Why did Ms. Dorn write the letter?

Why did Ms. Dorn write the letter?

A.To describe her experiences to her family
B.To express her satisfaction with the company
C.To request a specific guide for a future tour
D.To ask a question about the history of Egypt
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Part B

52. Directions:

Suppose your name is Wudong, write a letter to your local English-language newspaper giving your views on a discussion inspired by an article they published entitled "Why do We Need English?"

Your letter must be written in at least 200 words, excluding the addresses, etc. You should write dearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.


                                                                                                No. 23, Donghu Road
Wuchang District,
Wuhan, Hubei, 430000
Feb. 20, 2003
 Dear Sir:
    I am very interested in the discussion inspired by the article "Why do We Need English?" published in the Local English Daily of 20th Jan, 2003.
    The one aspect of the English language that most of your correspondents seem to be unaware of its wide spread use as the international language of diplomacy, commerce and technology. It is the language of the United Nations and its agencies as well as of many other international bodies. We would be foolish to confine in our vision to our national borders only. We are still, after all, dependent on other countries for technical and industrial assistance. How can we hope to be economically and technologically independent if we are not able to communicate in these areas outside our own country?
    English must be taught in all our schools, not only for the above reasons but also so that our students can go abroad to learn the techniques our nation so urgently needs. We also need representatives who can command respect at the international conference tables of the world. And if English is the common language of communications for world diplomacy, economics and defence, then let us be as fluent and proficient in it as possible, for the sake of our own country's advancement and prestige.
Best wishes.
Your sincerely,



( )You want to apply for the position of a teaching assistant for a particular course,write a letter to Professor Stevens to(1)show your interest(2)describe yourself,and(3)explain why you would be suitable for the job You should include the details you think necessary You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEE/Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use"Li Ming"instead

Dear Professor Stevens I am writing to apply for the position of teaching assistance for the course Creative Writing and Literature"at Peking University I am currently a junior in Literature in Peking University.Since my second year,I have worked as a teaching assistant for the course"American Literature".I have also received multiple awards for excellence in writing,including a national Endowment for the Arts grant in Beijing.I am passionate about writing and the teaching of writing,and I look forward to the opportunity to share those passions with you and the students MycvisattachedIcanbereachedat1364-0006orliming@email.com,and I am available to interview at your convenience.I look forward to meeting you,and thank you for the opportunity to be considered for the post of the teaching assistant Sicerely,Li Ming


How often did Andy write a letter to the senate?()

A.once a week

B.twice a week

C.once two week

D.once a day



According to her letter, what action did Ms. Walter take?

A.She called the company to complain
B.She paid her bills by telephone
C.She emailed her credit card company
D.She sent payments for late fees



Why did Mr. Brown write the letter?

A.To request an overdue payment
B.To ask for an extension on payment due
C.To notify the client that the account has been settled
D.To offer a special type of a service



Write a letter to Mr green to apply for a job.In the ne letter,you shoul(1)show your interest(2)describe your previous experience,and(3)explain why you would be suitable for the job You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead Do not write your address.(10 points)

Dear MrGreen I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the China Daily.As requested I have enlosed a completed job application,my certification,my resume,and three references I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.With a BS degree in Computer Programming,I have a full understanding of the full lifecycle of a software development project i also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed Please see my resume for additional information on my experience canbereachedanytimeviaemailingtoliming@163.comordialingmycellphonenumber 138-XXXX-XXXX.Thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward to speaking with you about this position Sincere Li Ming


Why did Ms. Oguro write an e-mail to Ms. Narazaki? (  )

A.To offer her a job
B.To compliment her on her new book
C.To invite her to visit Sydney
D.To request advice on writing books

邮件的第一段中:“…but l’m writing to congratulate you on the publication of your first book.”这句话就可以得出此题答案。


Who did the teacher ( ) the letter of thanks for the whole class

A、having written

B、have write

C、has written

D、has write



Why did Ms. Waring fill out the claim form? ( )

A.She was charged twice for the same order
B.The seller sent the wrong item
C.The item she order was damaged
D.She never received the item she ordered

在“Claim Details”部分中,清楚写到:“……When the item hadn’t arrived by August 5……I left a message on the automated recording system but did not receive no response.I left a second message on August l l but still received no response……”A、B、C三个选项在原文中均未涉及.故答案选D。


You want to be a volunteer for the China International Environmental Protection Exhibition&Conference.Write a letter to the department concerned to express your wish to volunteer for the conference,and state why you want to be a volunteer.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your name at the end of the letter.Use Li Ming instead.Do not write your address.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm writing to express my wish to volunteer for the China International Environmental Protection Exhibition&.Conrerence.I'm a senior majoring in Environmental Engineering.Through years of study in environmental science,I am increasingly aware of the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection.As an American proverb goes."We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,we borrow it from our children".With a strong passion for environmental sustainability and communication,I am drawn to this position as an opportunity to make a positive contribuiion to the development of the global environmental industry.I would be most grateful ir you could grant me an interview.Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours truly,
Li Ming
