What are the advantages for moto


What are the advantages for motor transportation? ()

  • A、Door-to-door service
  • B、Fast
  • C、Flexibility
  • D、A and C
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(b) What advantages and disadvantages might result from outsourcing Global Imaging’s HR function?

(8 marks)

(b) It is important to note that there is nothing in the nature of the activities carried out by HR staff and departments that prevents
outsourcing being looked at as a serious option. Indeed, amongst larger companies the outsourcing of some parts of the HR
function is already well under way, with one source estimating that HR outsourcing is growing by 27% each year. Paul,
therefore, needs to look at the HR activities identified above and assess the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing a
particular HR activity. Outsourcing certain parts of the recruitment process has long been accepted, with professional
recruitment agencies and ‘head-hunters’ being heavily involved in the advertising and short listing of candidates for senior
management positions. Some HR specialists argue that outsourcing much of the routine personnel work, including
maintaining employees’ records, frees the HR specialist to make a real contribution to the strategic planning process. One
study argues that ‘HR should become a partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution’.
If Paul is able to outsource the routine HR activities this will free him to contribute to the development of the growth strategy
and the critical people needs that strategy will require. In many ways the HR specialist is in a unique position to assess current
skills and capabilities of existing staff and the extent to which these can be ‘leveraged’ to achieve the desired strategy. In
Hamel and Prahalad’s terms this strategy is likely to ‘stretch’ the people resources of the company and require the recruitment
of additional staff with the relevant capabilities. Paul needs to show how long it will take to develop the necessary staff
resources as this will significantly influence the time needed to achieve the growth strategy.
Outsourcing passes on to the provider the heavy investment needed if the company sets up its own internal HR services with
much of this investment now going into web-based systems. The benefits are reduced costs and improved service quality.
The downside is a perceived loss of control and a reduced ability to differentiate the HR function from that of competitors.
Issues of employee confidentiality are also relevant in the decision to outsource.



What are the advantages and disadvantages of formal education? Make a list in the following chart.


●Embodies the principle of fairness and justice.

●Regularization of educational models and ease of operation.

●Train students to master super leaning and imitation ability.

●Deny the students' individuality, and classify them without teaching.

●The content of teaching is one sided and the pursuit of profit is blind.

● General attention is paid to Chinese, maths and English.


Bonar Paint to date has had no formal strategic planning process.

(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing a formal mission statement to guide Bonar Paint’s

future direction after the buyout? (10 marks)

(d) The change in ownership represents a major change in the life of any organisation and the opportunity to convince the various
stakeholders of the strategic direction the firm is going in should not be missed. Mission statements are not something that
can be created at five minutes notice and once created need to be revisited to ensure they are still relevant and engaging.
Some experts argue that the mission can only be developed once the firm’s competitive strategy has been developed. Others
argue that it is the starting point for the whole strategic planning process.
A mission statement expresses the purpose of the business and great care will need to be taken to clarify the new role and
status of the buyout directors. Two other critical stakeholders are the workforce and the customers – alienation of either group
will have serious consequences for the firm. Customers need to be convinced that they should stay with the firm and staff
that there is a future for them in the new set up. Bonar Paint needs to ensure that its reputation for customer care is part of
the statement.
The strategy of the firm in terms of where and how it is going to compete again should create confidence in the key
stakeholders. Developing this clear sense of where Bonar Paint is going and how it is going to get there will be of particular
interest to its financial backers. Expressing the mission of the business will be a key part of any business plan. Bonar Paint
may also choose to emphasise the standards of behaviour that will underpin the way it does business. This may include an
explicit commitment to innovative products and customer service. Once again the impact and relevance to both internal and
external stakeholders is important.
Finally, the buyout managers have to convince stakeholders that the culture and values associated with that culture will be
retained after the change in ownership. Bonar Paint, under the Bonar brothers’ ownership and direction, did not feel that
strategic planning was a necessary activity. A succinct and meaningful mission statement may be an excellent way to
communicate the new ownership and sense of purpose in Bonar Paint.
Creating mission statements that convey a sense of purpose may not be easy for the buyout team. The time spent creating
the statement has to have positive outcomes or it will be time wasted. Creating such a statement with no previous experience
increases the difficulties. Seeing it as an integral part of a strategic planning process is important. Care must be taken to
involve other stakeholders in the process or statements may be made with little meaning for them. The degree of involvement
is also significant; most stakeholders are more likely to be useful as ‘sounding boards’ for testing and refining the statement.
The danger is that a statement is produced that few stakeholders buy into and does not affect attitudes or behaviours towardBonar Paint.


What are two advantages that the Cisco SA 520 all-in-one UTM security device has over implementing a typical router in a small business network?()

  • A、 Cisco Intrusion Prevention System
  • B、 higher bandwidth
  • C、 virtual private networks
  • D、 access control lists
  • E、 URL filtering



What are some of the advantages of using a cassette recorder?
Some of the advantages of using a cassette recorder are:
First, it gives the students the chance to listen to a variety of voices apart from the teacher’s, and it brings native speakers’ voices into the classroom.
Second, recorded material is useful for listening to dialogues, interviews, discussions, etc. where there is more than one person speaking at the same time. Otherwise the teacher has to act the part of more than one person.
Third, it is very useful for intensive listening, because the cassette can be stopped and a phrase played over and over again. This kind of listening is called intensive listening.


(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using franchising to develop La Familia Amable budget hotel

chain? (8 marks)

(b) Franchising is typically seen as a quick and cost effective way of growing the business but Ramon should be aware of both
the advantages and disadvantages of using it as the preferred method of growth. Franchised chains are argued to benefit from
the sort of brand recognition and economies of scale not enjoyed by independent owner/managers. When combined with the
high levels of motivation normally associated with owner/managed businesses, franchises can be argued to get the best of
both worlds.
Franchising is defined as ‘a contractual agreement between two legally independent companies whereby the franchisor grants
the right to the franchisee to sell the franchisor’s product or do business under its trademarks in a given location for a specified
period of time. In return, the franchisee agrees to pay the franchisor a combination of fees, usually including an up-front
franchise fee, royalties calculated as a percentage of unit revenues, and an advertising conbribution that is also usually a
percentage of unit sales.’
Ramon is considering a type of franchising called ‘business-format franchising’, where the franchisor sells a way of doing
business to its franchisees. Business-format franchising is a model frequently found in the fast food and restaurant industry,
hotels and motels, construction and maintenance, and non-food retailing. Often these franchises are labour intensive and
relatively small-scale operations.
Franchising is seen as a safer alternative to growing the business organically, so while this may be true of well established
global franchises, failure rates among franchised small businesses were greater than those of independent businesses (in one
US study a 34·7% failure rate for franchises as opposed to 28·0% for independents over a six or seven year period). Often
it is the failure of the franchisor that brings down its franchisees. Failure stems from the franchisee not only having to rely on
their own skills and enthusiasm but also the capacity of the franchisor and other franchisees to make the overall operation
The advantages to the franchisee are through gaining access to a well-regarded brand name that will generate a higher level
of demand and use of a tried and tested business model that should reduce the franchisee’s operating costs. Both of these
benefits stem from being a member of a well-established franchised system. Yet La Familia Amable along with many other
franchises will be new and small. These smaller franchises tend to be regional in scope, and fairly unknown outside their
regional market. This has a significant effect on what the franchisees can expect to gain from their franchisors and their
prospects of success. Both parties need to carefully assess the strengths and weaknesses of the system. Companies growing
via franchises need to take the time to understand their business model thoroughly and determine how franchising fits with
their long-term strategy. Care must be taken with the franchise agreement that creates a genuine partnership with the rightbalance between freedom and control over the franchisees.


Which of the following describes the paradox of the schools?

A.Discrepancy between what they say and what they do.
B.Differences between teachers' problems and schools' problems.
C.Advantages and disadvantages of students’ learning opportunities.
D.Students' perception and the reality of their performance on assessments.

细节题。根据关键词定位到第四段。根据原文“Their achievement results fed into the implicit mission of schools:the greater the spread of achievement among students, the more it reinforcedthe rank order. This is why, if some students gave up and stopped trying (even dropped out of school),that wasregarded as the student's problem, not the teacher's or the school's.”可知,学生之间成绩流传得越广,成绩的排名就越固定。结合前文及此处内容,也就是说成绩决定了学生学习的态度,态度决定了他们的排名表现。故本题选D。


There is considerable evidence that small firms are reluctant to carry out strategic planning in their businesses.

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages for Gould and King Associates in creating and implementing a

strategic plan? (8 marks)

(b) Clearly, there is a link between the ability to write a business plan and the willingness, or otherwise, of small firms to carry
out strategic planning. Whilst writing a business plan may be a necessity in order to acquire financial support, there is much
more question over the benefits to the existing small business, such as Gould and King, of carrying out strategic planning.
One of the areas of greatest debate is whether carrying out strategic planning leads to improved performance. Equally
contentious is whether the formal rational planning model is worthwhile or whether strategy is much more of an emergent
process, with the firm responding to changes in its competitive environment.
One source argues that small firms may be reluctant to create a strategic plan because of the time involved; small firms may
find day-to-day survival and crisis management prevents them having the luxury of planning where they mean to be over the
next few years. Secondly, strategic plans may also be viewed as too restricting, stopping the firm responding flexibly and
quickly to opportunities and threats. Thirdly, many small firms may feel that they lack the necessary skills to carry out strategic
planning. Strategic planning is seen as a ‘big’ firm process and inappropriate for small firms. Again, there is evidence to
suggest that owner-managers are much less aware of strategic management tools such as SWOT, PESTEL and mission
statements than their managers. Finally, owner-managers may be reluctant to involve others in the planning process, which
would necessitate giving them access to key information about the business. Here there is an issue of the lack of trust and
openness preventing the owner-manager developing and sharing a strategic plan. Many owner-managers may be quite happy
to limit the size of the business to one which they can personally control.
On the positive side there is evidence to show that a commitment to strategic planning results in speedier decision making,
a better ability to introduce change and innovation and being good at managing change. This in turn results in better
performance including higher rates of growth and profits, clear indicators of competitive advantage. If Gould and King arelooking to grow the business as suggested, this means some strategic planning will necessarily be involved


What are two advantages that the Cisco 3900 Series Integrated Services Routers have over the rest of the integrated services routers? ()

  • A、 Telepresence-capable
  • B、 high-density service virtualization
  • C、 intelligent integration of security
  • D、 wireless services
  • E、 unified communications



An IBM Business Partner has been asked to present an Infrastructure Simplification solution to theCEO. On what should the presentation focus?()

  • A、the benefits of data archiving 
  • B、the advantages of On Demand storage 
  • C、the advantages of TSM over competitive products 
  • D、the advantages of storage virtualization solutions

