High winds
Fire aboard
All of the above
Which factor(s) might indicate that a towline should be removed from service?
A.Visible damage to the towline,including fishhooks
B.Measurements showing a decrease in diameter
C.A surface condition of corrosion and discoloration
D.All of the above
During which condition should the operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations ________.
A.Bunkering barge alongside
B.Potable water spill on deck
C.Crane hydraulic hose bursts
D.Trim greater than 4 feet
Operator overloading operator+= which appends another String instance into current String
An operator wants to move all files inside the directory /home/operator to the current directory. Which of the following commands will complete the task?()
Which of the following commands should be used to monitor disk utilization during the time a system is experiencing a disk I/O performance problem?()
Which safety precaution(s)should be observed during crane operations ________.
A.Checking for proper lifting from beneath the load during cargo operations
B.Using the proper slings or other lifting devices during cargo operations
C.Relaying communications to port agents on the pier during cargo hoists
D.All of the above
During which condition should be operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations?
B.High winds
C.Potable water spill on deck
D.More than 3°list
A. mv /home/operator .
B. mv /home/operator/* .
C. mv /home/operator ../..
D. mv /home/operator/all ../home/operator
AIX 5L and SUN Solaris have differing approaches at handling processor failures. Which statement best describes how AIX handles processor failures?()
You work in a company which uses SQL Server 2008. You are the administrator of the company database. Now you are in charge of a SQL Server 2008 instance. A new SQL Agent job has been created by you. The job includes a Windows PowerShell job step which transfer data between servers by using the SQLCmd utility. If the job fails, you must make sure that an operator named ReactGroup is informed by receiving an e-mail. So what action should you perform to achieve this goal? ()