enter the system/ contact an RCC
access to INMARSAT/establish contact with a CES
have absolutely priority to enter the system/make contact with a CES
enter the system gradually/wait for rescue
A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ______.
A.all vessels, regardless of size and commercial application
B.any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in any form can be carried aboard
C.an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or above
D.an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above
In all cases,however,the capacity of segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ such that,in any ballast condition at any part of the voyage,including the conditions consisting of lightweight plus segregated ballast only,the ship's draughts and trim can meet the necessary requirements.
A.At least
B.At most
C.So big as
D.As large as
The mere fact that free pratique has not been obtained ________ mean that the ship is not ready to load, if, in fact, free pratique can be obtained at any time and without the possibility of delaying the loading.
A.does not
B.is not
C.are not
D.has not
depend on
depending on
dependent on
depended on
enter the system / contact an RCC
access to INMARSAT / establish contact with a CES
have absolute priority to enter the system / make contact with a CES
enter the system gradually / wait for rescue
When using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes,angles such as bearings are measured in reference to ______.
A.the meridian through the object of the bearing
B.the meridian through the ship's position
C.the meridian midway between the ship and the object
D.any meridian
Calibration Stations give special transmissions for the calibration of ship’s ______.
B.marine radar
D.navigational satellite
Any illegal acts of violence,detention or any act of depredation,committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship and directed:(a).On the high seas,against another ship or against persons or property on board such ship; or (b).Against a ship,persons or property in a place outside of the jurisdiction of any state defines which of the following?
a coast station/a ship station
a back-up satellite/a land SAR unit
the weather is always terrible
the condition there is complicated
the signals are too strong
their SES may receive the signals from unwanted satellite