问答题Passage 3  [A] Evening entertainment  [B] Main tourist attraction  [C] Good times to visit  [D] Other places of interest  [E] Introduction and location  [F] the number of tourists  [G] Clubs and pubsEdinburgh  (1) ______  Edinburgh, the capital of Scot

Passage 3  [A] Evening entertainment  [B] Main tourist attraction  [C] Good times to visit  [D] Other places of interest  [E] Introduction and location  [F] the number of tourists  [G] Clubs and pubsEdinburgh  (1) ______  Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is in the south-east of the country. It is situated on the coast, and the beautiful, green Pentland hills are not far from the city centre. Castle Rock stands in the centre of Edinburgh and is the best place for fantastic views of the city.  With a population of almost half a million people, the city is an exciting mix of traditional and modern.  (2) ______.  The first stop for most visitors to the city is the castle on Castle Rock. It is certainly worth a visit and the area nearby is full of shops that sell whisky and tartans to the tourists. Edinburgh’s most famous street, the Royal Mile, runs from the castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse and the Scottish Parliament. Along the street, you can see many interesting buildings and you can stop for a drink at a traditional, old Scottish pub.  (3) ______.  During your visit, you should certainly take the time to see other parts of the city. Prince’s Street has lovely gardens, museums and shops. The New Town is a superb area for walking with its attractive 18th century houses, offices and churches. Finally, the Grassmarket is an old part of the city which is full of cafes, bars and restaurants.  (4) ______.  Edinburgh has a large student population and the nightlife is excellent. Clubs usually stay open until three in the morning. You can hear live music in many of the pubs, choose from a number of first-class cinemas or go to a “ceilidh” (a traditional Scottish dance).  (5) ______.  The best time to come to the city is in August. Every year, thousands of people visit the Edinburgh Festival, the world’s biggest arts festival. With concerts, opera, theatre and art exhibitions, there is something for everyone. For winter visitors, Hogmanay (the Scottish New Year) is also an incredible experience that you will never forget.
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It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that ________.

[A] the sightseers cannot visit the Castle and the Palace separately

[B] the playgoers spend more money than the sightseers

[C] the sightseers do more shopping than the playgoers

[D] the playgoers go to no other places in town than the theater



Which of the following measures a company’s ability to pay its current liabilities ().

A.number of times interest charges earned

B.inventory turnover

C.earnings per share

D.current ratio



According to the passage, parents can help their children communicate by____.

A showing their own interest in other children

B encouraging their interest in other children

C playing games with them

D buying them more toys



The main idea of the passage is about______.

A.women's role in American families

B.advantages of fast food for Americans

C.modem lifestyles and diet in America

D.shift of American home entertainment



下面程序输出的结果是()。includeusing namespace std;void main(){ char ch[][8]={"g

下面程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; void main() { char ch[][8]={"good","better","best"}; for(int i=1;i<3;++i) { cout<<ch[i]<<endl; } }

A.good better

B.better best

C.good best




One of the things that make Fiji a tourist attraction is

A. its comfortable hotels

B. its good weather all year round

C. its exciting football matches

D. its religious beliefs




A、Good night.


C、Good afternoon.

D、Good morning.


F、Good evening.



有下列程序,在横线添加;includeusing namespace std;class TestClass{public:TestCla

有下列程序,在横线添加; #include<iostream> using namespace std; class TestClass { public: TestClass (int n){number=n;} ______//拷贝构造函数 ~TestClass(){} private: int number; }; TestClass fun(TestClass p) { TestClass temp(P); return temp; } int main() { TestClsss obj1(10),obj2(0); TestClass obj3(obj1); obj2=fun(obj3); return 0; }

A.TestClass(TestClass &other){number=other.number;}

B.TestClass(TestClass other){number=other.number;}

C.TestClass(TestClass &other){number;}


解析:拷贝构造函数中的赋值构造函数也是构造函数,但它只有一个参数,这个参数是本类的对象,即other,所以赋值操作将本类的参数other,number赋值给number;而且采用对象的引用的形式,也就是& other。


有以下程序includeusing namespace std;class MyClass{public:MyClass(int n){number

有以下程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class MyClass { public: MyClass(int n){number =n; } //拷贝构造函数 MyClass(MyClass& other) {number=other.number;} ~MyClass() {} private: int number; }; MyClass fun(MyClass p) { MyClass temp(p); return temp; } int main() { MyClass Obj1(10),obj2(0); MyClass obj3(obj1); obj2=fun(obj3); return 0; } 程序执行时,MyClass类的拷贝构造函数被调用的次数是







Touring the Antarctic Brings Danger

1 Ship tourism to Antarctica is on the rise.More than 35,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctica
this spring and summer. In 1992一1993,6,750 visited Antarctica,according to the Antarctic Treaty
Secretariat. All of this tourism,however,is posing great danger to both tourists and the environment.
2 Among the tourist ships that visit the continent,the Explorer,a Canadian ship,was one of the first.
Launched in 1969,it was built to ferry tourists to Antarctica.Last week,however,it became the first commer-
cial passenger ship to sink beneath the polar region's waters.Fortunately,all of the passengers and crew
members were evacuated(撤离)from the ship. However , the sunken ship threatens the Antarctic'S fragile
environment.The ship was estimated to be holding 48,000 gallons of marine diesel fuel.
3 The accident was not unanticipated.Both the US and the UK had warned at a conference of Antarc-
tic treaty nations in May that the tourism situation in the region was a potential disaster. The US said in a pa-
per,"People should take a hard look at tourism issues now,especially those related to vessel safety.""The
increasing number of ships operating in Antarctica means that ships are under greater pressures to meet the
time slots for visiting key sites,"the British government wrote in a paper at the meeting of treaty nations.
4 Although the Antarctic seas are relatively calm,floating ice poses a potential threat to ships.The
owner of the Explorer attributed the sinking to a fist-size hole in the hull created by ice.Many of the other
large cruise ships now visiting Antarctica have little or no ice reinforcement in their designs.Such ships
generally can only come to the continent at the height of summer. But the tourist rush is pushing vessels into
dangerous situations.
5 As a natural frontier,Antarctica is in a legal muddle.There are no obvious answers as to who is re-
sponsible for dealing with the threat that tourism may cause to human life and the environment.
6 Jim Barnes,executive director of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition,told the New York
Times,"There'S no military or coast guard for Antarctica."He asked,"Do we want this(the Antarctic)to
become Disneyland,or do we want some controls?"

The tourist ships are in danger of_________.
B:being hit by floating ice
C:pollute the sea
F:dealing with the threat

第一段前三句都在叙述南极游客数量上涨。最后一句引出下文。由此可知本段主要 论述南极游客的增加。所以正确答案为B。
第二段首先介绍“探索者”号轮船,接着说它上个星期沉没的情况以及带来的影响。曲 此可知本段主要论述“探索者”号轮船的沉没。所以最佳选项为A。
第三段首先说这一事故并非不可预见,然后说美国和英国在南极条约国的会议上已红 警告过该地区的旅游情况可能导致灾难的发生。最后分别描述了美国和英国的意见。由此司 知本段论述的是其他国家在事故发生之前发出的警告:所以正确答案为E。
本段第一句为中心句:虽然南极洲的海面相对平静,但是浮冰对轮船有潜在威胁。接 着详细说明很多大游轮都没有或几乎没有抗冰方面的强化设计,这会给大量游轮带来威胁。 可知本段论述的是潜在的危险,所以最佳答案为D。
第二段提到了“探索者”号轮船上的船员和乘客,该段第四句说:幸运的是,所有游客和 船员都从船上撤退了。由此可知船员和游客都安全。所以正确答案为A。
第三段第一句说,这个事故不是不可预料的,说明这个事故可以预料,后文提到美国和 英国早就提出了警告。由此可知正确答案为D。
第五段第二句说,关于谁应对旅游可能给人的生命和环境带来的威胁负责,没有明确 的答案。由此可知正确答案为E。
