Your vessel is obligated to stay out of the way
The other vessel must give way,since your vessel is stopped
You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel not under command
You should be showing the lights or shapes for a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver
20. You can find your way back to your branch room easily without leaving any branches as you walk.
A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit ______.
A.the masthead lights for a towing vessel
B.the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver
C.sidelights,stern light and towing light
D.All of the above
A. on your way to home
B. to your way home
C. on your way home your way to home
wearing a life jacket
wearing a safety harness secured to the stage
wearing both a life jacket and a safety harness secured to the stage
the vessel is not making way
the masthead lights for a towing vessel
the lights for a vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver
sidelights,stern light and towing light
All of the above
A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should ______.
A.remain on course and hold speed
B.remain on course but slack the speed
C.change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speed
D.change course and put the stern to the wind
A vessel restricted by its ability to manoeuvre by the nature of its work or its deep draft is__
A.Hampered vessel
B.Giving way vessel
C.Vessel not under control
D.Disabled vessel
The best way to lift many small articles aboard your vessel is with a______.
B.barrel hook
At any time you feel it is appropriate
Only when you have reached extremis
When you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vessel
When it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action
underway but not making way
making way,not under command
not under command,not making way
trolling underway