Judging from the context, the phrase "wreaking havoc" ( Line 2, Para.2) most prob


Judging from the context, the phrase "wreaking havoc" ( Line 2, Para.2) most probably means( )

[A] generating motivation

[B] exerting influence

[C] causing damage

[D] creating pressure

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The phrase “keep a lid on”(Line 6, Paragraph 3) most probably means_____.

[A] put an end to

[B] set a limit on

[C] tighten the control over

[D] reduce the speed of


本题考查词义理解。“keep a lid on”出现在最后一段倒数第二句,表示对“日元升值”做的动作。下文提到具体做法是:日本中央银行忙于购进美元并且把这些钱转为政府债务。四个选项都是同一方向的表达,根据经济常识,应选[B],表示“限制日元的升值”。


Judging from the context, the phrase "a rocky patch" (Line 1, Para.6) most probably means( )

[A] a risky travel

[B] peaceful life

[C] a fatal disease

[D] an unhappy marriage



Judging by the context, the phrase "in tandem" in the last paragraph probably means______.

A.in touch


C.in contrast


解析:in tandem意为“与…同步”。


I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room—a woman's group that had invited men to join them.Throughout the evening,one man had been particularly talkative,frequently offering ideas and anecdotes,while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch.Toward the end of the evening,I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands don't talk to them.This man quickly nodded in agreement.He gestured toward his wife and said“She's the talker in our family.”The room burst into laughter;the man looked puzzled and hurt.“It's true”he explained.“When I come home from work I have nothing to say.If she didn't keep the conversation going we'd spend the whole evening in silence.”This episode crystallizes the irony that although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations,they often talk less at home.And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s.Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewed—but only a few of the men—gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.Given the current divorce rate of nearly 50 percent,that amounts to millions of cases in the United States every year—a virtual epidemic of failed conversation.In my own research,complains from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his,or doing far more than their share of daily lifesupport work like cleaning,cooking and social arrangements.Instead they focused on communication:“He doesn't listen to me.”“He does not talk to me.”I found,as Hacker observed years before,that most wives want their husbands to be,first and foremost,conversational partners,but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.In short,the image that best represents the current crisis is the stereotypical cartoon scene of a man sitting at the breakfast table with a newspaper held up in front of his face,while a woman glares at the back of it,wanting to talk.Judging from the context,the phrase“wreaking havoc”(Para.2)most probably means_____

A.generating motivation
B.exerting influence
C.causing damage
D.creating pressure

词义题【命题思路】这是一道词义推理题,属于封闭式推理题。首先要定位短语所在的句子,然后根据其所在的文本进行逻辑推理。短语出现在第二段的最后一句话,这和第三段的第一句话构成顺接关系,因此对于考生来说,解题的关键在于第三段的内容。【直击答案】该短语出现在第二段最后一句话“and this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.”短语是对this pattern的描述,根据代词代前不代后和就近指代的原则,可判断指的是上句话中的:although American men tend…talk less at home。紧接着第三段首句提到“this pattern was observed…”,两句话中都提到了this pattern,属于指代复现,这表明两个段落之间是顺接的关系,即这两个段落的观点是一致的,因此只要提炼出第三段的观点,那么题干中短语的意思就不言而喻了。第三段主要描述了社会学家凯瑟琳?科勒?里斯曼在她书中讲述了一个通过访谈方式进行的研究,该研究结果表明:most women she interviewed…reason for their divorces,即大多数女性都将缺少交流归结为离婚的理由。由此可知这种模式危害婚姻,故C项为正确答案。【干扰排除】A项“产生动机”在文中并未体现,属于无中生有。这种男性在家不与妻子交流的模式确实对他们的婚姻产生了影响,但是文章表述得很清楚,这种影响是导致离婚,是负面影响,而B项“施加影响”并没有具体说明是正面还是负面影响,故排除。D项“形成压力”干扰性比较大,但其表述不够明确。


We may infer from the context that "upselling" (Line 2, Para.6) probably means( )

[A] selling something up

[B] selling something fancy

[C] selling something unnecessary

[D] sdling something more expensive



The phrase" special sectors" (line l ,paragraph 7) most probably refers to

[ A] energy ,food and housing.

[ B] indexed programs.

[ C] social security and food stamps.

[ D] large corporations and labor settlements.

44.A【精析】该题为释义题。第七段第一句“For the special sectors where the big shocks have occurred...”告诉我们,这些特殊行业已经受到了通货膨胀的巨大影响,而且根据第一段最后一句“There also have been tremendous shocks in energy, food and housing prices.making it worse.’:可以看出,能源、食品及住房价格已经发生了巨大震荡,这使得通货膨胀更加糟糕;综合以上两方面的因素,故选A


What does the author imply by "Until now such bonds have largely been the preserve of rich-country is-suers" ( Line 3-4, Para.2) ?( )

[A] The catastrophe bonds are mainly reserved by rich countries.

[B] Only rich countries have the ability to issue the catastrophe bonds.

[C] Rich countries seldom issue the catastrophe bonds.

[D] Most of the catastrophe bonds are raised in rich countries.



The phrase“making the biggest splash”(line 1,paragraph 3)most probably means

A. causing the biggest trouble.

B. exerting the greatest effort.

C. achieving the greatest success.

D. enjoying the widest popularity.



The phrase "prior to" (Para.2) probably means___________.




What is the difference between a CSU/DSU and a modem?()

  • A、A CSU/DSU converts analog signals from a router to a leased line; a modem converts analog signals from a router to a leased line.
  • B、A CSU/DSU converts analog signals from a router to a phone line; a modem converts digital signals from a router to a leased line.
  • C、A CSU/DSU converts digital signals from a router to a phone line; a modem converts analog signals from a router to a phone line.
  • D、A CSU/DSU converts digital signals from a router to a leased line; a modem converts digital signals from a router to a phone line.

