单选题One factor causing death on organ transplantation is ______.A heavy bleeding during surgeryB destruction of patients’ immune systemC objection from patients to taking organs of othersD doctors’ lack of confidence

One factor causing death on organ transplantation is ______.

heavy bleeding during surgery


destruction of patients’ immune system


objection from patients to taking organs of others


doctors’ lack of confidence

正确答案: B
分析推理题。由第一段最后一句可知,Dr Starzl和同事们开发了新技术来减少手术中的大出血,并用更好的方法来防止受体免疫系统对器官的排斥。由上下文可知,大出血肯定是使接受器官移植手术者死亡的一个原因,故A项为正确答案。
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients'death.

B Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients in painless recovery.

C The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed.

D A doctor's medication is no longer justified by his intentions.



The word “euthanasia” in the second paragraph most probably means ________.

[A] doctors’ sympathy to dying patients

[B] doctors’ aggressive medical measures to dying patients

[C] doctors’ mercy killing to reduce sufferings of dying patients

[D] doctors’ well-meaning treatment to save dying patients

58. [C]意为:医师为帮助生命垂危病人摆脱痛苦而采取的致死措施。 本题是一道词义题,但是解题更多的需要涉及到文章中心词,本文第一段从澳大利亚通过的一个关于安乐死法案的新闻入手,下文全部在讨论各界对该法案的反应,同时在文章最后作者以实例表明了自己对安乐死的观点,由此我们可以确定文章的中心是关于安乐死的。而考研文章的任何一道阅读题目的命制都是和文章中心紧密相连的。据此我们可以推断出答案为C。
B 医师对垂死病人采取的过激医疗手段。
D 医师为挽救垂危病人的生命而采取的善意的治疗。 另外“euthanasia” 所在句和下面的 In the US and Canada, where the right to die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.处于平衡位置,由此我们可以判断“euthanasia”和下句的 the right to die 大意相同,答案可
以锁定 C,四个选项中只有该选项与死亡相关。


A report published today by British doctors showed some worrying trends, but also some positive signs that in the long- term the country’s health might improve. The report was based on two years of interviews with family doctors about their patients.

The doctors expressed concern that patients were eating too much and were generally overweight. The doctors said this was particularly worrying as they were seeing more and more young people with weight problems. But it was not just their patients eating too much concerned doctors, but the quality of the food as well.

The doctors said that many of their patients led busy lives and did not have time to cook traditional meals. Because of this many of them were turning to unhealthy fast foods. Sales

of this type of food have been increasing steadily over the last decade, although there were signs that the rate of growth is declining. The doctors felt that there was a clear link between over- consuming of fast food and health problems among their patients.

But the report was not all bad news. The doctors interviewed also reported an increased awareness of the importance of healthy eating among their patients. Many reported an increase

in the number of patients they see who had switched to a healthy organic diet.

41.The report was_____________________.

A). mainly bad news B). all bad news C). all good news D). mainly good news 42. The doctors expressed concern about the problem of ___________________. A). patient’s eating too much B). patient’s quality of the food

C). both the patient’s eating too much and low quality of the food. D). old patients’ overweight

43.The doctors said that many of their patients didn’t cook traditional meals because__________________.

A). patients led busy lives and they have no time to cook the traditional meals. B). patients liked to have some fast food.

C). patients believed that traditional cook were not delicious D). patients often went out for dinner

44. At the moment sales of fast food______________. A). are growing rapidly B). are growing slowing C). are declining

D). are at the same speed as before

45. Doctors report that more of their patients _________________. A). are aware of the importance of healthy eating B). don’t care about healthy eating

C). are stopping eating fast foods D). turn to fast food more often

参考答案:41-45 A C A B A


Organ Donation and Transplantation

1 Organ donation(捐献)and transplantation(移植)refers to the process by which organs or tissues
from one person are put into another person's body.
2 The number of people needing a transplant continues to rise faster than the number of donors.About
3,700 transplant candidates are added to the national waiting list each month.Each day,about 77 people
receive organ transplants.However,18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place
because of the shortage of donated organs.
3 There are rio age limits on who can donate.Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ
donors. If you are under age 18 , you must have a parent's or guardian's consent(同意).If you are 18 years or
older,you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.
4 Many people think that if they agree to donate their organs,the doctor or the emergency room staff
won't work as hard to save their life.This is not true.The transplant team is completely separate from the
medical staff working to save your life.The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors
have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.
5 If you need an organ transplant,your doctor will help you get on the national waiting list.Your name
will be added to a pool of names.When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the pool are
compared to that donor. Factors such as blood and tissue type, size of the organ, medical urgency(紧急)of
the patient's illness , time already spent on the waiting list, and distance between donor and recipient(接受
者)are considered.

Doctors will try their best to save your life even if you've signed________.
A:donated organs
B:the national waiting list
C:a donor card
D:senior citizens
E:all possible efforts
F:the most suitable candidate

第二段中提到需要器官移植的人增加的速度远远大于器官捐献者增加的速度。每月有 3 700人加人等候者的行列,但每天只有77人接受器官移植;每天有18人在等待中死亡。这些 都是讲目前器官捐献和移植的状况,因此选择F。
第三段第一句“There are no age limits on who can donate.”就说明此段和捐献者的年龄 有关,因此选E。
第四段的中心意思是捐献者不必为他们的医疗担心,他们的医疗同样有保障,因此 选D。
从第二段内容可以看出A是正确答案:There 15 a great demand for donated organs.
从第三段第二句“Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors.”得出正确 答案是D。
结合选项,从搭配上看sign后面只能跟a donor card;从文章第四段中“The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.”也能看出答案是C。
根据最后一段中“When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the Pool are compared to the donor.Factors such ao blood and tissue type…are considered.”可知F是正确答案。


Organ Donation and Transplantation

1 Organ donation(捐献)and transplantation(移植)refers to the process by which organs or tissues
from one person are put into another person's body.
2 The number of people needing a transplant continues to rise faster than the number of donors.About
3,700 transplant candidates are added to the national waiting list each month.Each day,about 77 people
receive organ transplants.However,18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place
because of the shortage of donated organs.
3 There are rio age limits on who can donate.Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ
donors. If you are under age 18 , you must have a parent's or guardian's consent(同意).If you are 18 years or
older,you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.
4 Many people think that if they agree to donate their organs,the doctor or the emergency room staff
won't work as hard to save their life.This is not true.The transplant team is completely separate from the
medical staff working to save your life.The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors
have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.
5 If you need an organ transplant,your doctor will help you get on the national waiting list.Your name
will be added to a pool of names.When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the pool are
compared to that donor. Factors such as blood and tissue type, size of the organ, medical urgency(紧急)of
the patient's illness , time already spent on the waiting list, and distance between donor and recipient(接受
者)are considered.

Paragraph 5 _________
A: Quality of Donated Organs
B: Benefits of Organ Donation
C:Distribution of Donated Organs
D:Quality of Donor Medical Care
E:Age Limits for Organ Donation
F:Status of Organ Donation and Transplantation

第二段中提到需要器官移植的人增加的速度远远大于器官捐献者增加的速度。每月有 3 700人加人等候者的行列,但每天只有77人接受器官移植;每天有18人在等待中死亡。这些 都是讲目前器官捐献和移植的状况,因此选择F。
第三段第一句“There are no age limits on who can donate.”就说明此段和捐献者的年龄 有关,因此选E。
第四段的中心意思是捐献者不必为他们的医疗担心,他们的医疗同样有保障,因此 选D。
从第二段内容可以看出A是正确答案:There 15 a great demand for donated organs.
从第三段第二句“Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors.”得出正确 答案是D。
结合选项,从搭配上看sign后面只能跟a donor card;从文章第四段中“The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.”也能看出答案是C。
根据最后一段中“When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the Pool are compared to the donor.Factors such ao blood and tissue type…are considered.”可知F是正确答案。


George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they

A manage their patients incompetently.

B give patients more medicine than needed.

C reduce dmg dosages for their patients.

D prolong the needless suffering of the patients.



Organ Donation and Transplantation

1 Organ donation(捐献)and transplantation(移植)refers to the process by which organs or tissues
from one person are put into another person's body.
2 The number of people needing a transplant continues to rise faster than the number of donors.About
3,700 transplant candidates are added to the national waiting list each month.Each day,about 77 people
receive organ transplants.However,18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place
because of the shortage of donated organs.
3 There are rio age limits on who can donate.Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ
donors. If you are under age 18 , you must have a parent's or guardian's consent(同意).If you are 18 years or
older,you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.
4 Many people think that if they agree to donate their organs,the doctor or the emergency room staff
won't work as hard to save their life.This is not true.The transplant team is completely separate from the
medical staff working to save your life.The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors
have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.
5 If you need an organ transplant,your doctor will help you get on the national waiting list.Your name
will be added to a pool of names.When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the pool are
compared to that donor. Factors such as blood and tissue type, size of the organ, medical urgency(紧急)of
the patient's illness , time already spent on the waiting list, and distance between donor and recipient(接受
者)are considered.

Organ donors range in age from newborns to________.
A:donated organs
B:the national waiting list
C:a donor card
D:senior citizens
E:all possible efforts
F:the most suitable candidate

第二段中提到需要器官移植的人增加的速度远远大于器官捐献者增加的速度。每月有 3 700人加人等候者的行列,但每天只有77人接受器官移植;每天有18人在等待中死亡。这些 都是讲目前器官捐献和移植的状况,因此选择F。
第三段第一句“There are no age limits on who can donate.”就说明此段和捐献者的年龄 有关,因此选E。
第四段的中心意思是捐献者不必为他们的医疗担心,他们的医疗同样有保障,因此 选D。
从第二段内容可以看出A是正确答案:There 15 a great demand for donated organs.
从第三段第二句“Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors.”得出正确 答案是D。
结合选项,从搭配上看sign后面只能跟a donor card;从文章第四段中“The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.”也能看出答案是C。
根据最后一段中“When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the Pool are compared to the donor.Factors such ao blood and tissue type…are considered.”可知F是正确答案。


George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they ______.

A) manage their patients incompetently

B) give patients more medicine than needed

C ) reduce drug dosages for their patients

D) prolong the needless suffering of the patients

[试题分析] 文章细节事实题。
[详细解答] 题干要求考生回答乔治?安纳斯认为在以下哪一种情况下,医生应该受到制裁。安纳斯所关注的是病人病痛能否得到有效处理,为解决这个问题他认为医生可以采取任何必要的措施和手段。在最后一段,他明确指出,对病人不必要和可预见的痛苦漠不关心的医生应该受到惩罚。因此D选项“延长病人不必要的痛苦”是正确答案。A选项“不能胜任管理病人的工作”太宽泛,文中具体指的是病人痛苦的死亡可被认为是医生不能胜任管理的表现。文章第五段提到,安纳斯认为只要医生开的药物是用于合法的医疗目的,就没有违法,所以B选项“给病人的药物超过所需”和c选项“减少给病人的药物剂量”可排除。


Organ Donation and Transplantation

1 Organ donation(捐献)and transplantation(移植)refers to the process by which organs or tissues
from one person are put into another person's body.
2 The number of people needing a transplant continues to rise faster than the number of donors.About
3,700 transplant candidates are added to the national waiting list each month.Each day,about 77 people
receive organ transplants.However,18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place
because of the shortage of donated organs.
3 There are rio age limits on who can donate.Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ
donors. If you are under age 18 , you must have a parent's or guardian's consent(同意).If you are 18 years or
older,you can show you want to be an organ and tissue donor by signing a donor card.
4 Many people think that if they agree to donate their organs,the doctor or the emergency room staff
won't work as hard to save their life.This is not true.The transplant team is completely separate from the
medical staff working to save your life.The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors
have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.
5 If you need an organ transplant,your doctor will help you get on the national waiting list.Your name
will be added to a pool of names.When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the pool are
compared to that donor. Factors such as blood and tissue type, size of the organ, medical urgency(紧急)of
the patient's illness , time already spent on the waiting list, and distance between donor and recipient(接受
者)are considered.

Various factors are considered when deciding on_________.
A:donated organs
B:the national waiting list
C:a donor card
D:senior citizens
E:all possible efforts
F:the most suitable candidate

第二段中提到需要器官移植的人增加的速度远远大于器官捐献者增加的速度。每月有 3 700人加人等候者的行列,但每天只有77人接受器官移植;每天有18人在等待中死亡。这些 都是讲目前器官捐献和移植的状况,因此选择F。
第三段第一句“There are no age limits on who can donate.”就说明此段和捐献者的年龄 有关,因此选E。
第四段的中心意思是捐献者不必为他们的医疗担心,他们的医疗同样有保障,因此 选D。
从第二段内容可以看出A是正确答案:There 15 a great demand for donated organs.
从第三段第二句“Newborns as well as senior citizens have been organ donors.”得出正确 答案是D。
结合选项,从搭配上看sign后面只能跟a donor card;从文章第四段中“The transplant team does not become involved with you until doctors have determined that all possible efforts to save your life have failed.”也能看出答案是C。
根据最后一段中“When an organ donor becomes available,all the patients in the Pool are compared to the donor.Factors such ao blood and tissue type…are considered.”可知F是正确答案。


Text4 Death comes to all,but some are more sure of its timing,and can make plans.Kate Granger,a 32-year-old doctor suffering from an incurable form of sarcoma,has"very strong ambitions"for her last hours.She plans to avoid hospital emergency departments and die at her parents'house-music playing,candles glowing,family by her side.Surveys show that over two-thirds of Britons would like to die at home.Like Dr.Granger,they want to be with family and free ofpain.Yet hospital remains the most common place ofdeath.For some this is unavoidable-not every disease has as clear a tuming point as cancer-but for others a lack of planning is to blame.The govemment,motivated by both compassion and thrift,wants to help.To steer patients away from hospitals,general practitioners have been encouraged to find their l%-those patients likely to die in the next year-and start talking about end-of-life care.This can be difficult for doctors."As a profession we view death as failure,"says Dr.Granger.Yet when there is no cure to be had,planning for death can be therapeutic for patients.Those who do plan ahead are much more likely to have their wishes met.A growing number of patients have electronic"palliative-care co-ordination systems",which allow doctors to register personal preferences so that other care providers can follow them.A paramedic called to a patient's home would know of a do-not-resuscitate order,for example.One study showed that such systems increase the number of people dying in their homes.But savings for the government may mean costs for charities and ordinary folk.At the end of life it is not always clear who should pay for what.Although Britons can get ordinary health care without paying out of pocket,social care is means-tested.People must often shell out for carers or care homes-or look after the terminally ill themselves.Disputes crop up over trivial things,like responsibility for the cost ofa patient's bath.A bill now would cap the cost of an individual's social care by Parliament.Still,some want it to be free for those on end-of-life registries.That would cut into the govemment's savings-but allow more people to die as they want.37.Which of the following would Dr.Granger most probably agree on?

A.A planned death is equal to suicide.
B.Death is a failure for doctors.
C.Planning for death is beneficial for patients.
D.End-of-Iife care is a fundamental rask for doctors.

