Text 2 No wonder they are called"patients".When people enter the health-care systems of rich countries today,they know what they will get:prodding doctors,endless tests,rising costs and,above all,lon

Text 2 No wonder they are called"patients".When people enter the health-care systems of rich countries today,they know what they will get:prodding doctors,endless tests,rising costs and,above all,long waits.Some stoicism will always be needed,because health care is complex and diligence matters.But frustration is boiling over.This week three of the biggest names in American business-Amazon,Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase-announced a new venture to provide better,cheaper health care for their employees.A fundamental problem with today's system is that patients lack knowledge and control.Access to data can bestow both.The intemet already enables patients to seek online consultations when and where it suits them.Yet radical change demands a shift in emphasis,from providers to patients and from doctors to data.That shift is happening.Technologies such as the smartphone allow people to monitor their own health.The possibilities multiply when you add the crucial missing ingredients-access to your own medical records and the ability easily to share information with those you trust.That allows you to reduce inefficiencies in your own treatment and also to provide data to help train medical algorithms.As with all new technologies,pitfalls accompany the promise.Hucksters will launch apps that do not work.But with regulators demanding oversight of apps that present risks to patients,users will harm only their wallets.Not everyone will want to take active control of their own health care;plenty will want the professionals to manage everything.The benefits of new technologies often flow disproportionately to the rich.Those fears are mitigated by the incentives that employers,govemments and insurers have to invest in cost-efficient preventive care for all.Other risks are harder to deal with.Greater transparency may encourage the hale and hearty not to take out health insurance.They may even make it harder for the unwell to find cover.Will the benefits ofmaking data more widely available outweigh such risks?The signs are that they will.Plenty of countries are now opening up their medical records,but few have gone as far as Sweden.It aims to give all its citizens electronic access to their medical records by 2020;over a third of Swedes have already set up accounts.Studies show that patients with such access have a better understanding of their illnesses,and that their treatment is more successful.Trials in America and Canada have produced not just happier patients but lower costs,as clinicians fielded fewer inquiries.That should be no surprise.No one has a greater interest in your health than you do.Trust in Doctor You.
Who may gain the most profit of new technology?

A.The developers.
B.The wealthy.
C.The govemments.
D.The regulators.
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。



We know good manners are important . Today I am going to tell you something about manners in different countries . I think you already know that people in different countries usually have different ways of doing things . Something that is rude in one country may be quite polite in another . For example , in Britain you mustn’t lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having liquid food . That is considered bad manners in Britain . But in Japan you needn’t worry about making a noise when you drink something . It shows that you are enjoying it . In Britain we try not to put our hands on the table at all during a meal . In Mexico , however , guests are expected to keep their hands on the tablethroughout a meal . In Arabic countries we must be careful with our hands . You see , in Arabic countries you mustn’t eat with your left hand. This is considered to be very impolite . So, what should you do if you visit a foreign country ? Well , you needn’t worry . You can ask the native people there to help you and you can just watch carefully and try to do what they do .

( )61. In Arabic countries you must be careful with your _____.

A. feet

B. mouth

C . eyes

D. hands



After logging into a router, you type in "enable" and then enter the correct password when prompted. What is the current router prompt symbol at this point?()

A. >

B. #

C. ?

D. *

E. All of the above

F. None of the above



When a project manager is running over the budgeted costs, the project manager can typically _____ to attempt to get the project back on budget.

A . Reduce features and/or functionality

B . Increase risk.

C . Incur a schedule slippage (to obtain more favorable pricing due to lengthened delivery times)

D . All of the above.

E . A and B only



Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

There has been a change in doctors'understanding of the cause of stomach ulcer.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。


Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

Stomach ulcer can lead to stomach cancer.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。


I’d like to know what time we can get the container ()it is in the port.






In some countries, __________is called equality does not really mean equal rights for all people.





考查主语从句。句意为“在某些国家,所谓的平等并不真正意味着所有人都拥有平等的权利”。由题干可知句子“_________ is called equality”是整个句子的主语.且此句本身也缺少主语.因此空格处的词既要引导主语从句还要充当从句的主语,只能是选项中的what。which不能在从句中充当主语:that在主语从句中不充当任何成分:0ne不能起连接的作用。故选B。


When reading a text, I start by predicting the probable meaning, then I get to read and understand the words and phrases in the text to check whether that is really what the writer means. Sometimes I go the other way round. That’s to say, I combine the above 2 ways in my reading. This is the interactive model.()




Stomach Ulcer
Stomach ulcers are the cause of severe pain for many people.Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.Studies show that ten percent of the population will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.So a possible cure is good news for many people.
Ulcers are wounds in the stomach that are similar to small cuts or tears.These wounds can harm the tissue in the stomach,the pipe that carries the food to the stomach or parts of the small intestines.Fluids in the stomach then increase the pain of an ulcer.How does a person know he or she has an ulcer?Doctors say most people with ulcers feel a burning pain in their chest or stomach.This pain often is called heart burn.It usually happens before eating or during the night.It causes some people to lose their desire to eat,or they are unable to keep food in their stomachs.Doctors believed that ulcers were caused by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.H.Pillorie bacteria are what make stomach produce extra stomach fluid.Doctors found that they can kill the bacteria with medicines called antibiotics.Health experts say the discovery of a cure for ulcers can save thousands of millions of dollars in medical costs.They also believe curing ui- cers will reduce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.The number of people with stomach cancer is very high in Japan,Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.
Doctors say a person is more likely to get an ulcer if his or her family has had one.In fact a person with the family history of ulcers is three times more likely to get one than other peo-ple.There are ways people can protect themselves from developing an ulcer.Doctors say it is more important to reduce the amount of strong fluids in the stomach.To do this,doctors say,people should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.And they say people should reduce tension in their lives.

People who eat a lot of spicy food are susceptible to stomach ulcers.
C:Not mentioned

题干意为“过去医生对于胃溃疡是无能为力”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短 语in the past, doctors作为定位线索,在第一段找到相关句:Doctors have been able to help lessen the pain of ulcers.They could not cure them.相关句意为“医生一直能够帮助减少溃疡造成的痛苦。但是他们不能治愈胃溃疡这种疾病”,由此可见在过去医生虽然不能治愈胃溃疡,但也能对这种疾病进行治疗,因此题干陈述的意义与短文内容不一致。该题主要考查对时态意义的理解:相关句使用了现在完成时态,这表明“减少胃溃疡造成的疼痛(即治疗胃溃疡)”是从过去持续到现在的动作,这也就说明在过去就能对胃溃疡进行治疗。
题干意为“现在医生能成功地治愈胃溃疡” 该句在句意上与上题有关:一个说过去的情况,一个说现在的情况,因此从上一题的相关句的位置往下找该题相关句,同时关注题干中的细节信息词now , doctors,题干中出现的修饰词successfully在查找相关句的过程中也 需要关注,这样在第一段找到相关句:Now doctors have discovered a cause of ulcers.This means they may have found a way to cure people who suffer from the stomach pain.该句意为“现在医生们已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因。这就意味着他们可能已经找到一种方法来治疗那些遭受到胃痛困扰的人”,由此不难看出题干与该句的内容不一致:题干在肯定地陈述一个事实:能成功治愈胃溃疡;短文说只是可能:“可能找到治疗方法”,即现在治愈胃溃疡只是一种可能(提示:混淆 “可能性”和“事实”是阅读判断题中“错误”这个答案选项常见的出题形式)。
题干意为“有些人可能在一生中的某个时候遭受胃溃疡这种疾病的困扰”。利用题干中的细节信息词/短语some people, at some time in their life作为定位线索,这样在 第一段中找到该题相关句:Studies show that ten percent of the population(与some people 呼应)will develop an ulcer at some time in their life.该句意为“研究显示10%的人在他们一生中的某个时候可能遭受胃溃疡的困扰”。很明显,这与题干意义一致。
题干意为“经过多年的实验后医生已经发现了溃疡的一种致病原因”。利用 题干中的细节信息词/短语doctors, a cause of ulcers,after many years of experiments作为定 位线索,在第一段找到涉及到doctor和a cause of ulcers相关的句子:Now doctors have dis-covered a cause of ulcers.该句没有提到many years of experiments“许多年的试验”,而短文中的其他部分也没有出现many years of experiments,由此可见“是否医生们是经过许多年的试验后才发现溃疡的一种致病原因”是无法从短文中了解到的信息,因此题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息(提示:题干中只要有一部分信息是短文中未提及的信息,就可以由此判断题干陈述的信息是短文中未提及的信息)。
题干意为“医生对胃溃疡的致病原因的理解已经有了变化”。利用题干中的 细节信息词/短语change, doctors's understanding, the cause of stomach ulcer作为定位线 索,这样找到相关句:Doctors believed(与 doctors' understanding呼应)that ulcers were caused(与the cause of stomach ulcer)by unusually strong stomach fluids,which damaged stomach tissue.Now they have discovered that most ulcers are caused(与the cause of stom- ach ulcer)by a bacterial organism called Hillico Bactor Pilorie or H.Pillorie.这两个句子提到“医生过去认为溃疡是由胃里超强的液体流动造成的。现在他们发现大多数的胃溃疡是由细菌造成的……”,这两个句子通过陈述医生们过去对溃疡的理解和现在对溃疡的理解来说明医生对溃疡的理解已经有了变化,很明显,题干意义就是对这两个相关句意义的概括(提示:有的题干是对短文中相关句子意义的概括总结)。
题干意为“胃溃疡会导致胃癌”。利用题干中的细节信息短语stomach cancer 作为定位线索词,这样在第二段的结尾部分找到相关句:They also believe curing ulcers will re- duce the number of people who develop stomach cancer.该句意为“他们认为治愈溃疡能够减少患胃癌的人数”,由此可知胃溃疡是造成胃癌的一个原因,题干陈述的信息与短文内容一致。
题干意为“喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡”。利用题干中的细节信息短语a lot of spicy food作为定位线索,结果发现短文中根本没有谈到spicy food,由此可知短文中根本没有涉及到辛辣食物和胃溃疡之间的关系,因此无法依据短文判断出是否喜欢吃辛辣食物的人容易患胃溃疡,由此判断题干陈述的信息为短文中未提及的信息。


Text4 Death comes to all,but some are more sure of its timing,and can make plans.Kate Granger,a 32-year-old doctor suffering from an incurable form of sarcoma,has"very strong ambitions"for her last hours.She plans to avoid hospital emergency departments and die at her parents'house-music playing,candles glowing,family by her side.Surveys show that over two-thirds of Britons would like to die at home.Like Dr.Granger,they want to be with family and free ofpain.Yet hospital remains the most common place ofdeath.For some this is unavoidable-not every disease has as clear a tuming point as cancer-but for others a lack of planning is to blame.The govemment,motivated by both compassion and thrift,wants to help.To steer patients away from hospitals,general practitioners have been encouraged to find their l%-those patients likely to die in the next year-and start talking about end-of-life care.This can be difficult for doctors."As a profession we view death as failure,"says Dr.Granger.Yet when there is no cure to be had,planning for death can be therapeutic for patients.Those who do plan ahead are much more likely to have their wishes met.A growing number of patients have electronic"palliative-care co-ordination systems",which allow doctors to register personal preferences so that other care providers can follow them.A paramedic called to a patient's home would know of a do-not-resuscitate order,for example.One study showed that such systems increase the number of people dying in their homes.But savings for the government may mean costs for charities and ordinary folk.At the end of life it is not always clear who should pay for what.Although Britons can get ordinary health care without paying out of pocket,social care is means-tested.People must often shell out for carers or care homes-or look after the terminally ill themselves.Disputes crop up over trivial things,like responsibility for the cost ofa patient's bath.A bill now would cap the cost of an individual's social care by Parliament.Still,some want it to be free for those on end-of-life registries.That would cut into the govemment's savings-but allow more people to die as they want.37.Which of the following would Dr.Granger most probably agree on?

A.A planned death is equal to suicide.
B.Death is a failure for doctors.
C.Planning for death is beneficial for patients.
D.End-of-Iife care is a fundamental rask for doctors.

