单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A Chokwe developed the app all by himself.B People can buy t is app from the online store.C His mother's car was once damaged over a pothole.D The app works by using the city's 911 cal

According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Chokwe developed the app all by himself.


People can buy t is app from the online store.


His mother's car was once damaged over a pothole.


The app works by using the city's 911 call system.

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According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

A. The public could share the artist's feelings through their choice of shapes and colors.

B. The painter should not choose to paint ugly things.

C. Contemporary artists are completely different from other artists.

D. All artists are teaching the public consciously.

[解析] 四个选项中A选项符合文章所讲述内容。公众们可以通过艺术家选择的形状和色彩来分享他们的感悟。


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Da Vinci once stayed in France.

B.“Mona Lisa”is kept in the Louvre

C.The Louvre was once a church as well as a palace

D.The Louvre is a place of interest to different people from all over the world.

根据文章第三、四段,卢浮宫曾经是城堡和国王的行宫,现在是旅游名胜但没有充当过教堂。根据文章倒数第二段可知达芬奇曾在法国呆过,他创作的名画“Mona Lisa”仍然在卢浮宫中珍藏。由此可以排除A、B、D三项。


According to the passage which of the following is true?

[A] A fixed star refers a star that is always stationary on the sky.

[B] Scientists can tell the motion of the earth from the motions of other five planets.

[C] Ancient people had scanty knowledge about the movement of the stars.

[D] All the stars on the sky can be seen all the year around.

根据文章的最后一句话,“...their apparent motions on the celestial sphere reflecting both their own independent motions around the sun and our motion as well”可以得出结论,即那五颗行星的运动也反映了地球的运动。在四个选项中,只有B符合题意。


YU HUI, a boisterous four- year-old hiving in Shanghai s what marketing people call a digitalnative. Over a year ago, she started communicating with her parents using WeChat, a Chinese mobile-messaging service. She is too young to carry around a mobile phone. Instead she uses a Mon Mon, an internet-connected device that inks through the cloud to the WeChat app. The cuddly critter s rotund belly disguiscs a microphone, which YU Hui uscs to send rambling updates
and songs to her parents ,it lights up when she gets an incoming message back.
Like most professionals on the mainland her mother uses what rather than e-mail to conduct much of her business. The app offers everything from free video calls and instant group chats to news updates and easy sharing of large multimedia files. It has a business-oriented chat service akin to America's stack Yu Hui's mother also uscs her smart phonc camera to scan the WeChat QR(quick response )codes of people she meets far more ofien these days than she exchanges business
cards. YU Hui's father uses the app to shop online, to pay for goods at physical stores, settle utility bills and split dinner tabs with friends, just with a few taps. He can easily book and pay for axis,dumpling deliveries theatre tickets, hospital appointments and foreign holidays,all without ever leaving the Wechat universe.
As one American venture capitalist puts it, Wechat is there' at every point of your daily contact with the world, from morning until night.It is this status as a hub for all internet activity, and as a platform through which users find their way to other services, that inspires Silicon alley firms including Facebook to monitor wechat closely. They are right to cast an envious eye. People who divide their time between China and the West complain that leaving Wechat behind is akin to stepping back in time.
It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that which one is NOT the reason why Faccbook monitors Wechat closely?

A. Wechat gives users acess to other services
B. Wechat is a success
C. Wechat is better than Facebook
D. Wechat is a very important tool for communication in China



YU HUI, a boisterous four- year-old hiving in Shanghai s what marketing people call a digitalnative. Over a year ago, she started communicating with her parents using WeChat, a Chinese mobile-messaging service. She is too young to carry around a mobile phone. Instead she uses a Mon Mon, an internet-connected device that inks through the cloud to the WeChat app. The cuddly critter s rotund belly disguiscs a microphone, which YU Hui uscs to send rambling updates
and songs to her parents ,it lights up when she gets an incoming message back.
Like most professionals on the mainland her mother uses what rather than e-mail to conduct much of her business. The app offers everything from free video calls and instant group chats to news updates and easy sharing of large multimedia files. It has a business-oriented chat service akin to America's stack Yu Hui's mother also uscs her smart phonc camera to scan the WeChat QR(quick response )codes of people she meets far more ofien these days than she exchanges business
cards. YU Hui's father uses the app to shop online, to pay for goods at physical stores, settle utility bills and split dinner tabs with friends, just with a few taps. He can easily book and pay for axis,dumpling deliveries theatre tickets, hospital appointments and foreign holidays,all without ever leaving the Wechat universe.
As one American venture capitalist puts it, Wechat is there' at every point of your daily contact with the world, from morning until night.It is this status as a hub for all internet activity, and as a platform through which users find their way to other services, that inspires Silicon alley firms including Facebook to monitor wechat closely. They are right to cast an envious eye. People who divide their time between China and the West complain that leaving Wechat behind is akin to stepping back in time.
According to paragraph I, what is a"digital native"?

A. Someone who starts to use digital service at a very young age
B. Someone who uses electrical devices very ofien
C. Someone who is very good at using digital devices
D. Someone who uses Wechat very often



Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.Qigong can cure some diseases.

B.Qigong can not cure any disease.

C.Qigong can cure all kinds of incurable diseases.

D.Qigong can cure some patients from danger.



Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Some companies in the United States moved to Sweden, Germany and Belgium.

B. Fresh air, spacious room and being away from others attract people to move to the suburbs.

C. People wouldn't pay tax when they moved out of cities.

D. The neighborhood should be maintained by old and poor people.


34.答案为B。根据第一段第一句,urban Americans began a mass move to the suburbs in search of fresh airelbow room and privacy作出该项选择。


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Every businessman possesses these four skills.

B. When a striver stops his devotion to work,he will feel quite at ease.

C. These basic skills are not instinctual at all.

D. Mother's education has undoubted effect on her child's success.

[解析] 答案见第1段最后一句。


YU HUI, a boisterous four- year-old hiving in Shanghai s what marketing people call a digitalnative. Over a year ago, she started communicating with her parents using WeChat, a Chinese mobile-messaging service. She is too young to carry around a mobile phone. Instead she uses a Mon Mon, an internet-connected device that inks through the cloud to the WeChat app. The cuddly critter s rotund belly disguiscs a microphone, which YU Hui uscs to send rambling updates
and songs to her parents ,it lights up when she gets an incoming message back.
Like most professionals on the mainland her mother uses what rather than e-mail to conduct much of her business. The app offers everything from free video calls and instant group chats to news updates and easy sharing of large multimedia files. It has a business-oriented chat service akin to America's stack Yu Hui's mother also uscs her smart phonc camera to scan the WeChat QR(quick response )codes of people she meets far more ofien these days than she exchanges business
cards. YU Hui's father uses the app to shop online, to pay for goods at physical stores, settle utility bills and split dinner tabs with friends, just with a few taps. He can easily book and pay for axis,dumpling deliveries theatre tickets, hospital appointments and foreign holidays,all without ever leaving the Wechat universe.
As one American venture capitalist puts it, Wechat is there' at every point of your daily contact with the world, from morning until night.It is this status as a hub for all internet activity, and as a platform through which users find their way to other services, that inspires Silicon alley firms including Facebook to monitor wechat closely. They are right to cast an envious eye. People who divide their time between China and the West complain that leaving Wechat behind is akin to stepping back in time.
How does YU HUI communicate with her parents?

A. Using cloud service
B. Using Mon Mon, an app that is linked to WeChat
C. Using an internet-conected device on which she can use Wechat
D. Using Wechat on her mobile phone



Examine the code:   CREATE ROLE readonly IDENTIFIES USING app.chk_readwrite ; CREATE ROLE readwrite IDENTIFIED USING app.chk_readwrite ;   CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE app.chk_readwrite  AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS  ipchk STRING(30);  BEGIN  IF sys_context(‘USERENV’,’ISDBA’)=’TRUE’  THEN DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE‘READWRITE’) ;  ELSE DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE(‘READONLY’) ;  END; /   Which three statements correctly describe the Secure Application role definition?()

  • A、No user or application has to remember or hide a password. 
  • B、It prevents everyone except a true DBA session from acquiring the READWRITE role. 
  • C、app.chk_readwrite is called whenever a user tries to access rows protected by the READONLY or READWRITE label. 
  • D、app.chk_readwrite is called by users or applications when they want to enable the READONLY or READWRITE role.

