The Healthcare community was shocked ( )Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.

The Healthcare community was shocked ( )Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.

A. in

B. up

C. of

D. by
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Paula: Seems colder today,_________ ?

Peter: It is colder. It was on the weather forecast.

Paula: Was it? I'm sure it's not normally this cold at this time of year.

A. or is it just me

B. or is it just for me

C. or only I felt it

D. or just I'm feeling it



Our agenda ________ a rapid change after the chairman's resignation.

A underwent

B undertook

C underlined

D undermined



The salvage value of an asset is:

A . The value of the scrap metal if a new asset were taken to a scrap yard.

B . The value that an asset has on the books after one year of depreciation.

C . The costs that have been sunk into the project to date.

D . The expected cash value at the end of an assets useful life.

E . A and D only.



To search for any information needed on tomorrow’s Web, one only has to _____.

[A]wade through screen after screen of extraneous data

[B]ask the Web to dispatch some messenger to his door

[C]use smart software programs called “agents”

[D]explore Web sites by the thousands and pick out what’s relevant




One of the main benefits of community service is that it()a person's character.

A. sets

B. builds

C. makes



A New Year resolution is ______.

A. made to begin a new year

B. a promise to make a joke

C. a decision to improve oneself and make one a better person

D. to be kept for the New Year's Day only


    50.答案为C  此考题为细节题。在文章最后一段中作者指出:“Many people in the United States Blake New Year resolutionsThese are specific promises that they make to improve their behaviorchange their habitsand become better people,”由此可见C正确。


Not only I but also Jane and Mary _______ tired of having one examination after another.

A. is

B. are

C. be



50 The salvage value of an asset is:

A. The value of the scrap metal if a new asset were taken to a scrap yard.

B. The value that an asset has on the books after one year of depreciation.

C. The costs that have been sunk into the project to date.

D. The expected cash value at the end of an assets useful life.

E. A and D only.



Peter liked music very much when he was at school, but when he went to the university,he decided to study medicine instead. After he passed the examinations and became a doctor, he had to work in a hospital for some time. There he discovered that a lot of patients were happier and less worried about their illnesses if they could hear pleasant music. When Peter became a surgeon and began to work for himself, he decided to keep his patients happy by having a tape recorder in his waiting room, playing beautiful music for them. But soon after the tape recorder was put in the waiting room, Peter’s nurse heard a woman who was sitting in the crowded waiting room one morning complain, "Here we’re all waiting to see the doctor, and he’s just playing the piano in his office instead of doing his work!"

31. Peter liked music when he was at school.

A. T B. F

32. Peter had to pass some examinations after he became a doctor.

A. T B. F

33. Peter decided to play music for his patients because he couldn’t leave music.

A. T B. F

34. Peter put a recorder in his waiting room.

A. T B. F

35. The woman complained because she thought Peter wasn’t working.

A. T B. F



The album is as it was the only one ever signed by the President.

[A] unusual

[B] unique

[C] rare

[D] singular

