Organizing students to anticipate the general content of the reading passages should be in the step of_____.

Organizing students to anticipate the general content of the reading passages should be in the step of_____.
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Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will know the structure of letter and know how to invite and refuse others.
Ability aim:
Students will improve their reading abilities such as skimming and scanning.
Emotional aim:
Students will use what we have learned into their daily life.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will know how to invite and refuse others.
Difficult Point: Students will be more confident in speaking English and improve their reading skills.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2.Play a video of Dear John Letter to lead in the lesson.
Step 2: Pre-reading
Ask students to predict what we will learn today according to the video.
Step 3: While-reading

1.How to improve students’ reading ability?
2.Which school did you graduate?

The topic should be interesting, which can arouse the interest of students In the class, teachers should give students’ subjectivity to the full play and give them more chance to communicate with each other. And organize various activities to encourage them to express themselves.
I graduated from ...and English is my major. After four years’ study, I have ,mastered the basic professional knowledge in English and I was also award with second prize scholarship. I actively participated various community activities which broaden my horizon. I also engage in teaching practice, which enrich my teaching experience.


Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can master the format of the news bulletin.
Ability aim:
Students can organize their news writings well by imitating the sample.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more sensitive to different genres of literature.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students can write a news bulletin in correct format.
Difficult Point: Students can actively convey messages in written English.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greet the students.
2. Play a short piece of video which is a recent international news, then encourage students to talk about their opinions towards this news.
Step 2: Pre-writing
1. The teacher read the passage for students and ask them to decide which style of writing it belongs to.
2. Let students read it again and work in groups of four to conclude the structure that the reporter used to write this passage. Present students’ answers on the blackboard.
3. Continue the group work. Have a discussion about the news happened recently.
Step 3: While-writing
Give students 15 minutes to write a news bulletin according to the standard format. Remind them to pay attention to the tense, structure, and the coherence.
Step4: Post-reading
1. Deskmates check the writings for each other.
2. Invite some volunteers to share their news by reading them aloud.
3. The teacher gives them some comments.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: the teacher will summarize today’s key point.
Homework: students revise their own works after class; each group need to make a newspaper by organizing members’ news reports together.

1.How well will your students do in this writing class?

2.Please talk about a news you heard recently.

1.As students in junior high school, they are quite familiar to English writing. However, this may be their first time get in touch with news bulletin writing. I will make full use of the pre-writing part to help my students become well-prepared for it. After observing and discussion with their friend, they can get initial understanding of the writing structure. In addition, I will also give some instructions while they are writing if necessary. So I believe all the students can master this new type of writing well.

2.The news that gives me the deepest impression during these days must be the one that Change 4 landed on the far side of the moon successfully. On January 3rd, 2019, China made history as the first to send a spacecraft to the dark side of the moon. It is an exciting news and of historically significance for the Change 4 collects unique data that could inform our understanding of the early solar system, and perhaps even the early universe. I will always be proud of these achievements our country has made.


Reading aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice. Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be 16 by the other. However, we need to be aware when we should use them. When we 17 teaching reading or developing reading skills, we are mostly referring to silent reading. To develop 18 readers in a foreign language, silent reading activities must be given enough 19 and time in class with the proper guidance from the 20 . Reading aloud also has its particular 21 for our students who are learning English as a foreign language. 22 can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation, 23 them with new words and the stress patterns of English, help 24 their eontidenee in speaking the language. Therefore, opportunities should be 25 for students to read aloud only after they have comprehended the text 26 before comprehension can be very 27 and it can easily destroy their self-confidence. With 28 reading, it sets up a poor reading model for other students as well. It is 29 that we first help students learn the text through 30 reading activities and then with comprehension we give our students practice by using an audio tape to 31 a good model for practicing reading aloud. With adequate 32 , we may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to 33 their motivation and confidence. By asking the students to read aloud, it is also a good chance for the teacher to get 34 on the students′ comprehension as we can notice 35 there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficulties or misunderstanding of the text.
第(17)题选 out into about
D.take on

考查短语辨析。句意为“当我们________阅读教学或发展阅读技能时,我们多数指的是默读”。workout“解决,算出”,run into“遇到,陷入”,talk about“谈论”,take on“承担,呈现”,只有C项符合题意。



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will grasp and understand the main and detailed information of the passage.
Ability aim:
Students will improve their reading and speaking skills.
Emotional aim:
Students will foster the interest and desire of learning English and take part in speaking activities actively.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will totally understand the content of the passage.
Difficult Point: Students will foster the interest of learning English, and take part in speaking activities.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show students pictures about different types of transportation and naturally lead to today’s topic.
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. Ask students two questions and some volunteers will be invited to share their answers.
Q1: How do you come to school?
Q2: How do your parents go to work?
2. Ask students to predict the main idea of the passage based on the above discussion and pictures on the screen.
Step 3: While-reading
1st reading: Ask students to read the passage for the first time and check their prediction. Besides, they need to find out which countries are mentioned in the passage and circle them.
2nd reading: Ask students to read the passage for the second time and complete the following chart. Some students will be invited to finish it on the blackboard.

Step4: Post-reading
Discussion: ask students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation. Four students in a group, after five minutes, some groups are supposed to show their results.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to investigate their friends’ way of going to school and find some interesting ways of transportation on the Internet.
Blackboard design:

1. How to improve students’ reading and speaking ability in your class?
2. How did you evaluate the performance of students in the class?

It is very important to improve students’ reading and speaking abilities. In my class, I take three specific steps to improve their reading and speaking abilities. Firstly, before reading the article, I ask the students to guess the main idea of the article according to my questions and pictures on the screen. As you heard, this can not only exercise students’ guessing ability, but also help them read the passage with questions. In the while-reading part, I set two times of reading, namely extensive reading and intensive reading. Obviously, students’ scanning ability and the ability to grasp detailed information can be improved. It also helps them form good reading habits. As for speaking ability, I organize a discussion activity without standard answers. Students can express their views freely in groups. In this way, their reading and speaking abilities can be improved a lot.
Students are under a stage of growing and developing. They are eager to be evaluated and encouraged by their teachers. At the same time, students are different, and their acceptance and abilities of learning are different. Therefore, in my class, I have adopted a variety of different evaluations. For the students who answered correctly, I would praise them directly, such as “excellent”, “you can find the answer so fast”. For those students who dare not answer questions or did not find out the answers, I just encouraged them and guided them to say the answers, and gave some encouraging comments, like “nice try!”, “you’ve made a great progress”. Also, some students made mistakes. In my class, instead of directly blaming the student for being wrong, I asked other students to help him/her and give them a proper evaluation.



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
(1)Students are able to distinguish the words and Expressions and comprehend their meanings in sentences and paragraphs:leap,enjoyable, graceful,excellent, Martial arts etc.
(2)Studentsunderstand this review and make a film review.
Ability aim:
(1)Students can guess the meaning of new words and phrases while reading, understand what this review is talking about.
(2)After this lesson, students can learn how to write a review about films by using the words and expressions learnt.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English after this lesson
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Learn to make a film review based on: director, plot, setting, characters, and actors and develop the reading skill of fast reading and scanning.
Difficult Point: Learn the reading skill of scanning for the specific information of the text and to be able to make a review in writing by the words they learnt.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show the English trailer of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and ask students several questions:
Do you like watching movies?
What’s your favorite movie?
Do you want to know more about this film after watching this video?
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. Introduce the topic: Film Review Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
2. Present vocabularies in PPT about Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and then the teacher will ask several questions. The teacher will give the new words and explain new words with sentences.
How does this person looks like?
Is she or he happy or anything else?
Could you please give me some word to describe it?
What does this word means?
3.After learning new words, Give students a table and help them study movie types. At the same time, give students the words about types of film (Romantic film; Martial arts film; Adventure film; Thriller; Comedy); and then show representatives one by one: Titanic; The ShaoLin Temple; Kung Fu Panda; and Bean; last show the definitions

Step 3: While-reading
1.Fast reading: ask students to read the text fast and choose a best summary of this review.
Check the answers.
It is a martial arts film that tells the story of a stolen sword, and the fight to get it back.
2.Careful reading: ask students to scan and read the text again, then discuss the questions:
Discuss the following questions.
When did the story took place?
Where did the story happened?
Who are the main characters in this film?
What this story is talking about?
And then ask students to discuss the reasons why LiMubai did not marry Yu Xiulian, and whether they should get married? Invite two students express ideas in class.
Step4: Post-reading
1. Retell: Ask students to use the words and expressions learnt to retell part of the story according to following clues;
Li Mubai friend love
Yu Xiulian fiancé sword
Yu Jiaolong young woman
2. Discussion: Ask students to choose one of the favorite characters based on the introduction of the text and explain why in their own words. Then find some students to describe one character in public and give students feedback on their performance.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: write a review on your favorite film more than 100 words.
Blackboard design:

1.What's your favorite sports?
2.Please introduce yourself

1.I think it is jogging. It is a simple sport and doesn't require skills of any sort. This leaves room for me to enjoy the beautiful suburban scenery while jogging. Fresh air caresses my face and blows into my chest, which translates into inspirations. And inspirations are really good stuff for me. It can hepl me to lead a better life.Besides, it can make me relax, and forget my troubles and also after it, I can get the energy and chase my dream again.
2.I’m number 2. I have just graduated from Peking University. And get my English degree. In my life, I like doing some sports,like jogging, yoga, playing the badminton with my friends. They all good for my body. Besides, I also read some books which concludes a large number of aspects, such as education, literature, medicine and so on. And my favorite book is The Pilgrim, which give me some inspiration about life.


Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can express their opinion and give others solutions on the topic.
Ability aim:
Students can develop their logical thinking ability through writing.
Emotional aim:
Students will know how to get along with their parents and then love and cherish their family.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students make clear about how to give others suggestions. .
Difficult Point: Students can understanding the deep meaning of family.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Sing a song : Five Hundred Miles, then ask students the theme of the song, if they don’t know, the teacher will tell them that the song is used to express the feeling of wandering one missing his families.
Step 2: Pre-writing
1. The teacher read the letter to students and let students pay attention to the feeling of the author.
2. Brainstorming: tell students they should write a letter to the author, and what they should do is to have a discussion on the topic what the author should do to get along with her parents, and they are supposed to give as many suggestions as possible.
3. Then invite some students to write down their ideas on the blackboard.
4. Analysis the format of letter briefly.
Step 3: While-writing
Drafting: According to the analysis above, give students 15 minutes to write a letter to the author. First, remind them of the preparations we made during pre-writing. Secondly, go into them and give them some instructions when they are writing and ask them pay attention to grammar, punctuation, spelling and so on.
Step4: Post-writing
1. Peer editing: After the drafting, ask students to check the ideas or the logical development. Pay attention to the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings.
2. Sample show: choose several passages for them to learn and give them some evaluations from the advantages and disadvantages.Then ask them to rectify their own writings according the evaluations.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to talk about their own problems honestly with their parents and try to solve them together.
Blackboard design:

1. Please talk about the principles of teaching writing?
2. What’s your favorite book?

There are several principles in writing: appropriate approaches; integration principle; communicative principle; realistic principle; procedural principle.
Among all the books I have read, A Dream of Red Mansions, one of the four great works in China, an encyclopedia of the ancient Chinese life, is my favorite. What attracts me most in this book are the fabulous communication skills, which provokes me with great inspiration. Take Baochai for instance, though she was nice and considerate to everyone, when she was attacked by ridicules, she would fight back forcefully without hesitation. And her retort was always sparkling with wisdom, which I appreciate so much, and which I believe is indispensable in daily work. I believe that when we are challenged by some sharp questions, we should take Baochai as an example to make a tactful reply.



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will master the meaning and usage of the structure “be doing” through reading the passage.
Ability aim:
Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more interest in learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will master how to improve reading abilities through finding main idea and details.
Difficult Point: Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a riddle and students guess the animals, such as “long nose, big ears and strong body——elephant”, then lead to the topic of “let’s go to the zoo to see what animals are doing”.
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. According to the title, students have a prediction about what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.
Step 3: While-reading
1. Fast reading: students read the passage fast and figure out what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage then make a list.
2. Careful reading: students read the passage carefully and answer the question: what are the animals doing? Then fill in the blanks.

1. How do you improve students’ interest in learning English?
2. What principle should you use in the post-reading step?

In the process of English teaching, teachers should enrich the teaching approaches, not only teach students through "listening, speaking, reading", but also integrate situational teaching, so that students can feel the diversity of teaching and learning.
Besides, teachers can make use of the form of cooperative study and organize various practice activities in the classroom to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and cooperation, so that students have positive sense of learning.
First, we should persist in the communicative principle. In the production step of reading
class, students should be organized in groups to cultivate their speaking ability and communicative ability. In this way, we can reach the New Curriculum Standard.
Then, we should insist on the truth principle. That means we should provide more real materials that are closet to students’ real life, such as situation creation like what I did in this class. In this way, students’ interest can be aroused and they can apply what they’ve learned in real communication.


Reading aloud and silent reading are two different types of reading practice. Each has a function in the teaching of reading and should not be 16 by the other. However, we need to be aware when we should use them. When we 17 teaching reading or developing reading skills, we are mostly referring to silent reading. To develop 18 readers in a foreign language, silent reading activities must be given enough 19 and time in class with the proper guidance from the 20 . Reading aloud also has its particular 21 for our students who are learning English as a foreign language. 22 can help them acquire good pronunciation and intonation, 23 them with new words and the stress patterns of English, help 24 their eontidenee in speaking the language. Therefore, opportunities should be 25 for students to read aloud only after they have comprehended the text 26 before comprehension can be very 27 and it can easily destroy their self-confidence. With 28 reading, it sets up a poor reading model for other students as well. It is 29 that we first help students learn the text through 30 reading activities and then with comprehension we give our students practice by using an audio tape to 31 a good model for practicing reading aloud. With adequate 32 , we may ask the students to read aloud to the whole class to 33 their motivation and confidence. By asking the students to read aloud, it is also a good chance for the teacher to get 34 on the students′ comprehension as we can notice 35 there are wrong pauses or mispronounced words which indicate possible difficulties or misunderstanding of the text.




Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
Students will know about the relation between shadow and the sun through reading the passage.
Students will master the usage of comparative degree in the reading.
Ability aim:
Students will apply the comparative degree to retell the story.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more interest in learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will master the usage of comparative degree in the reading.
Difficult Point: Students will apply the comparative degree to retell the story.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a riddle--it rises up and goes down every day, what is it? and students guess it’s the sun, then lead to the story about the sun.
Step 2: Pre-reading
According to the word “sun”, students have a brainstorm about what natural phenomenon about sun they have known.
Step 3: While-reading
1. Fast reading: students read the passage fast and figure out what the tree and the duck are talking about.
2. Careful reading: students read the passage carefully and answer the question: why does the shadow get longer when the sun gets lower? And underline the words with “er”.
3. The teacher explains the words with “er” to the students.
Step4: Post-reading
1. Students work in pairs to make a role-play (one is the little duck, the other is the old tree) to make a conversation according to the passage.
2. Students work in groups to find the real reason why the shadow gets longer when the sun gets lower.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: students tell the story to their parents.
Blackboard design:

1.Do you think repeated practice is suitable for English learning?
2.What do you think of English class activities such as role-play?

Reciting is a way of practicing. There is a gap between understanding English and using English. For students, even if they think they can remember what they learn in class, after class while applying the knowledge taught in class, it possibly doesn’t work very well. So it is a practice way but we can not only use it. We need to use more practice ways together reciting to ensure the effect of teaching and learning.
English class activities play an important role in English teaching. These performances can stimulate students' interest in learning English, mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning English, activate classroom atmosphere, reduce students' learning pressure, help students overcome fear of English learning, cultivate students' participation awareness, cooperation spirit and leadership ability.


Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will master the meaning and pronunciation of the words.
Ability aim:
Students will know how to pronounce “ch” and “sh” in words.
Emotional aim:
Students will be interested in learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point:
Students will master the meaning and pronunciation of the words.
Students will know how to pronounce “ch” and “sh” in words.
Difficult Point:
Students will be interested in learning English.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.
2. Chant with the students
Tomato tomato wash wash wash
Tomato tomato cut cut cut
Tomato tomato cook cook cook
Tomato tomato eat eat eat
Ask them if they remember the first step in the chant. They may say that it is to “wash” the tomato. Then tell them that today we are going to learn some pronunciation in it.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Draw some pictures according to different words, and then explain the meanings to the students.
2. Play the finger show with the students to consolidate the words. For example, finger 1 refers to “chicken”, and finger 2 refers to “lunch”. When the teacher points finger 1, the students should read “chicken” loudly. The rest could be done in the same manner.
3. Ask students to find similarities and differences among the words. They may say that in the first two words, there is “ch” in the words, while in the last two words, there is “sh” in the words. And they pronounce similarly.
4. Conclude the rules of “ch” and “sh”. Tell them that when they see “ch”, they should pronounce [ch], and when they see “sh”, they should pronounce [sh]. They may sound similar, but they are different. Please be notice that.
Step 3: Practice
1. Ask a few students if there are other words containing “ch” or “sh”. They may answer “chopsticks”, “ship” or “shop”.
2. Read the words in a different order, and ask students to rank the words according to the listening. At the same time, invite one students to come to the front and write the words down on the blackboard. Check answers later.
Step4: Production
Ask students to make up dialogues with their deskmates. 5 minutes will be given. After that, invite 2 pairs to share their dialogues. Give encouragement.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Read the words to their parents.
Blackboard design:

1. What will you do to help students master the pronunciation of what we need to learn?
2. What will you do if the students can’t focus on your class?

First, they should know how to pronounce the syllables. So I will pronounce them exaggeratedly to let them notice the place of articulation. I will correct their pronunciations if they make some mistakes. Then, I ask them if they know other words sharing the same syllables. Also, few activities were arranged to make them really use the rules. So I believe they will master the rules of the pronunciations.
There are some options to deal with the problem. First, I could arrange some interesting activities to stimulate their interest. Second, when imparting some knowledge, I could show some examples closely related to their daily lives. They will be interested in familiar things. Third, I could ask some students to answer my questions from time to time, so they will be more focused in case of being asked. So I will try to use the most appropriate method to attract their attention.
