An 18-year-old is believed to take a meaningful gap year when he/she_____. [A]live


An 18-year-old is believed to take a meaningful gap year when he/she_____.

[A] lives up to his/her parents’ expectations [B] spends time being lazy and doing nothing

[C] learns skills by spending parents’ money [D] earns his or her living and gains working experience

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When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to_. comfortably

B.take responsibilities

C.make progress in job

D.impress the society



Hi, I am Zhao Xin from Beijing. I just enrolled at The Open University last month. Now I'm a freshman at the School of Social Work. As a social work major, I can help take care of the homeless and sick people, talk to them and accompany them, do the cleaning and other house chores. I enjoy helping people and want to live a meaningful life. I love being a social worker. I used to look after the elderly at a nursing home when I was in middle school. It gives me a feeling of pride to bring happiness to others. I want to make a differencein the world. 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”;句子错误选择下拉选项框为“F”。

1. Zhao Xin is studying in the Open University now.()

2. His major is marketing.()

3. He is looking after the elderly at a nursing home nowadays.()

4. He wants to change the world and make it better.()

5. He is proud of being a social worker.()

参考答案:1:T; 2:F; 3:F; 4:T; 5:T


I am afraid I won’ t have any influence over my 18-year-old daughter () her mind is made up.

A. the moment soon as





According to the text, which of the following is true?

[A] the popularity of gap years results from an increasing number of charities.

[B] Prince William was working hard during his gap year.

[C] gap years are not as fashionable as they were ten years ago.

[D] a well-structured gap year is a guarantee of university success.



Which of the following is NOT true?

A) When a person tries to help others, he must be clear that there is a real emergency.

B) When a person tries to help others, he should know whether they are worth his help.

C) A person must take the full responsibility for the safety of those in emergencies if he wants to help.

D) A person with a heart attack needs help.



But that he saw it, he ___it.

A、could not have believed

B、did not believe

C、could not believe

D、cannot believe



—When did he go to America?

—Oh, he ______ there since half a year ago.

A went

B has been

C has gone

D was



If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to______.

A. watch lots of films

B. buy an expensive camera

C. stop in most cities

D. take with him other machines apart from film


38.答案为D  从第三段可知当时的摄影师必须携带大量胶卷和设备才能拍片,因此选D


Part 2 3. Talk to any parent of a student who took an adventurous gap year (a year between school and university when some students earn money, travel, etc.) and a misty look will come into their eyes. There are some disasters and even the most motivated, organised gap student does require family back-up, financial, emotional and physical. The parental mistiness is not just about the brilliant experience that has matured their offspring; it is vicarious living. We all wish pre-university gap years had been the fashion in our day. We can see how much tougher our kids become; how much more prepared to benefit from university or to decide positively that they are going to do something other than a degree.

Gap years are fashionable, as is reflected in the huge growth in the number of charities and private companies offering them. Pictures of Prince William toiling in Chile have helped, but the trend has been gathering steam for a decade. The range of gap packages starts with backpacking, includes working with charities, building hospitals and schools and, very commonly, working as a language assistant, teaching English. With this trend, however, comes a danger. Once parents feel that a well-structured year is essential to their would-be undergraduate’s progress to a better university, a good degree, an impressive CV and well paid employment, as the gap companies’ blurbs suggest it might be, then parents will start organising—and paying for—the gaps.

Where there are disasters, according to Richard Oliver, director of the gap companies’ umbrella organisation, the Year Out Group, it is usually because of poor planning. That can be the fault of the company or of the student, he says, but the best insurance is thoughtful preparation. “When people get it wrong, it is usually medical or, especially among girls, it is that they have not been away from home before or because expectation does not match reality.”

The point of a gap year is that it should be the time when the school leaver gets to do the thing that he or she fancies. Kids don’t mature if mum and dad decide how they are going to mature. If the 18-year-old’s way of maturing is to slob out on Hampstead Heath soaking up sunshine or spending a year working with fishermen in Cornwall, then that’s what will be productive for that person. The consensus, however, is that some structure is an advantage and that the prime mover needs to be the student.

The 18-year-old who was dispatched by his parents at two weeks’ notice to Canada to learn to be a snowboarding instructor at a cost of £5,800, probably came back with little more than a hangover. The 18-year-old on the same package who worked for his fare and spent the rest of his year instructing in resorts from New Zealand to Switzerland, and came back to apply for university, is the positive counterbalance.

第31题:It can be inferred from the first paragraph that parents of gap students may_____.

[A] help children to be prepared for disasters [B] receive all kinds of support from their children

[C] have rich experience in bringing up their offspring [D] experience watching children grow up



What happened to Reagan after this encounter?__________

A.He rejected Bouvier's offer and took the shop job
B.He was allowed to take the local bus one year for free
C.The shop where he was interviewed doubled his salary
D.He returned to high school to continue his schooling

根据文章最后一段“…gave Reagan a free one—year pass."可知选B。
