Practice 6 中国是一个宗教信仰自由、多种宗教并存的国家,信众共计一亿余人。尊重和保护宗教自由是中华人民共和国和中国政府的基本方针政策。这意味着每个中国公民都有信仰宗教和不信仰宗教的自由,有表明自己选择宗教或信仰的自由,有选择宗教派别的自由,有改变宗教信仰的自由,即皈依新教或离弃旧教的自由。这项基本方针的根本要点在于给予每个中国公民选择宗教信仰的自由,使宗教信仰成为公民个人的私事。 佛教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教在中国都有传播;此外,还有中国固有的宗教——道教,以及萨满教、东正教、东巴教等。汉族中部分人信仰佛教,也有部分人信仰基督教、天主教和道教。
Practice 6 中国是一个宗教信仰自由、多种宗教并存的国家,信众共计一亿余人。尊重和保护宗教自由是中华人民共和国和中国政府的基本方针政策。这意味着每个中国公民都有信仰宗教和不信仰宗教的自由,有表明自己选择宗教或信仰的自由,有选择宗教派别的自由,有改变宗教信仰的自由,即皈依新教或离弃旧教的自由。这项基本方针的根本要点在于给予每个中国公民选择宗教信仰的自由,使宗教信仰成为公民个人的私事。 佛教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教在中国都有传播;此外,还有中国固有的宗教——道教,以及萨满教、东正教、东巴教等。汉族中部分人信仰佛教,也有部分人信仰基督教、天主教和道教。
【参考译文】 Respecting and protecting the freedom of religious belief is a fundamental policy of the CPC and the Chinese government. China is a country with a great diversity of religions with over 100 million followers of various faiths. This basic policy means: every Chinese citizen has the freedom to believe or not to believe in religion, to believe in the established religion of their choice, and to follow the sect of their choice within a religion, and to change religious beliefs, adopting beliefs not formerly held or abandoning former beliefs. The essence of this basic policy is to give every Chinese citizen the freedom to choose his or her own faith in regard to religious beliefs and to make religious belief a private matter of each citizen. The main religions in China are Buddhism, Islam, Christianity in both its Catholic and Protestant forms, China’s indigenous Taoism, along with Shamanism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the Naxi people’s Dongba religion. Religious Hart Chinese tend to practice Han Buddhism, Protestantism, Catholicism or Taoism.