Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel?

Which is NOT true of Alfred Nobel?

A He was from Sweden
B He was the inventor of dynamite.
C He established the prizes in his will
D He gave clear instructions on how to select winners.
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Never again _____ political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.

A. Alfred E. Smith seriously sought

B. seriously Alfred E. Smith sought

C. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek

D. did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek

参考答案: D


A Nobel Prize is considered by most people one of the highest international honors a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were started by a Swede called Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and lived from 1833 to1896. Alfred Nobel was a chemist and inventor. He made two important inventions. And so he became very rich. Although he was rich, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married nor had children. Also, he was a sick man in a large part of his life. Nobel died at the age of sixty-three. When he died, he left a fund 基金) of $9,000, 000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and the promotion 促进)of world peace. The first Nobel Prizes were given on December 10th, 1901, five years after Nobel’s death. Many famous people from all over the world have been given Nobel Prizes for their achievements. Albert Einstein was one of them. Each Prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a diploma(证书)saying that he has been given the Prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money—about $40, 000. Often a Prize is given to just one person, but not always. Sometimes, a Prize is shared. It may be given to two or three people who have worked together. Sometimes a Prize is not given at all if there is no outstanding achievement. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given. It is the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm that decides whether to give the Prize or not

1.Most people think that the Nobel Prize is __________ a person can receive.

A、 the highest honor in the world

B、 one of the highest international honors

C、 a higher honor than others

D、 as high as any other honor

2.Alfred Nobel who started the Nobel Prize was __________

A、 a rich, happy and lucky man

B、 a poor, unhappy and unlucky man

C、 a poor, but happy and lucky man

D、 a rich, unhappy and unlucky man

3.A Nobel Prize is made up of _________

A、 a gold medal and a large amount of money

B、 a gold medal and a diploma

C、 a gold medal and a diploma and a large amount of money

D、 a diploma and a large amount of money

4.A Nobel Prize is given to __________ each year.

A、 just one person

B、 one person

C、 not always one person

D、 three persons

5.When he died, Nobel left an amount of money __________

A、 to his wife and his children

B、 to the university he used to study in

C、 to his parents and his students

D、 to be spend on setting five prizes



Which new idea do you think may come true? 


People could live on the moon in the future.


Which of the following is Not True?

A. Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everything
B. We can buy what we want
C. Products of good quality don't need to be advertised
D. Advertisement makes our life colorful
19. Which of the following is Not True?



Of the existing theories about the origin of carnival ,people are not sure which theory is more true to the fact.()



Which of the following statements about writers in 1920s is true?

A.Mark Twain published his last and most important novel.

B.F.Scott Fitzgerald received the Nobel Prize.

C.Freudian psychology influenced many modern writers.

D.Most writers were politically radical.



Before his_________Alfred Nobel decided to set up a prize with his money to honor the people who did great things in science.







THREE AMERICANS WIN NOBEL ECONOMICS PRIZE The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in economics to three Americans, Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller on Oct. 14, 2013. Eugene Fama and Lars Peter Hansen are both professors at the University of Chicago. Robert Shiller is a professor at Yale University. They will share the prize worth about 1.2 million dollars. “This year's prize in economic sciences is about predictions.” All three of this year's prize winners are mainly known for their research and explanations of pricing forces in financial markets. They have had a big influence on the way people look at and talk about financial markets. Eugene Fama's research on financial markets in the 1960s led market watchers to change their ideas about investing. His ideas are linked to the theory that markets are efficient, which means market actors taking all available information to create the correct price for things at any given time. This also means that over short periods of time, it is not possible to predict prices. Robert Shiller found, however, that over long periods, the opposite is true. It is possible to predict the movement of prices and that price changes are linked to human behavior. The findings of both economists have led to the growth of index funds, investing many different securities as a way to reduce risk. Mr Shiller also helped to create the Standard & Poor's Case-Shiller home prices index. That index follows home prices across the United States. Lars Peter Hansen developed a method for studying historical pricing information. His method supports Mr Shiller's findings and has influenced efforts to predict prices in the financial industry. The Nobel Prize in economics was not created by Alfred Nobel, but was established in his memory by Sweden's central bank in 1968.

1. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in electronics to three Americans on Oct. 14, 2013.()

2. Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller won the prize for their research and explanations of pricing forces in financial markets.()

3. Eugene Fama's research on financial markets in the 1960s resulted in some change in how market watchers look at investing.()

4. The findings of both economists have led to the growth of price prediction, investing many different securities as a way to reduce risk.()

5. The Nobel Prize in economics was established in memory of Alfred Nobel by Sweden's central bank in 1968.()

参考答案:1:F; 2:T; 3:T; 4:F; 5:T



Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining,construction,and warfare as the inventor of dynamite(炸药). On April 12,1888,Alfred's brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper _21_ his brother for him and carried an article _22_ the death of Alfred Nobel. “The merchant of death is dead.” The article read. “Dr. Alfred

Nobel,who became _23_ by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before,died yesterday. ”Nobel was _24_ to find out not that he had died,but that,when his time was up, he would be thought of only as one who profited from _25_ and destruction.

To make sure that he was _26_ with love and respect. Nobel arranged in his _27_ to give the largest part of his money to _28_ the Nobel prizes,which would be awarded to people who made great _29_ to the causes of peace,literature,and the sciences. So _30_ ,Nobel had to die before he realized what his life was really about.

21. A. found B. misunderstood C. mistook D. judged

【解析】因mistake A for B (将A误以为B)是固定搭配。


Teaching and Learning Medicine Award
Two scientists who have won praise for research into the growth of cancer cells could be candidates for the Nobel Prize in medicine when the 2008 winners are presented on Monday,kicking off six days of Nobel announcements.
Australian-born U.S.citizen Elizabeth Blackburn and American Carol Greider have already won a Series of medical______(51)for their enzyme(酶)research and experts say they could be among the front-runners for a Nobel.
Only seven women have______(52)the medicine prize since the first Nobel Prizes were______(53) out in 1901.The last female winner was U.S.researcher Linda Buck in 2004,who______(54)the prize with Richard Axel.
Among the pair's possible______(55)are Frenchman Pierre Chambon and Americans Ronald Evans and Elwood Jensen,who______(56)up the field of studying proteins called nuclear hormone receptors(核激素受体).
As usual,the award committee is giving no______(57)about who is in the running before presenting its decision in a news conference at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute.
Alfred Nobel,the Swede who______(58)dynamite(炸药),established the prizes in his will in the ______(59)of medicine,physics,chemistry,literature and peace.The economics prize is technically not a Nobel but a 1968 creation of Sweden's central bank.
Nobel left few instructions on how to______(60)winners,but medicine winners are typically______(61)for a specific breakthrough rather than a body of research.
Hans Jornvall , secretary of the medicine prize committee , said the 10 million kronor(瑞典克朗)prize encourages______(62)research but he did not think winning it was the primary goal for scientists."Individual researchers probably don't______(63)at themselves as potential Nobel Prize winners when they,re______(64)work,"Jornvall told the Associated Press-They get their kicks from their research and their interest in how life______(65)."


