问答题Passage 3  Though many television programs are very trivial, all channels have many admirable features, which make the best 1 use of this new 2 and wonderful entertainment and information, not to mention intellectual 3 . More than anything else, t

Passage 3  Though many television programs are very trivial, all channels have many admirable features, which make the best  1 use of this new  2 and wonderful entertainment and information, not to mention intellectual  3 . More than anything else, television drama_4 special mention. It may be difficult to go to a theater, but people who stay at home have5 opportunity for seeing good plus6 produced for television, as well as good programs of criticism. The remarkable growth in the circulation of the good-quality Sunday newspapers, and the7 of some of their less admirable rivals, indicates an improvement of the public taste, and although the development of education may have something to do with this it seems likely that television is  8 responsible too.   9 the other side there may be  10 for serious concern about the probable negative effects of some television programs  11 scenes of violence and crime are presented. The criminals are confident, well dressed, daring and dominant. The women are attractive, the men successful in  12 their admiration.  It would be absurd to  13 television wholly for the increase in crime in the last two decades.  14 may be observed that some anti-social people, young and old, have not seen much television violence, and that vast numbers of addicts of crime-and-violence films  15 themselves; but such statistical  16 do not prove anything.  17 is dear is that the increase in  18 with portrayals, of negative behavior as interesting behavior has  19 with an actual increase in anti-social behavior. There seems to be enough evidence to suggest that a great restraint over a long period in such portrayals  20 a worthwhile experiment.  1. A. probable   B. likely    C. possible   D. liable  2. A. mean     B. medium    C. source    D. instrument  3. A. pursuit    B. resource   C. interest   D. appeal  4. A. earns     B. reserves   C. worth     D. deserves  5. A. ample     B. comparable  C. accessible  D. available  6. A. peculiarly  B. exclusively  C. specially   D. principally  7. A. decline    B. popularity  C. reputation  D. attraction  8. A. sufficiently B. moderately  C. partly    D. vainly  9. A. From     B. By      C. On      D. In  10. A. places    B. room     C. rooms     D. possible  11. A. on which   B. from which  C. in which   D. of which  12. A. appealing  B. acquiring   C. engaging   D. winning  13. A. disapprove  B. charge    C. accuse    D. blame  14. A. This     B. That     C. It      D. What  15. A. enact    B. behave    C. conceive   D. perform  16. A. findings   B. discoveries  C. numbers    D. consequences  17. A. It      B. As      C. What     D. Which  18. A. experience  B. popularity  C. knowledge   D. familiarity  19. A. collaborated B. configured  C. matched    D. coincided  20. A. was     B. be      C. might be   D. were
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


How many years of experience do you have managing and maintaining a Windows Server 2003 environment? ()

A. I have not done this yet.

B. Less than 3 months

C. 3-6 months

D. More than 6 months but less than 1 year

E. 1-2 years

F. 2-3 years



According to this passage, which of the following is FALSE?___________

A.Many workers don't like a conservative dress code
B.Comfortable clothes make workers more productive
C.A casual clothes code is welcomed by young workers
D.All the employers in the U.S. are for casual office wear



Passage Four

Every culture and every country in the world celebrates New Year, but not everyone does it the same way. The countries in North America and Europe welcome New Year on January the first. This practice began with the Romans in the Middle East, New Year is when spring begins. People in China and Vietnam celebrate it on the first day of the Spring Festival, which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon. Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish (犹太人的) New Year, comes at the end of summer. The Hindus (印度教教徒 ) in India celebrate the first day of each season, so they have four New Years.

In all these cultures, there is a practice of making noise. People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits (妖精) from their homes. Today making noise is more of a custom than a religious rim

In the United States, many people stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve to watch the clock pass from one year to the next. Friends often gather together at a party on New Year's Eve, and when the new year comes, all ring bells, blow' whistles, sing songs, and kiss each other. A favorite Scottish song which everyone sings together is Auld Lang Sync. The words tell of old friends and good times.

In all cultures, New Year's Day is a time when people think of new beginnings. They want to make the coming year better than the last one. Many people in the United States make New Year resolutions. These are specific promises that they make to improve their behavior, change their habits, and become better people. There are many jokes about how a person keeps his or her New Year resolutions.

48. In ancient times, the practice of making noise was meant ______.

A. to keep the evil spirits away

B. to have fun

C. to celebrate the coming of the new year

D. to keep to a custom


    48.答案为A  此考题为细节题。根据文章第2段第2People made noise in ancient times to drive away the evil spirits from their homes,就可肯定A正确。


Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers.There are 175 different kinds of trees,and 60 kinds of birds live here.______(1) You are downtown in the city of Nara,Japan,in Kasugayama Forest,the oldest urban forest in the world.It was started more than a thousand years ago,and today it's very popular with tourists and artists.
Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks,and some are just streets with a lot of trees.But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment.______(2)They also stop the noise from heavy traffic.They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler,and they stop strong winds. Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area,they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.______(3)
In some countries,people are starting new urban forests. In England,there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase,east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast.Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest,and there are programs for children and artists.______(4)
Some older cities don't have space for a big urban forest,but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees.Trees are even good for business.______(5)In the future,urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城 市)of tomorrow,people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.

A: People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
B: In hot countries,urban forests are cooi places for walking and other healthy exercises.
C: But you are not in rural area.
D: Trees take pollution out of the air.
E: In 2033,it will have 5 million trees.
F: It has many kinds of birds in the country.

前一句讲到城市森林对环境很有益,后一句“also”明显表明空缺的一句和 also所在句子讲述的都是具体的对环境有益的方面。所以选D。
在表达方式上,B项承接了前一句“In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.”,这两个是并列句。所以选B。
前面几句有几个关键词:now 1. 3 million trees,has grown very fast。作为本段的最后一句,一般要根据前文展望一下未来趋势。综合各个选项,E项比较合适。
从前一句Trees are even good for business可以看到,此句要具体说树木会如何促进商业活动。A项正合其意。


Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers.There are 175 different kinds of trees,and 60 kinds of birds live here.______(1) You are downtown in the city of Nara,Japan,in Kasugayama Forest,the oldest urban forest in the world.It was started more than a thousand years ago,and today it's very popular with tourists and artists.
Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks,and some are just streets with a lot of trees.But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment.______(2)They also stop the noise from heavy traffic.They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler,and they stop strong winds. Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area,they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.______(3)
In some countries,people are starting new urban forests. In England,there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase,east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast.Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest,and there are programs for children and artists.______(4)
Some older cities don't have space for a big urban forest,but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees.Trees are even good for business.______(5)In the future,urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城 市)of tomorrow,people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.

A: People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
B: In hot countries,urban forests are cooi places for walking and other healthy exercises.
C: But you are not in rural area.
D: Trees take pollution out of the air.
E: In 2033,it will have 5 million trees.
F: It has many kinds of birds in the country.

前一句讲到城市森林对环境很有益,后一句“also”明显表明空缺的一句和 also所在句子讲述的都是具体的对环境有益的方面。所以选D。
在表达方式上,B项承接了前一句“In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.”,这两个是并列句。所以选B。
前面几句有几个关键词:now 1. 3 million trees,has grown very fast。作为本段的最后一句,一般要根据前文展望一下未来趋势。综合各个选项,E项比较合适。
从前一句Trees are even good for business可以看到,此句要具体说树木会如何促进商业活动。A项正合其意。


How many years of experience do you have with deploying and maintaining a virtualization infrastructure using Microsoft desktop or server virtualization technologies?()

A.I have not done this yet.

B.Less than 6 months

C.More than 6 months but less than 1 year

D.1-2 years

E.2-3 years

F.More than 3 years



Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers.There are 175 different kinds of trees,and 60 kinds of birds live here.______(1) You are downtown in the city of Nara,Japan,in Kasugayama Forest,the oldest urban forest in the world.It was started more than a thousand years ago,and today it's very popular with tourists and artists.
Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks,and some are just streets with a lot of trees.But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment.______(2)They also stop the noise from heavy traffic.They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler,and they stop strong winds. Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area,they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.______(3)
In some countries,people are starting new urban forests. In England,there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase,east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast.Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest,and there are programs for children and artists.______(4)
Some older cities don't have space for a big urban forest,but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees.Trees are even good for business.______(5)In the future,urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城 市)of tomorrow,people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.

A: People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
B: In hot countries,urban forests are cooi places for walking and other healthy exercises.
C: But you are not in rural area.
D: Trees take pollution out of the air.
E: In 2033,it will have 5 million trees.
F: It has many kinds of birds in the country.

前一句讲到城市森林对环境很有益,后一句“also”明显表明空缺的一句和 also所在句子讲述的都是具体的对环境有益的方面。所以选D。
在表达方式上,B项承接了前一句“In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.”,这两个是并列句。所以选B。
前面几句有几个关键词:now 1. 3 million trees,has grown very fast。作为本段的最后一句,一般要根据前文展望一下未来趋势。综合各个选项,E项比较合适。
从前一句Trees are even good for business可以看到,此句要具体说树木会如何促进商业活动。A项正合其意。


Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school.

Parents are concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they may become aggressive or insecure.

Parents are also concerned about the commercials (商业广告) that their children see on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have any commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.

Educational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of. The most famous of these is Sesame Street, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet (字母) and numbers. It also tries to teach children useful things about the world in which they live.

Even though most parents and educators give Sesame Street and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television every day turns children into bored and passive (被动的) consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it

1). Which of the following statements is not based on the passage?

A. Parents are worried about the influence from television on their children.

B. Television has much influence on children.

C. Both parents and their children like watching educational television.

D. Some critics think that television is no good for children.

2). In what ways do children suffer from television?

A. They become the victims of social violence.

B. They spend hours watching television instead of doing school work.

C. The programs make the children lose interest in the world.

D. The programs make the children spend too much of their parents’ money.

3). Parents would not like their children to see commercials because ______

A. they think that their children are not old enough to handle advertising

B. commercials teach children alphabet and numbers

C. commercials help to sell products

D. they don’t like commercials

4). Educational television is widely appreciated because _____

A. it does have the same commercials as others

B. it offers programs for both children and their parents

C. many parents like the programs it offers for their children

D. children can learn some school subjects before they go to school

5). Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A. Watching Too Much Television Is Harmful to Young Minds.

B. Television Is More Harmful than Educational.

C. Television’s Influence on Children.

D. More Education Television.



Forests for Cities
You are standing in a beautiful forest in Japan. The air is clean and smells like plants and flowers.There are 175 different kinds of trees,and 60 kinds of birds live here.______(1) You are downtown in the city of Nara,Japan,in Kasugayama Forest,the oldest urban forest in the world.It was started more than a thousand years ago,and today it's very popular with tourists and artists.
Cities around the world are working to protect their urban forests. Some urban forests are parks,and some are just streets with a lot of trees.But all urban forests have many good effects on the environment.______(2)They also stop the noise from heavy traffic.They even make the weather better because they make the air 3-5 degrees cooler,and they stop strong winds. Urban forests also have many good effects on people. They make the city more beautiful. In a crowded area,they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.______(3)
In some countries,people are starting new urban forests. In England,there are now 1.3 million trees in an urban forest called Thames Chase,east of London. It was started in 1990, and it has grown very fast.Walking and bicycle clubs use the forest,and there are programs for children and artists.______(4)
Some older cities don't have space for a big urban forest,but planting trees on the streets makes the city better. Scientists found that commuters(通勤人员)feel more relaxed when they can see trees.Trees are even good for business.______(5)In the future,urban forests will become even more important as our cities grow bigger. In the megacities(超大城 市)of tomorrow,people will need more green space to live a comfortable life. Planting trees today will make our lives better in the future.

A: People spend more time at shopping centers that have trees.
B: In hot countries,urban forests are cooi places for walking and other healthy exercises.
C: But you are not in rural area.
D: Trees take pollution out of the air.
E: In 2033,it will have 5 million trees.
F: It has many kinds of birds in the country.

前一句讲到城市森林对环境很有益,后一句“also”明显表明空缺的一句和 also所在句子讲述的都是具体的对环境有益的方面。所以选D。
在表达方式上,B项承接了前一句“In a crowded area, they give people a place to relax and spend time in nature.”,这两个是并列句。所以选B。
前面几句有几个关键词:now 1. 3 million trees,has grown very fast。作为本段的最后一句,一般要根据前文展望一下未来趋势。综合各个选项,E项比较合适。
从前一句Trees are even good for business可以看到,此句要具体说树木会如何促进商业活动。A项正合其意。


"SeasameStreet"has been called"the longest street in the world".
This is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts ofthe world.
The program,which went on the air in New York in 1969,uses songs,jokes,andpictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers,letters and humanrelationships.More than 6 million children in the United States watch itregularly.The viewers(观众)include more than half the nation′s children before school age.
Manyteacher consider the program a great help,though some teachers find that problems happen when the first-year pupils who have learned from"SeasameStreet"are in the same class with those who have not watched the program.Tests have shown that children who watch it five times a week learn more than those who seldom watch it.In the United States the program is shown at differenthours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watchit regularly.
Why has"Seasame Street"been so much more successful than other children′sshows?Many reasons have been suggested.Perhaps one reason is that motherswatch"Seasame Street"along with their children.But the best reasonfor the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching itfeel able to learn.The child finds himself learning,and he wants to learnmore.

When the first-year pupils who have watched the program are in the same class with those who haven′t,

A.teaching will becomes a bit difficult
B.they will not get on well with one another
C.it is impossible to begin class at the fixed time
D.they don't want to learn anything more

