Lying under the skull, the human brain contains an average o

Lying under the skull, the human brain contains an average of the ten billion nerve cells called().



nerve system




cerebral cortex

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The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that ______.

A. individuals with identical brains seldom test at the same level

B. an individual's intelligence is determined solely by his environment

C. children reared under average conditions possess average intelligence

D. lack of opportunity hinders the growth of intelligence

答案为D。根据最后一句,Given equal opportunities,the twins,having identical brains, would have tested at roughly the same level作出该项选择。


The author uses the example of a monkey to argue that robots are

A expected to copy human brain in internal structure.

B able to perceive abnormalities immediately.

C far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information.

D best used in a controlled environment.



According to the text, Jeffers is probably _______. 【 】

A. a computer programmer

B. a test subject

C. a human brain expert

D. a medical doctor



Albert Einstein's Brain

1.It doesn't take an Einstein to recognize that Albert Einstein's brain was very different from yours and mine.The gray matter housed inside that shaggy head managed to revolutionize our concepts of time,space,motion一the very foundations of physical reality一not just once but several times during his astonishing career. Yet while there clearly had to be something remarkable about Einstein's brain,the pathologist who removed it from the great physicist's skull after his death reported that the organ was,to all appearances,well within the normal range一no bigger or heavier than anyone else's.
2.But a new analysis of Einstein's brain by Canadian scientists,reported in the current Lancet, reveals that it has some distinctive physical characteristics after all. A portion of the brain that governs mathematical ability and spatial reasoning一two key ingredients to the sort of thinking Einstein did best一was significantly larger than average and may also have had more interconnections among its cells,which could have allowed them to work together more effectively.
3.In 1996,Harvey gave much of his data and a significant fraction of the tissue itself to Dr. Sandra Witelson,a neuroscientist who maintains a"brain bank"at McMaster for comparative studies of brain structure and function.These normal,undiseased brains,willed to science by people whose intelligence had been carefully measured before death, gave Witelson a solid set of benchmarks against which to measure the seat of Einstein's brilliant thoughts.Not only was Einstein's inferior parietal region unusually bulky the scientists found,but a feature called the Sylvian fissure was much smaller than average.Without this groove that normally slices through the tissue,the brain cells were packed close together,permitting more interconnections一which in principle can permit more cross-referencing of information and idea, leading to great leaps of insight.
4.That's the idea,anyway.But while it's quite plausible according to current neurological theory,that doesn't necessarily,make it true.We know Einstein was a genius,and we now know that his brain was physically different from the average.But none of this proves a cause-and-effect relationship."What you really need,"says McLean's Benes,"is to look at the brains of a number of mathematical geniuses to see if the same abnormalities are present."
5.Even if they are,it's possible that the bulked一up brains are a result of strenuous mental exercise,not an inherent feature that makes genius possible.Bottom line:we still don't know whether Einstein was born with an extraordinary mind or whether he earned it,one brilliant idea at a time.

Paragraph 3________
A:The Information
B:The Different in Structure
C:The Conclusion
D:The Research in Einstein's Brain
E:Normal Brain in Size and Weight

第四段的第二句是“while it's quite plausible...that doesn't necessarily make it true",所以选A。


Passage Four
Thediscovery of a dwarfed(矮个子)"humanbeing"who lived in Flores,Indonesia,up to 18,000 years ago is changingthe way we think about the human family.This"Flores Human"was threefoot tall and her brain was smaller than that of the average chimp(黑猩猩),yet she and her relatives apparently lived fully human lives.They seem to have made tools,worked together to find food and cook it,andperhaps even burried their dead with ceremony.
It was a major surprise to find tools associated with the newhuman family member.The tools are like those formerly seen only with Europeanfossils(化石)from our own species;Homo sapiens(智人);and the oldest of them were made 9,400 years ago.Homo sapiens isthought to have arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late tobe responsible for the tools.If this tiny human made the tools,then theinside structure(结构)of its brain must have been morelike our own than a chimp′s,despite being just a third the size of ours.
This"new human"was suspected to be a dwarfed branch ofHomo erectus(直立人,).When creatures are separated in regionswith rare resources but few enemies,being big is a disadvantage,and evolutiontends to shrink them,a process known as island dwarfing.Could naturalselection make a human smaller while keeping--even improving--mental ability?Quite possibly,believes Christopher Wills of the University of California.
Has the"Flores Human"even shown the ability oflanguage?"I find it difficult to imagine that people could make tools,use fire,and kill large animals without fairly advanced communication,"Wills says.Did"Flores Human"possess the basic components of humanculture--such as the burying of the dead with ceremony?Emiliano Bruner of theItalian Institute points out that Indonesia′s hot,wet environment is bad forfossilization.It is reasonable to assume,he says,that the 18,000-year-oldbones of the most complete Flores woman were well-preserved because she wasburied with special care.

According to the passage,"Flores Human"__

A.lived a partly human life
B.was a branch of Homo sapiens
C.used tools before Homo sapiens arrived
D.had a brain as large as a commonchimp's

依据在第二段中,比较隐蔽,根据“Homo sapiens is thought tohave arrived in the island about 4,000 years ago,much too late to be responsible for the tools.”可知答案为C项。也可以用排除法,A、B、D三项与文章内容矛盾。


____________, Newton was thinking and thinking.

A、He lied under the apple tree

B、Laying under the apple tree

C、He laid under the apple tree

D、Lying under the apple tree



A charter-party usually contains a clause stating that the master is to be under the orders of the ______ as regards employment,agency or other arrangements.







On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?

[A] Non-Americans add to the average height of the nation.

[B] Human height is conditioned by the upright posture.

[C] Americans are the tallest on average in the world.

[D] Larger babies tend to become taller in adulthood.


题干中提到“most probably..”,通过排出法,可以确定B为最佳选项。


Albert Einstein's Brain

1.It doesn't take an Einstein to recognize that Albert Einstein's brain was very different from yours and mine.The gray matter housed inside that shaggy head managed to revolutionize our concepts of time,space,motion一the very foundations of physical reality一not just once but several times during his astonishing career. Yet while there clearly had to be something remarkable about Einstein's brain,the pathologist who removed it from the great physicist's skull after his death reported that the organ was,to all appearances,well within the normal range一no bigger or heavier than anyone else's.
2.But a new analysis of Einstein's brain by Canadian scientists,reported in the current Lancet, reveals that it has some distinctive physical characteristics after all. A portion of the brain that governs mathematical ability and spatial reasoning一two key ingredients to the sort of thinking Einstein did best一was significantly larger than average and may also have had more interconnections among its cells,which could have allowed them to work together more effectively.
3.In 1996,Harvey gave much of his data and a significant fraction of the tissue itself to Dr. Sandra Witelson,a neuroscientist who maintains a"brain bank"at McMaster for comparative studies of brain structure and function.These normal,undiseased brains,willed to science by people whose intelligence had been carefully measured before death, gave Witelson a solid set of benchmarks against which to measure the seat of Einstein's brilliant thoughts.Not only was Einstein's inferior parietal region unusually bulky the scientists found,but a feature called the Sylvian fissure was much smaller than average.Without this groove that normally slices through the tissue,the brain cells were packed close together,permitting more interconnections一which in principle can permit more cross-referencing of information and idea, leading to great leaps of insight.
4.That's the idea,anyway.But while it's quite plausible according to current neurological theory,that doesn't necessarily,make it true.We know Einstein was a genius,and we now know that his brain was physically different from the average.But none of this proves a cause-and-effect relationship."What you really need,"says McLean's Benes,"is to look at the brains of a number of mathematical geniuses to see if the same abnormalities are present."
5.Even if they are,it's possible that the bulked一up brains are a result of strenuous mental exercise,not an inherent feature that makes genius possible.Bottom line:we still don't know whether Einstein was born with an extraordinary mind or whether he earned it,one brilliant idea at a time.

The structure of brain________.
A:that doesn't necessarily make it true
B:the cells of mathematics
C:was born with an extraordinary mind or he earned it
D:allow the cells work together more effectively
E:is the same as the averages in size and weight

第四段的第二句是“while it's quite plausible...that doesn't necessarily make it true",所以选A。


The brain’s neurological specialization for language is called linguistic I (), which is specific to human beings.
