Nowadays more young people can enjoy university education

Nowadays more young people can enjoy university education than in the past, but they are faced with another problem: job hunting. Most graduates find it hard to find a satisfactory job, and some have to stay jobless for several years. What do you think may have caused this problem? Write a composition of about 400 words to explain your point of view. The title has been provided for you.Problems in university students' job hunting  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a toss of marks.
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Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much?

A、It provides people with paychecks.

B、It offers more than financial security.

C、It provides people with self-confidence.

D、People can get a feeling of satisfaction.



HOW TO EMPLOY AND APPLY When a company needs to employ new people, it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website. However nowadays, people more often find such advertisements on a website. Then people, who are interested, can apply for the job. They send in a letter (or an email) and also a resume (or CV) as well. The two parts are very important in job-hunting. The former is used to apply for a certain position. The latter is used to introduce his or her education background and work experiences. But more and more companies may often ask people to fill out a standard form. The company’s Human Resources Department will then select the most suitable people to attend an interview.

1.According to the passage, where can we find job advertisements more often nowadays ().

A.In a magazine.

B.In a newspaper.

C.On a website.

2.How do people apply for a job ().

A.By phone.

B.By email.

C.Go to visit the company.

3. Besides the application letter, what else is also important()

A.A resume.

B.A picture.

C.A certificate.

4.What do companies provide to job applicants nowadays before they apply for jobs()

A.A standard form.

B.An invitation letter.

C.An email address.

5.Who is in charge of selecting the applicants for the coming interview().

A.The manager of the company.

B.The Human Resources Department.

C.The secretary of the manager.

参考答案:子问题 1:C; 子问题 2:B; 子问题 3:A; 子问题 4:A; 子问题 5:B



Hip-hop dancing(街舞) is popular with many young people today. They like it because they can invent their own moves. They use this dance to show their love for life. It also shows that they feel good about life,that they just want to be themselves and enjoy life,and that they are not afraid of problems.

Hip-hop dancing has a history of more than 20 years. It first began in the 1980s in the U. S In early times,it was seen in New York and Los Angles. At that time,many young black people often danced to the music in the streets. They used their legs,arms,heads and even shoulders to dance. Many young people still use most of these moves today.

Hip-hop dancing became popular all over the world because of the 1983 movie Flash Dance. Some people performed Hip-hop dancing in the movie. People enjoyed their perform-ance. They began to dance like them. Then it became popular. There are two kinds of Hip-hop dancing:new school and old school. More and more young people are learning Hip-hop dancing.People believe that it is a good way to exercise their bodies,and that it is good for their health.

( )26. Young people like Hip-hop dancing because ________ has a history of more than 20 years first began in the U. S.

C. they can invent their own moves

D. many young black people often dance it



Changes in Museums
Museums have changed.They are no longer places that one"should"visit;they are places to enjoy and learn.
At a science museum in Ontario,Canada,you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body.At the Metropolitan(大城市的)Museum of Art in New York City , you can look at the seventeenth century instruments while listening to their music.At New York's American Museum of Natural History recently,you can help make a bone-by- bone reproduction of the museum's dinosaur(恐 龙),a beast that lived 200 million years ago.
More and more museum directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing.In many science museums,for example,there are no guided tours.The visitor is encouraged to touch,listen,operate,and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for himself. The purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of science.The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it,and those who fear science will not use it to best advantage.
One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and leisure time.Another cause is the rising percentage of young people in the population.Many of these young people are college students or college graduates.Leon F.Twiggs,a young black professor of art once said,"They see things in a new and different way.They are not satisfied to stand and look at works of art;they want art they can participate(参加)in."The same is true of science and history.

When visiting museums nowadays,people can take part in many activities.
C:Not mentioned



We can infer from the passage that in England ( )

A. many plays are not for young people

B. many young people don’t like theatre

C. people know little about the plan

D. children used to receive good arts education



According to Jim Binns, young people today are ever more conscious of the “generation gap” than young people of the past.()



Many young people enjoy ________ sports games.






—How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?—()

A. People should have balanced food to get different nutrients they need.

B. I agree with you on this point, and we should pay more to attention to food safety.

C. The government should set strict rules to standardize the production of food.



Text 3 There are plenty of good reasons for a young person to choose to go to university:intellectual growth,career opportunities,having fun.Governments are keen on higher education,seeing it as a means to boost social mobility and economic growth.But they tend to overestimate the benefits and ignore the costs of expanding university education.As more young people seek degrees,the returns both to them and to governments are lower.Employers demand degrees for jobs that never required them in the past and have not become more demanding since.In a desperate attempt to stand out,students are studying even longer,and delaying work,to obtain master's degrees.Part of the usefulness of a degree is that it gives a graduate jobseeker an advantage at the expense of non-graduates.It is also a signal to employers of general qualities,such as intelligence and diligence,which someone already has in order to get into a universiry.Some professions require qualifications.But a degree is not always the best measure of the skills and knowledge needed for a job.With degrees so common,recruiters are using them as a crude way to screen applicants.Non-graduates are thus increasingly locked out of decent work.In any case,the premium counts only the winners and not the losers.Across the rich world,a third of university entrants never graduate.It is the weakest students who are drawn in as higher education expands and who are most likely to drop out.They pay fees and sacrifice earnings to study,but see little boost in their future incomes.Many school-leavers are being misled about the probable value of universitty.Governments need to offer the young a wider range of options afier school.They should start by rethinking their own hiring practices.School-leavers should be given a wider variety of ways to gain vocational skills and to demonstrate their employability in the private sector.Ifschool qualifications were made more rigorous,recruiters would be more likely to trust them as signals of ability,and less insistent on degrees.Such measures would be more efficient at developing the skills that boost productvity and should save public money.To promote social mobility,govemments would do better to direct funds to early-school education and to helping students who would benefit from university but cannot afford it.Young people,both rich and poor,are ill-served by the arms race in academic qualifications,in which each must study longer because that is what all the rest are doing.It is time to disarm.
For the weakest students,the value of university is——.




Changes in Museums
Museums have changed.They are no longer places that one"should"visit;they are places to enjoy and learn.
At a science museum in Ontario,Canada,you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body.At the Metropolitan(大城市的)Museum of Art in New York City , you can look at the seventeenth century instruments while listening to their music.At New York's American Museum of Natural History recently,you can help make a bone-by- bone reproduction of the museum's dinosaur(恐 龙),a beast that lived 200 million years ago.
More and more museum directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing.In many science museums,for example,there are no guided tours.The visitor is encouraged to touch,listen,operate,and experiment so as to discover scientific principles for himself. The purpose is not only to provide fun but also to help people feel at home in the world of science.The theory is that people who do not understand science will probably fear it,and those who fear science will not use it to best advantage.
One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and leisure time.Another cause is the rising percentage of young people in the population.Many of these young people are college students or college graduates.Leon F.Twiggs,a young black professor of art once said,"They see things in a new and different way.They are not satisfied to stand and look at works of art;they want art they can participate(参加)in."The same is true of science and history.

In science museums nowadays visitors are not allowed to touch or operate the objects on display.
C:Not mentioned

