maximum counter weight required
minimum horsepower required
hoist rope strength
allowable load
The Master or person in charge of a ship shall ensure the crane record book shows the ______.
A.Date and description of each failure
B.Average load in pounds for each usage
C.Total number of lifts for each usage
D.All of the above
Which statement comparing a shipboard crane to conventional gear is TRUE ________.
A.Cranes are more difficult to secure for sea
B.The spotting area of the conventional gear is larger
C.A crane operator requires more training than the winch operator of a yard and stay rig
D.The yard and stay rig is more flexible in its ability to handle a wider variety of cargoes
How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom and raise the load ________.
A.Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move the boom
B.Extend arm with thumb pointing downward and flex fingers in and out
C.With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up,move hand in small horizontal circles
D.With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down,move hand in small horizontal circles
The ()(浮吊) can float on water used to load and unload the cargo.
During which condition should the operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations ________.
A.Bunkering barge alongside
B.Potable water spill on deck
C.Crane hydraulic hose bursts
D.Trim greater than 4 feet
When a cargo boom or crane is rated at varying capacities,there will be a table at the controls which relates safe working load to ______.
A.winch speed
B.boom strength
C.load radius
D.cable strength
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding crane operations ________.
A.Radio communications allow the crane operator to disregard the use of hand signals
B.The crane operators and signalman must be familiar with the correct hand signals
C.The forward cranes can be operated from the bridge
D.The aft cranes can be operated from the aft steering station
The load chart of a ship crane enables the operator to combine the load radius with boom length to determine the ______.
A.Maximum counter weight required
B.Minimum horsepower required
C.Hoist rope strength
D.Allowable load
It is the responsibility of the crane operator to, at all times, be aware of the location of the __.
D.All of the above
Cranes are more difficult to secure for sea
The spotting area of the conventional gear is larger
A crane operator requires more training than the winch operator of a yard and stay rig
The yard and stay rig is more flexible in its ability to handle a wider variety of cargoes