Most of the companies have a policy stating that each employee must _______ a formal, annual, and written performance appraisal by their manager.

Most of the companies have a policy stating that each employee must _______ a formal, annual, and written performance appraisal by their manager.

A.give given giving
D.have given
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32 History has shown that project managers can be trained in a combination of ways. Which method is usually preferred by most companies?

A. Experiential learning, on-the-job

B. Formal education and special course (degreed programs)

C. Professional activities, seminars

D. Individual readings

E. None of the above



(b) Discuss the relevance of each of the following actions as steps in trying to remedy performance measurement

problems relating to the ‘365 Sports Complex’ and suggest examples of specific problem classifications that

may be reduced or eliminated by each action:

(i) Focusing on and improving the measurement of customer satisfaction

(ii) Involving staff at all levels in the development and implementation of performance measures

(iii) Being flexible in the extent to which formal performance measures are relied on

(iv) Giving consideration to the auditing of the performance measurement system. (8 marks)

(b) Trying to focus on and improve the measurement of customer satisfaction.
This is a vital goal. Without monitoring and improvement of levels of customer satisfaction, an organisation will tend to
underachieve and is likely to have problems with its future effectiveness. Positive signals from performance measures made
earlier in the value chain are only relevant if they contribute to the ultimate requirement of customer satisfaction. Tunnel vision
and sub-optimisation are examples of measurement problems that may be reduced through recognition of the need for a
management focus on customer satisfaction. For example undue focus on the importance of maximising opening hours may
lead to lack of focus on other quality issues seen as important by customers.
Involving staff at all levels in the development and implementation of performance measures.
People are involved in the achievement of performance measures at all levels and in all aspects of an organisation. It is
important that all staff are willing to accept and work towards any performance measures that are developed to monitor their
part in the operation of the organisation and in the achievement of its objectives. This should help, for example, to reduce
gaming. At the sports complex an example of gaming might be, a deliberate attempt to understate the potential benefits of
maintaining the buildings in order to ensure that funds would be used for other purposes such as an increased advertising
budget. The directors of Astrodome Sports Ltd must recognise that leisure facilities that appear dated and in a poor state of
repair will cause customers to look for more aesthetically appealing alternatives.
Being flexible in the extent to which formal performance measures are relied on.
It is best to acknowledge that measures should not be relied on exclusively for control. A performance measure may give a
short-term signal that does not relate directly to actions that are taking place to improve the level of performance in the longer
term. To some extent, improved performance may be achieved through the informal interaction between individuals and
groups. This flexibility should help to reduce measure fixation and misrepresentation. For example the percentage increase in
the quantity of bowling equipment purchased is seen as necessarily implying increased demand for use of the bowling greens.
Giving consideration to the audit of the performance measurement system.
Actions that may be taken may include:
– Seeking expert interpretation of the performance measures in place. It is important that any audit is ‘free from bias’ and
conducted independently on an ‘arm’s length’ basis. Thus it is essential that such audits should be ‘free from the
influence’ of those personnel involved in the operation of the system.
– Maintaining a careful audit of the data used. Any assessment scheme is only as good as the data on which it is founded
and how this data is analysed and interpreted.
The above actions should help, in particular, to reduce the incidence and impact of measure fixation, misinterpretation and
For example, an audit may show that the directors of Astrodome Sports Ltd are fixated on equipment availability and
misinterpret this as being the key to customer volume and high profitability. The audit may also provide evidence of gaming
such as a deliberate attempt to underplay the benefits of one course of action in order to release funds for use on some


The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?

A . Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview

B . Discusses the employee's future performance goals

C . Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits

D . Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time

E . Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail



Which of the following logical volume placement policies is likely to give the best performance in most cases, all other factors being equal?()

  • A、 INTRA-POLICY set to ’edge’, INTER-POLICY set to maximum
  • B、 INTRA-POLICY set to ’center’, INTER-POLICY set to maximum
  • C、 INTRA-POLICY set to ’middle’, INTER-POLICY set to minimum
  • D、 INTRA-POLICY set to ’center’, INTER-POLICY set to minimum



The operator of each vessel subject to the pollution regulations is NOT required to keep written records of ______.

A.the name of each person designated as a person in charge

B.the date and results of the most recent equipment inspection

C.cargoes carried and dates delivered,including destinations

D.hose information not marked on the hose



176 The performance review interview is a vital component of any personnel evaluation system. Which of the following is not a characteristic of an effective personnel evaluation interview?

A. Performed by a supervisor who has adequately prepared for the interview

B. Discusses the employee's future performance goals

C. Discusses the employee's undesirable personality traits

D. Completed during a single, uninterrupted block of time

E. Focuses on a limited number of topics so that each topic can be discussed in detail



Which statement is correct about a Routing Policy term?()

A.A term must contain a "from" statement.

B.A term acts like "if" and "then" statements.

C.The most specific term has precedence.

D.Terms can be written in any order to achieve the same behavior.



History has shown that project managers can be trained in a combination of ways. Which method is usually preferred by most companies?

A . Experiential learning, on-the-job

B . Formal education and special course (degreed programs)

C . Professional activities, seminars

D . Individual readings

E . None of the above



Who would be most likely to attend the conference?

A. An employee from the Royal Embassy Hotel

B. A computer programmer from CVD Inc.

C. A new member of an IT department

D. An insurance policy administrator



A machine must have the most direct access possible to two different networks.  However, it cannot act as a router between the networks.  Which of the following arrangements is most appropriate to facilitate the machine’s accessibility?()

  • A、ipforwarding turned on and two adapters
  • B、One adapter, with a route to a default gateway
  • C、An adapter in each network, and ipforwarding off
  • D、An adapter in each network, with a route only to the default gateway

