What must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in

What must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook after conducting a boat drill? ()

Which survival craft was used in the drill


The number of each lifeboat not lowered during each drill


Only the number of each motor propelled lifeboat that is lowered


The length of time an oar propelled lifeboat is rowed

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The Master or person in charge of a ship is required to log ______.

A.the names of all persons on board

B.only the names of the crew members on board

C.only the names of passengers on board

D.information on emergency training drills



In the case of an injury causing a person to be incapacitated,the Master or person in charge of a mobile offshore drilling unit must submit a report to the ______.

A.nearest Marine Safety or Marine Inspection Office

B.nearest hospital

C.Department of Energy

D.American Bureau of Shipping



Prior to burning or welding on a fuel tank on a ship,regulations require that an inspection be made. An entry in the unofficial logbook is required if this inspection is made by ______.

A.a marine chemist

B.the Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection

C.the Master or person in charge of the ship

D.the National Fire Protection Association



When must the Master or person in charge of a ship log the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the logbook?

A.Once a day

B.At the change of every watch

C.Only when in fresh or brackish water

D.Prior to getting underway



Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must ______.

A.conduct a fire drill

B.conduct a boat drill

C.log the fore and aft draft marks

D.test the emergency generator



If a fixed foam firefighting system on a ship is not of the premix type,a sample of the foam liquid must be tested by ______.

A.a Coast Guard inspection officer

B.the safety man aboard the unit

C.the designated person in charge of the unit

D.the manufacturer or his authorized representative



Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting,disconnecting,and topping off must be supervised by ______.

A.any certificated tankerman

B.the Master of the vessel

C.the officer of the watch

D.the person designated as person in charge



What must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook after conducting a boat drill?

A.Which survival craft was used in the drill

B.The number of each lifeboat not lowered during each drill

C.Only the number of each motor propelled lifeboat that is lowered

D.The length of time an oar propelled lifeboat is rowed



It is the responsibility of the Master or person in charge of a ship to ensure that ______.

A.the station bill is posted in each compartment

B.temporary personnel and visitors are advised of emergency stations

C.names of crew members are listed on the station bill

D.no changes are made to the station bill



The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows the ______.

A.Date and description of each failure

B.Average load in pounds for each usage

C.Total number of lifts for each usage

D.All of the above

