单选题According to the passage, what can we infer to be the central message of Fredric Wertham’s The Seduction of the Innocent?A Adults reading violent comic books were as likely to be corrupted by them as young people were.B The horror comic books of the la

According to the passage, what can we infer to be the central message of Fredric Wertham’s The Seduction of the Innocent?

Adults reading violent comic books were as likely to be corrupted by them as young people were.


The horror comic books of the late 1940s were inferior to the superhero comic books that gained popularity during World War II.


Comic books were leading the nation’s youth into crime, violence, and drug abuse.


Creating a regulatory board to censor the comic book industry would drive the worst offenders out of the business.


Comic books would never be able to convey stories of any serious literary merit.

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This is not the world we know. This world is controlled by computers. Men and women can be seen, but they are following the orders given to them by machines. The machines were designed by mad scientists, but at some point even the mad scientists were taken over by their super-inventions.

Does this sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or books, or seen it in a film. Why is it so popular? One of the reasons is that it reflects the fears of many people; fear of the unknown fear of what is not understood or, at least, fear of something that is not completely understood.

The fact is that every day it seems that computers take control of another area of our lives. Some

factory jobs are now done by robots and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts are managed by computers. At the airport, our tickets are sold by a computer. Certainly, many of these operations are made more

efficient by computers, but our admiration is sometimes mixed with unsafe feelings. And this lack of safety is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do these things, and we really don't know what they might do next. But we can find out how computers work, and once we understand them, we can use computers instead of worrying about being used by them. Today, there is a new generation of computer wizards who know exactly how computers get things done. These young men and women, usually university students, are happy to sit for hours, sometimes for days, designing programs, not eating, not sleeping, but discovering what can be done by these wonderful slaves which they have learned to control. These computer wizards have learned to use the computer and search for new tasks for their machines.

(1)、According to the passage, our present world is under the control of ______ .

A:mad scientists

B:men and women

C:the unknown fear

D:some super-inventions

(2)、The reason why many people are afraid of computers is that ______ .

A:they don't know anything about computers

B:they haven't really understood computers

C:there are so many computer games

D:computers are often down

(3)、The author mentions computer wizards in order to point out that ______ .

A:computers can be controlled by man

B:there should be more people devoted to computers

C:only young people are interested in computers

D:more time and energy is required to control computers

(4)、This passage is probably written to suggest that ______ .

A:some day computers can deal with all human problems

B:computers can be used in place of traveling to our jobs

C:people should not fear computers

D:computer technology will not meet people's needs in various situations

(5)、The author's attitude towards widely used computers is __.







We can infer from the passage that in England ( )

A. many plays are not for young people

B. many young people don’t like theatre

C. people know little about the plan

D. children used to receive good arts education



The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Some people say that reading books (11) 0ut of date. This is not true. Reading books is a good (12) for all kinds of rea-sons.First ,reading books is fun. You can always keep yourself (13) if you like reading. This is especially useful when the weather is bad.It is a relaxing hobby,too You can really enjoy (14) in books.Next,you can read a book almost (15 ) ;in a car,in a waiting-room,on a plane,in bed even in the bath. Reading is a converuent hobby (16 ) it is easy to stop and thenstart again.(17) good reason is that reading is useful. Many school subjects depend on good reading.The more books you read,the faster you will become in reading,and (18) knowledge you will get.Your schoolwork will become much (19 ) too.

Reading is (20) .out of date. Don-t forget to read every day!

( )11.

A. are






According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?__________ 查

A.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society
B.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change
C.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society
D.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young

根据第二段“social changes is also likely to occur more frequently and mole readily in thematerial aspects…in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early…in the less basic andless emotional aspects of society than in their opposites”可知A、C、D项都正确,而由第一段最后一句可知,不同的观点以及对现状不满可以加速社会变革.因此B项错误。


There is a certain inevitability that ebook sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazon’s US site.Amazon’s
Kindle 2 is so light and so cheap that it’s easy to see why people have rushed to buy it.Though I’m still not keen on the design of the Kindle,it is a vast improvement on its predecessor and certainly tolerable.Beyond the device itself,Amazon has done a great job of rolling out Kindle apps,ensuring that people like me-who have an iPad but not a Kindle can still join in the fun.
Once you’re into the Kindle ecosystem,Amazon locks you in tightly-just as Apple does with its iTunes/iPod ecosystem.It’s so easy to buy from Amazon’s store and the books are so cheap that it’s not worth the effort of going elsewhere.
While I remain opposed to Amazon’s DRM(数字版权管理)-indeed,I’m opposed to DRM on any ebooks-I have to admit
that the implementation is so smooth that most Kindle users won’t care at all that their ebooks can’t be moved to other
The ebook trend is nowhere near peaking.Over the next five years we can expect to see more and more readers move away from printed books and pick up ebooks instead.But I don’t think that will mean the death of the printed book.
There are some who prefer printed books.They like having shelves filled with books they’ve read and books they plan to
read;they like the feel of the book in their hands and the different weights and typefaces and layouts of different titles.In other words,they like the physical form of the book almost as much as the words it contains.
I can sympathize with those people.As I wrote earlier this week,my ideal situation would be for publishers to bundle
e-books with printed ones-in much the same way that film studio DVDs with digital copies of films.There’s no reason to think
that lovers of printed books will change their minds.There will undoubtedly be fewer of them as time goes by because more
people will grow up with ebooks and spend little time with printed ones.However,just as there are people who love vinyl
records(黑胶唱片),even if they were born well into the CD era,there will still be a dedicated minority who love physical books.
Since there are fewer of these people,that will mean fewer bookshops and higher prices for printed books but I don’t think the picture is entirely bleak.There is scope for smaller print runs of lavishly designed printed books and bookshops aimed at
book lovers,rather than the Stieg Larsson-reading masses.With mainstream readers out of the printed book market,
booklovers might even find they get a better experience.

According to the passage,the reason why the author opposes to Amazon’s DRM is that______.《》()

A.ebooks can only be purchased on Amazon.com
B.Kindle books are not compatible with other electronic reading devices
C.once implemented,ebooks can’t be transferred to other equipments
D.ebooks installed on Kindle 2 can’t be edited freely

由题干中的Amazon's DRM定位到第二段第一句提到“我不得不承认安装过程实在是太便捷了,以至于大多数Kindle用户并不介意电子书无法安装到其他设备上”,由此可知电子书一旦安装后,不可以在其他设备上再次使用,C 中的transfer,equipments分别对应定位句中的move和devices,综上,C选项正确。
D选项,“在Kindle 2上安装的电子书不能随意编辑” 原文并未提及,故排除。


We can infer from the passage that().

A、most parents believe reading to be beneficial to children B、efforts to get kids interested in reading have been fruitful

C、most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched off

D、extracurricular activities promote children's intelligence

正确答案: B


According to tile passage, language learners can reduce the number of their mistakes by ______.

A. asking native speakers for explanations

B. reading good books in the foreign language

C. comparing their speech with that of native speakers

D. paying no attention to them while speaking


    53.答案为C  此考题为细节题。根据文章第1段第4The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselvesand how native expressions differ from the way the learner might say them,可断定C正确。


Passage One

Long time ago, the ancient people could not travel to any far away places for they had no vehicle to carry them across the wide oceans, deep valleys, long rivers or high mountains.

Nowadays people take advantage of steamships, trains, airplanes and modern bridges. Airplanes can carry us to the far countries in a short time; steamships can travel across the wide oceans. It is convenient to the modern people.

Travelling is a good idea to us because we can get more knowledge, such as the customs, the geography of other countries. And people could travel among the different countries in the world. For it is easy to travel from the land by trains, or from the sea by ships.

We learnt that the Italian who made the world large was Mr. Columbus. He was a brave man. Up to the middle of the 15th century, the people were afraid of traveling because they believed it was a dangerous thing.

There is a saying in China, which is "Travelling for thousands is better than reading for ten years." It is to say that we can learn more in different places than we can learn from books.

36. The people in ancient times couldn't travel too far away places because______.

A. they found it no use doing so

B. they liked staying at home

C. there was no modern transportation

D. they were forbidden to go to other countries


此题为细节题。见在第一段内the ancient people could not travel to any faraway places for they had no instruments说明古人出游不能离家太远作长途旅行的原因;没有现代的交通工具。



People have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years.The earliest pictures were painted by people who hunted animals.They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill.Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.No one knows why they were painted there.Perhaps the painters thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals.Or perhaps human beings have always wanted to tell stories in pictures.
About 5,000 years ago,the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas,and also to represent the sounds of their language.The signs there people used became a kind of alphabet.
The Egyptians used to record information and to tell stories by putting picture-writing and pictures together. When an important person died,scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was buried.Some of these pictures are like modern comic strip stones.It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip.But for Egyptians,pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple.The ordinary people could not understand it.
By the year 1000 BC,people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea had developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write,and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system.This was because each sign,or letter,represented only one sound in their language.The Greeks developed this system and formed the letters of the Greek alphabet.The Romans copied the idea and the Roman alphebet is now used all over the world.
These days,we can write down a story,or record information,without using pictures.But we still need pictures of all kinds:drawing,photographs,signs and diagrams.We find them everywhere:in books and newspapers,in the street,and on the walls of the places where we live and work.Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily,and they can make a story much more interesting.

Pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves in France and Spain because______.
A:the hunters wanted to see the pictures
B:the painters were animal lovers
C:the painters wanted to show imagination
D:the pictures were thought to be helpful

本题是细节考查题。原文是“他们画出简单的图或符号来代表事物和思想,以及他们所用语言的发音。这些人用的符号就成为了字母表”。选项A“物品”;选项B “字母表,';选项C“思想”;选项D“所用语言的发音”。由此可知答案为B。
本题是细节考查题。题目问:希腊字母表比埃及的简单,以下哪个不是其原因?选项A“希腊字母更易写”;选项B“希腊字母数量更少”;选项C“希腊字母更好发音”, 这一点文章未提及;选项D“每个符号仅代表一个发音”。由此可知答案为C。


In some libraries young people can check out ten juvenile books at one time.


本句意思:在一些图书馆年轻人可以一次同时查阅十本青少年书籍。adventure的意思 为“冒险的,惊险的”;large-print的意思为“用大号铅字排印的”;hardcover的意思为“精装的, 硬书皮的”;children' s的意思为“孩子们的”。juvenile的意思为“青少年的”,和children' s的 意思接近。
