Practice 4  Europeans have long aspired to end American domi

Practice 4  Europeans have long aspired to end American dominance as the world’s economic leader. The single market and the euro are widely seen as essential steps in this direction. But is Europe ready to lead? Do Europeans understand what it would take?  Despite a budding recovery, the United States is hardly the model of economic health that it once was. On several issues—from steel tariffs to the resurgent deficit to shady corporate practices—America has demonstrated a growing failure of leadership. Over the past two decades the United States has shown what it takes to be an economic superpower—a strong currency, openness to imports, concessions in trade negotiations and articulating an economic philosophy for the rest of the world. Now that it’s apparently fading on so many counts, the question becomes: is Europe willing and prepared to do what the United States once did, in order to supplant it?  First the exchange-rate issue. The euro will probably continue strengthening against the dollar, if only because of America’s huge and growing $400 billion-a-year current-account deficit. This means that, every year, the United States borrows about 4 percent of its GDP on world markets. If international investors lose confidence in the U.S. economy, fewer people will want to hold dollar assets. The dollar will fall—and the euro will appreciate.  This may be a normal market cycle, but there will be consequences. Among others, European companies will see their U.S. profits erode. What happens if the dollar falls farther and faster than anticipated? Are European industrial companies ready to compete with a euro worth $1.10, $1.15 or $1.25? The flip side of the much-desired strong euro would almost certainly be a surge in imports from the United States and the rest of the world. Exports might fall, resulting in job losses—perhaps even a trade deficit for the European Union.  Europeans are rightfully angry at new U.S. steel tariffs. But given the sheer size of America’s trade deficit, Washington’s policies are actually relatively moderate. The question remains: if Europe were in a similar position, would its voters and politicians be equally sensitive to what’s best for the global economy? Would European politicians be able to face the incredible pressures that would build for protectionist measures if it were Europe, and not the United States, that ran a persistent trade deficit? Not likely, I fear.  America’s retreat from its leading role presents an opportunity for the European Union. Trouble is, its political institutions have yet to mature to the point where they can resolve trade disputes, say, by looking beyond the immediate and narrow self-interests of its member states.  Europe’s chance for economic leadership may come sooner than expected. But too many Europeans haven’t yet grasped the basic secret of America’s leadership—the hard work and tough choices that are involved. That’s what Europeans now face, in this season of elections and decision making that will shape their future. Let’s hope they recognize that such sacrifices will pay off for them, as well as for the rest of the world.
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From this passage we know that______.

A. every American cannot have guns.

B. only soldiers and police can have guns.

C. every American citizen can own guns.

D. teachers have no money to buy guns.


45.答案为C  从文中介绍的校园枪击案的严重程度可知其中原因之一是美国对枪支的持有没有严格的限制,才造成枪击行为的失控。


We ear comude from the text that .

A. American cities are changing far the worse

B. people have different views on American cities

C. many people are now moving from American cities

D. the population is decreasing in older American cities



American floors don’t have a ( ).







Could you tell me ()?

A、how long you live here

B、how long have you lived here

C、how long you have lived here

D、how long did you live here



The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of ______________ to the outbreak of ____________.

A.the 17th century … the American War of Independence

B.the 18th century … the American Civil War

C.the 17th century … the American Civil War

D.the 18th century … the U.S.– Mexican War

正确答案: B


Ms. Markova’s comments suggest that the practice of standard testing

A, prevents new habits form. being formed

B, no longer emphasizes commonness

C, maintains the inherent American thinking model

D, complies with the American belief system



Ryan’s comments suggest that the practice of standard testing

A.prevents new habits from being formed. longer emphasizes commonness.

C.maintains the inherent American thinking mode.

D.complies with the American belief system.



I am not sure how long they _____.

A.have married

B.have been married

C.have got married




Now read the passageand decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). HELPING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAKE FRIENDS One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends. Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder. Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties, sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together. She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students. She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career.

1. A study showed that 38% foreign students had many close American friends.()

2. Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students.()

3.Ms. Gareis thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship.()

4.Ms. Gareis says the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term.()

5.Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships.()

参考答案:1:F; 2:T; 3:T; 4:F; 5:T


By the end of last year China’s foreign reserves ____ $4 trillion.

A: have reached

B: had reached

C: reached

D: would reach

