问答题Practice 2  A: What is important when...?  Choosing a business-training course  ●Fees  ●Size of group  ●Subjects covered  B: What is important when...?  Choosing a magazine to buy regularly  ●Contents  ●Cost  ●Printing quality

Practice 2  A: What is important when...?  Choosing a business-training course  ●Fees  ●Size of group  ●Subjects covered  B: What is important when...?  Choosing a magazine to buy regularly  ●Contents  ●Cost  ●Printing quality
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听力原文:W: What is function of the sale slip? It is so small that it is not always considered important.

M: It is small, of course, but it contains the details of the card and they also show the details and amount of the sale.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The sales slips are not important.

B.The sales slips show the amount of the sale.

C.The sales slips perform. important functions in the bankcard transactions.

D.The sales slips contain the details of the card.



What are three considerations when choosing the QoS model to deploy in a network? ()

  • A、 the routing protocols being utilized in the network
  • B、 the applications utilizing the network
  • C、 the traffic destinations
  • D、 network addressing scheme
  • E、 cost of implementation
  • F、 the amount of the control needed of the resources



What is the relative priority of project Cost, Schedule and Quality?

A . 1)Cost - 2)Schedule - 3)Quality

B . 1)Quality - 2)Schedule - 3)Cost

C . 1)Quality - 2)Cost - 3)Schedule

D . 1)Schedule - 2)Quality - 3)Cost

E . All are of equal priority



Practice 3  A: What is important when...?  Choosing a computer skills course  ●Topics  ●Size of group  ●Qualification offered  B: What is important when...?  Choosing a business club to join in  ●Entertainment Facilities  ●Type of Events  ●Cost

正确答案: 【参考范例】
If you choose A:
As for the topic of the course, it should be in relation to your needs, for instance, if you work as a secretary and you are only well in applying Word of Microsoft Window’s programs for office and you would like to improve you skills of using Power Point and Excel, but the topics of the course are mainly to give people the training about how to use computer programs for making balance sheets and financial statements, then this course will not suit you. However, it will be very suitable for someone who works as assistant to a financial analyst or an accounts clerk. The topics of the course should be attractive so that you will not feel dull after joining the course.
Moreover, the size of group should not be too small. If the size of group is too small, there will be limitations in the interaction among the trainees. What is more, the cost of the course will be immensely increased. It should not be too large either. If the size of group is too large, there will be difficulties for the trainer/instructor of the course in managing, paying enough attention to every trainee or accommodating all trainees’ needs and requirements.
In addition, we should also consider what sort of qualification will be offered, and if it is recognized at home and abroad. Whether there will be an authoritative certificate awarded to the participants who pass the final assessment of the course.
Last, we need to consider whether employers will accept such certificates.
If you choose B:
When asking me what is important to join in a business club, the answer will be entertainment facilities. By doing exercise with various entertainment facilities, we can better relax and ease our mind after a day’s hard work.
The next thing to consider will be types of events. If there are various events in the club, we can pick the one that we like. Different events can offer us different experiences, which we otherwise could never attain through daily lives.
Another factor is the cost of joining in a business club. High cost would scare off many guests. Therefore, the cost should be reasonable in accordance with the services offered.
解析: 暂无解析


What is the most important product-related factor to the transport cost?()

  • A、Linkages             
  • B、Distance       
  • C、Equipment            
  • D、Time



What are the procedures for teaching free writing?()


B.choosing the target area

C.focusing on the tools

D.involving students in activities

E.choosing the correct means of correction

F.marking students’ writing



What is the most important marker-related factor to the transport cost?()

  • A、Location of market          
  • B、Government regulation
  • C、Competition
  • D、Seasonality of products flow



130 What is the relative priority of project Cost, Schedule and Quality?

A. 1)Cost - 2)Schedule - 3)Quality

B. 1)Quality - 2)Schedule - 3)Cost

C. 1)Quality - 2)Cost - 3)Schedule

D. 1)Schedule - 2)Quality - 3)Cost

E. All are of equal priority



Practice 1  ‘Mini presentation’—about 6 minutes  In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.  A  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN MOTIVATING STAFF?  ● FINANCIAL BENEFITS  ● CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES  ●...  B  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN SATISFYING CUSTOMERS?  ● A GOOD AFTER-SALES TEAM  ● MORE CUMMUNICATION WITH CUSTOMERS  ●...  C  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN PREPARING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW?  ● STUDYING THE JOB ADVERTISEMENT  ● STUDYING THE COMPANY  ●...

正确答案: 【参考范例】
Sample A:
Well, I’m very interested in this topic—what’s important when motivating staff. As far as I am concerned, I think we should take three main important factors into consideration, that is, financial incentives, career development chances and an easy-going boss. Firstly, the most important factor should be the financial benefits. They may consist of good salary, bonus and other perks. As we know, instead of working for fun, most people work to live. And also as the saying goes, money can make the mare go, thus money is very important in develop staff’s motivationm. Secondly, career development chances are quite important. In reality, there is nobody who does not want to be promoted. If there are not any good career prospects in a job, staff will probably give up the job. Finally, an easy-going boss is also important. Nobody is willing to work with a difficult boss. In conclusion, financial incentives, career development chances and an easy-going boss are important in motivating staff.
Sample B:
Well, I’d like to talk about the important factors that are beneficial to improve customers’ satisfaction. Firstly, we need a group of outstanding after-sales service team. It is true that it is difficult to meet the demands of every customer, but our duties involve dealing with customers’ complaints and trying all manner of ways to solve their problems. In order to cultivate an efficient group of after-sales service team, we must arrange some staff training courses. Besides, we need to conduct researches on customers about whether they are satisfied with our products and in what aspects they are dissatisfied. On the basis of the result of the researches, we can make improvement. In a word, a excellent after-sales team and more communication with customers  can help improve customer satisfaction.
Sample C:
The objective of my talk is how to prepare for a job interview. I think the preparation mainly consists of studying the job advertisement, finding out information about the company and preparing yourself psychologically. First of all, you should study carefully the job advertisement so that you can match your qualifications, such as knowledge, abilities and skills, with the specifications required for the vacancy. You must make the interviewer believe that you have all the qualifications required, thus you are the right kind of person they are looking for. Secondly, you should know more about the company, for example its profile, requirements, existing problems, structure, campaigns and future plans. Finally, you should also prepare yourself psychologically and this will help you overcome stress. For example, rehearsing the interview with your friends is a good way of relaxation exercise that can put confidence in you.
解析: 暂无解析


Practice 2  ‘Mini presentation’—about 6 minutes  In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.  A  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?  NEGOTIATING  ● COMPROMISE  ● DISPUTE  ●...  B  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?  EMPLOYING TECHNICAL WRITERS  ● BEING ABLE TO WRITE WELL  ● MEETING TIGHT DEADLINES  ●...  C  WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN…?  MANAGING A COMPANY  ● COMMUNICATION  ● EXECLLENT MANAGER  ●...

正确答案: 【参考范例】
Mini-representation One:
I think when managing a company one of the most important features is communication. Good communication is necessary at all stages of the business process, which can contribute to a successful business.
Within individual companies internal communication occurs at, and between the various levels. Directors communicate with one another in term of the company’s overall strategy. They inform managers of their plans, and the managers then communicate with other employees to convey their messages. Negotiations are conducted with regard to pay and working conditions. Managers express their decisions and orders through good communication, which can achieve the aim of  improving morale and motivation. Employees also communicate with each other, for example, over production, wages and their spare activities.
Reliable and effective communication is one of the key elements which lead to efficient management of a company.
Question: Can you tell me other vital elements which result in efficient management of a company?
Answer: Many requirements are important for the efficient management of a company, both internal and external. We need good communication, good staff and managers, smooth flow of the capital, the full cooperation between the company, etc.
Mini-representation Two
Firstly, it is of very importance to be able to write well. This means not only knowing the basic rules of spelling, grammar and punctuation, but also having the competence to condense and organise sophisticated information to make it accessible to the public. A good writer must also be capable of dealing with meeting tight deadlines. Secondly, as far as career prospects are concerned, after acquiring valuable experience, many technical writers have the opportunity of working on managerial roles. They may then have the responsibility for the work of other writers within a particular company, or they may prefer to become contractors. This means selling their services through an agency employing many freelance technical writers, whose services are charged to companies at an hourly rate.
Question: What do you think which factor is more significant, being able to writer well or meeting tight deadlines? Why?
Answer: I think neither of them can be ignored. We need technical writers not only being able to write well but also being competent to meet tight deadlines.
解析: 暂无解析
