rebound phenomenon


rebound phenomenon

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The purpose of two questions in the second paragraph is to ________.

[A] demonstrate why people are amused

[B] display what people laugh at

[C] bring to light the phenomenon of laughter

[D] accent what a phenomenon laughter really is



The official statistics on productivity growth ________.

[A] exclude the usual rebound in a business cycle

[B] fall short of businessmen’s anticipation

[C] meet the expectation of business people

[D] fail to reflect the true state of economy

47. [B] 意为:与商人的预想不符。或:不像商人预想的那样好。
第二段指出,官方的统计数字也并不怎么乐观,如果将制造业和服务业算在一起(lump... together),1989年以来生产率平均增长了 1.2%,比前十年的平均指数略有增长;1991年后,生产率每年增长约 2%,是1978年至 1987年这十年平均指数的一倍多。然而问题是:最近显示出的增长部分是由商业领域里此时出现的正常的反弹造成的,因此,不能将它看作是更深层的(当指生产率)振兴的证据。正如财政部长鲁宾所说的那样,一方面,大量的商业神话似乎表明生产率的激增(leap),另一方面,(官方的)统计数字又是另一番景象,二者之间存在着一个“差距”(disjunction)。定位到第二段的这几句:There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a "disjunction" between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.其意思是:正如财政部长罗伯特?鲁宾所说的,生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”。商业传奇即是说大量的商业神话似乎表明生产率的激增(leap)。因此,可以得出结论,经济发展的实际情况和商人们所塑造的神话有脱节,即联系到了B 选项。
   A意为:排除了商业领域里出现的正常的反弹。此选项定位到了原文第二段中的 The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle,意思是:近年发生的生产力快速增长部分是由于商业周期通常到了这时候就会出现的反弹造成的。但是官方统计时并未排除此反弹,在原文中没有根据。原文只是说这个反弹是个 trouble,但是并未说找个 trouble被排除了。
   C意为:与商人预想的一致。这个与B 选项正好矛盾,参考B 选项的解释。
   D 意为:没有准确地反映经济的状况。该选项的说法太笼统了,虽然由原文得出了“脱节”的结论,但是请注意,是生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”,而不是该官方统计与经济情况存在脱节。至少,原文并未说该统计不准确,而只是说该统计与商人们预料的不符。


Now more people are buying lottery tickets. Study the following charts carefully and write an article on the topic of lottery. In your article, you should cover the following points: 1) describe the phenomenon; 2) analyze the phenomenon, and give your comments on it. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


二、      参考范文

Nowadays, more and more people, especially in big cities, become interested in buying lottery tickets. According to chart 1, averagely 70 percent of those polled in the survey, held in three big cities, claimed to have dreamed of winning the big prize of five-million yuan. 85 percent of those polled in Guangzhou had had such a dream, compared with 65 percent and 60 percent, respectively, in Beijing and Shanghai.

The attraction of buying lottery tickets is obvious. The winner can get the biggest profit for the future with only a small investment. It realizes the beautiful dream of every participant-to be richer and to improve living standards. As is shown in Chart 2, should they win a big lottery, 81.3% of people would buy a new house, 61.9% would buy a car, and 61.7% would save the money for the education of themselves or their kids. And a great proportion of people say they would put the money in the bank or use it for investment or touring. Despite all the attractions brought by the lottery buying, it has also come under criticism. Some regard it as a kind of gambling, which is a potentially addictive behaviour.

In my opinion, buying lottery tickets is not so bad as some people think. Instead, it is good for society by creating new jobs and representing an important source of income for charity and sports causes. Of course, it is not a means of making money for individuals we should encourage, because the result is hardly predictable. Therefore, we should take a positive but cautious attitude towards lottery buying behavior.



正确答案: 即图利奥现象,外淋巴瘘时,强声刺激可引起眩晕或头昏,称为Tullio现象。


请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英文短文。 On college campuses across the nation, there is a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore: far too many young college students lack the sense of gratitude. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?



People often assume that a decision is fin______(isolate)phenomenon.

isolated[解析] isolate为动词,isolated为形容词,出现了不定冠词an,所以an+adj+phenomenon。


Perhaps the most significant postwar trend was the decentralization of cities throughout the UnitedStates,( )when massive highway-building programs permitted greater suburban growth.

A.and accelerated a phenomenon
B.a phenomenon that accelerated
C.accelerating a phenomenon which
D.the acceleration of which phenomenon

考查同位语结构。a phenomenon是the decentralization of cities throughout the United States的同位语。A项中and为连词,后面应该连接一个完整的句子,但缺主语,故错误。C项语序混乱,which后不能接when引导的时间状语从句。D项中of which作介词宾语,后面应该接一个完整的句子,但只有phenomenon 一个主语,句子不完整,因此错误。故本题选B。句意:可能战后最重大的趋势就是美国城市的分散化,当大规模高速公路建设项目促进了郊区的发展时,这种现象就更明显了。


何博礼现象 heoppli phenomenon

正确答案:在血吸虫病中,虫卵周围常常可见到抗原抗体复合物反应,用苏木素伊红染色的肝切片标本中,虫卵周围可见红色放射状条纹。 异位血吸虫病:日本血吸虫虫卵沉积在门脉系统以外的组织、器官形成虫卵肉芽肿引起的损害称为异位损害,所患的疾病称为异位血吸虫病。


反跳痛(rebound tenderness)



Tullio’s phenomenon

正确答案: 即图利奥现象,是指强声刺激诱发出眩晕与眼球震颤。
