The color of rockets,shells,or rocket parachute flares used

The color of rockets,shells,or rocket parachute flares used to indicate that the vessel is in distress and requires immediate assistance is().








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Rockets in the Sky
If someone asked you,"What color is the sky?"I expect that you would answer,"Blue."I am afraid that you would be wrong.The sky has no color.When we see blue,we are looking at blue sunlight.The sunlight is shining on little bits of dust in the air.
We know that there is air all around the world.We could not breathe without air.Airplanes could not fly without air.They need air to lift their wings.Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner.If we go far enough away from the earth,we find there is no air.
What is the sky?The sky is space.In this space there is nothing except the sun,the moon and all the stars. Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in the space.They have looked at them through telescopes and in this way they have found out a great deal.The moon is about 384 ,000 kilometers away from the earth.An airplane cann't fly to the moon but there is a thing that can fly even when there is no air. This is rocket.
I am sure that you are asking,"How does a rocket fly?"If you want to know,get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big.Do not tie up the neck of the balloon.Let go!The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly.The air inside the balloon tries to get out.It rushes out through the neck of the balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air.It does not need wings like an airplane.
This is how a rocket works.It is not made of rubber(橡胶)like a balloon,of course.It is made of metal. The metal must not be heavy but it must be very strong.There is gas inside the rocket which is made very hot. When it rushes out of the end of the rocket,the rocket is pushed up into the air.
Rockets can fly far out into space.Rockets with men inside them have already reached the moon.Several rockets,without men inside them,have been sent to other worlds much farther away.One day rockets may be able to go anywhere in the space.

Which of the following statements about a rocket is NOT true?
A:It can fly when there is no air.
B:It can fly without wings.
C:It is made of strong metal.
D:It is propelled by burning gas inside it.

根据第二段第五句“Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner.”可知,由于位置越高,空气越稀薄,飞机飞不了太高。
根据第六段最后一句“When it rushes out of the end of the rocket , the rocket is pushed upinto the air.”可知,火箭是由热气流高速向后喷出所产生的反作用力来推动的,而不是由内部燃烧的气体推动的。
根据第六段最后一句可知,当热气从火箭尾部冲出时,火箭被送人空中。C项中的“itsbottom”是第六段最后一句中的“the end of the rocket”的同义转换。


According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true of colours?

A Colors are encoded in girls' DNA

B Blue used to be regarded as the color for girls

C Pink used to be a neutral color in symbolizing genders

D White is preferred by babies




  • A、5针DINS接口
  • B、15针母D-shells接口
  • C、9针公D-shells接口
  • D、25针母D-shells接口



Which of the following is a reason black toner is used in color printers?()

  • A、It decreases the print speed in color laser printers.
  • B、It prevents moir patterns when printing color photographs.
  • C、It reduces the cost per page when printing gray scale documents.
  • D、It makes the color toner resistant to smudging when wet.



Rockets in the Sky
If someone asked you,"What color is the sky?"I expect that you would answer,"Blue."I am afraid that you would be wrong.The sky has no color.When we see blue,we are looking at blue sunlight.The sunlight is shining on little bits of dust in the air.
We know that there is air all around the world.We could not breathe without air.Airplanes could not fly without air.They need air to lift their wings.Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner.If we go far enough away from the earth,we find there is no air.
What is the sky?The sky is space.In this space there is nothing except the sun,the moon and all the stars. Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in the space.They have looked at them through telescopes and in this way they have found out a great deal.The moon is about 384 ,000 kilometers away from the earth.An airplane cann't fly to the moon but there is a thing that can fly even when there is no air. This is rocket.
I am sure that you are asking,"How does a rocket fly?"If you want to know,get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big.Do not tie up the neck of the balloon.Let go!The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly.The air inside the balloon tries to get out.It rushes out through the neck of the balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air.It does not need wings like an airplane.
This is how a rocket works.It is not made of rubber(橡胶)like a balloon,of course.It is made of metal. The metal must not be heavy but it must be very strong.There is gas inside the rocket which is made very hot. When it rushes out of the end of the rocket,the rocket is pushed up into the air.
Rockets can fly far out into space.Rockets with men inside them have already reached the moon.Several rockets,without men inside them,have been sent to other worlds much farther away.One day rockets may be able to go anywhere in the space.

When an airplane flies too high,______.
A:the air will be too thin to support its wings
B:the air will become thicker
C:the air will exert pressure on it
D:the air will disappear in no time

根据第二段第五句“Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner.”可知,由于位置越高,空气越稀薄,飞机飞不了太高。
根据第六段最后一句“When it rushes out of the end of the rocket , the rocket is pushed upinto the air.”可知,火箭是由热气流高速向后喷出所产生的反作用力来推动的,而不是由内部燃烧的气体推动的。
根据第六段最后一句可知,当热气从火箭尾部冲出时,火箭被送人空中。C项中的“itsbottom”是第六段最后一句中的“the end of the rocket”的同义转换。


Rockets in the Sky
If someone asked you,"What color is the sky?"I expect that you would answer,"Blue."I am afraid that you would be wrong.The sky has no color.When we see blue,we are looking at blue sunlight.The sunlight is shining on little bits of dust in the air.
We know that there is air all around the world.We could not breathe without air.Airplanes could not fly without air.They need air to lift their wings.Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner.If we go far enough away from the earth,we find there is no air.
What is the sky?The sky is space.In this space there is nothing except the sun,the moon and all the stars. Scientists have always wanted to know more about the other worlds in the space.They have looked at them through telescopes and in this way they have found out a great deal.The moon is about 384 ,000 kilometers away from the earth.An airplane cann't fly to the moon but there is a thing that can fly even when there is no air. This is rocket.
I am sure that you are asking,"How does a rocket fly?"If you want to know,get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big.Do not tie up the neck of the balloon.Let go!The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly.The air inside the balloon tries to get out.It rushes out through the neck of the balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air.It does not need wings like an airplane.
This is how a rocket works.It is not made of rubber(橡胶)like a balloon,of course.It is made of metal. The metal must not be heavy but it must be very strong.There is gas inside the rocket which is made very hot. When it rushes out of the end of the rocket,the rocket is pushed up into the air.
Rockets can fly far out into space.Rockets with men inside them have already reached the moon.Several rockets,without men inside them,have been sent to other worlds much farther away.One day rockets may be able to go anywhere in the space.

What color is the sky?
A:It is blue.
B:It is white.
C:It is grey.
D:It has no color.

根据第二段第五句“Airplanes cannot fly very high because as they go higher the air gets thinner.”可知,由于位置越高,空气越稀薄,飞机飞不了太高。
根据第六段最后一句“When it rushes out of the end of the rocket , the rocket is pushed upinto the air.”可知,火箭是由热气流高速向后喷出所产生的反作用力来推动的,而不是由内部燃烧的气体推动的。
根据第六段最后一句可知,当热气从火箭尾部冲出时,火箭被送人空中。C项中的“itsbottom”是第六段最后一句中的“the end of the rocket”的同义转换。


The policy action of color is used for congestion control under which circumstance?()

A.congestion in an upstream router

B.congestion in a downstream router

C.contention for queue space on an egress interface

D.contention for queue space on an ingress interface



锡降落(tin parachute)

正确答案: 锡降落一般是当公司被并购时,根据工龄长短,让普通员工领取数周至数月的工资。锡降落的单位金额不多,但聚沙成塔,有时能很有效地阻止敌意收购。


Which condition represents the appropriate time for setting off distress flares and rockets? ()

Only when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vessels


At half hour intervals


At one hour intervals


Immediately upon abandoning the vessel

正确答案: B
解析: 暂无解析
