None of them had direct experience of Chen’s industry or products. It was noted that it was

common for them to disagree among themselves as to how risks should be managed and that in some situations,

each member proposed a quite different strategy to manage a given risk. This was the case when they discussed

which risk management strategy to adopt with regard to Product 2.


(a) Describe the typical roles of a risk management committee. (6 marks)

(a) Typical roles of a risk management committee
The typical roles of a risk management committee are as follows:
To agree and approve the risk management strategy and policies. The design of risk policy will take into account the
environment, the strategic posture towards risk, the product type and a range of other relevant factors.
Receiving and reviewing risk reports from affected departments. Some departments will file regular reports on key risks (such
as liquidity assessments from the accounting department, legal risks from the company secretariat or product risks from the
sales manager).
Monitoring overall exposure and specific risks. If the risk policy places limits on the total risk exposure for a given risk then
this role ensures that limits are adhered to. In the case of certain strategic risks, monitoring could occur on a very frequent
basis whereas for more operational risks, monitoring will more typically occur to coincide with risk management committee
Assessing the effectiveness of risk management systems. This involves getting feedback from departments and the internal
audit function on the workings of current management and risk mitigation systems.
Providing general and explicit guidance to the main board on emerging risks and to report on existing risks. This will involve
preparing reports on apparent risks and assessing their probability of being realised and their potential impact if they do.
To work with the audit committee on designing and monitoring internal controls for the management and mitigation of risks.
If the risk committee is part of the executive structure, it will likely have an advisory role in respect of its input into the audit
committee. If it is non-executive, its input may be more directly influential.
[Tutorial note: other roles may be suggested that, if relevant, will be rewarded]


In addition to setting the price of a product, business firms must decide () to offer special discount and credit terms to their customers.







资料:Early Experiences
If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of?
Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location.
Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers.
Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness.
If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value.

Which of the following is true?

A.You should separate new and mature customers in testing your products.
B.Approximate customers are equally valuable as real users.
C.Salespeople have a lot of customer contact, so they have the same motivations as customers
D.Usability test aims to please the customers

本题的问题是“以下哪一项是正确?” A选项“在测试产品时,应该将新老客户分开。”;根据主题句1,应该在不影响新客户体验的前提下满足老客户的需求,因此不是将新老客户分开对待。B选项“近似客户和真实的使用者有同样的价值”;C选项“销售人员有许多的客户联系,因此他们和客户有同样的动机。”;根据主题句2 ,销售人员和客户没有相同的动机,使用销售人员代替客户是有风险的,可以推断出近似客户和真实的使用者没有同样的价值。D选项“可用性测试的目的是让客户满意”。A、B、C三个选项都被排除了,D选项符合文意,故选D。


What are three current business factors that are influencing customer decisions in making technology investments?()

A.number of product features

B.return on investment


D.regulation one costs

F.availability of budget

参考答案:B, C, D


资料:Early Experiences
If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of?
Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location.
Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers.
Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness.
If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value.

What is the main idea of this excerpt?

A.You need to get rid of all unneeded features or functionality.
B.You need to tailor to the need to mature users.
C.Your own assumptions are relevant.
D.You need actual users to test your products.

本题问的是“选段的主旨是什么?”。 A选项“你需要去掉所有不需要的特性或功能”;B选项“你需要迎合老顾客的需求”;C选项“你自己的设想意义重大”;D选项“你需要真实的使用者测试你的产品”。本文主要讲的是从客户的角度出发对产品进行测试,根据主题句可知,应该用真实的客户测试产品,才能获得真实有效的使用体验反馈。其它选项不能概括文章主旨。


()your customers what they need and more than they expect will lead customers to return to you.






资料:Early Experiences
If you've communicated a positive initial impression and customers decide to explore your product, can they discover the features and functions that help get them up to speed? Does your interface provide clear, streamlined paths free of unnecessary instructions, distracting visual elements, or unneeded features or functionality? Finally, how well does your product help customers get the benefits they want, or even lead them to benefits they were unaware of?
Testing helps determine if customers find the terminology clear and jargon-free; whether the page and content is organized logically from their perspective; if processes-such as registration, checkout or upgrading-are efficient and easy to use; and if it's clear how to cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location.
Over time, discovering shortcuts and advanced functionality will help mature customers do their jobs more quickly. You'll want to test how these options are communicated and ensure that they address the needs of these customers without impacting the experience of other customers.
Unless you test with actual users, your product team won't get a true perspective about what your product is like to use by the people who matter most the users themselves. This may seem obvious, but in many organizations, approximate customers-such as salespeople-are sometimes used to review products. After all, they have a lot of customer contact. But salespeople don't have the same motivations or context as customers. At best, this approach is risky. When you test with real users, usability tests ensure that all product stakeholders get a realistic, honest view of your product's effectiveness.
If you have never watched a customer use your product, you might be in for a surprise. "Obvious" product assumptions may be challenged, or you might find that customers think differently about what value means to them. Whatever you discover, you'll unearth information to develop products that are more likely to be ones that your customers value.

Testing has many benefits. Which of the followings is NOT one of them?

A.To determine whether the product is user-friendly.
B.To see if the process is simple enough for users to understand.
C.To learn about users' perspective.
D.To cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location.

本题的问题是“测试有许多益处,下列哪一项不是益处之一?” A选项“确定产品是否方便客户使用”;B选项“查看流程是否足够简单,使客户理解”;C选项“了解客户的观点”;D选项“取消流程或导航到特定的功能或位置”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,主题句中,A、B、C三个选项均有涉及,D选项测试不是为了取消流程或导航到特定的功能或位置,而是了解客户是否清楚如何操作,故选D。


In addition to setting the price of a product, business firms must decide () to offer special discount and credit terms to their customers.

  • A、if
  • B、which
  • C、whatever
  • D、whether

