资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather.

资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather.
A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week, according to the National Weather Service.
According to the NWS, a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week.
Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s—a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and Washington.
The cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around, but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air?
Temperatures in cities including Chicago, Cleveland, New York, and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we're sure you remember.

What’s the temperature when the report was written?

A.About 60s and 70s.
B.Between 60s and 90s.
C.Below 60s.
D.About 80s and 90s.
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Dear Madam/Sir, I’m writing to claim for the insurance on my camera, which was stolen during my honeymoon last month in South America. It was mid-morning on 3 June. My wife and I were lying on the beach outside our hotel.A man came up to us to ask for directions. We had a small map of the island. As we were showing him our map, a group of children came along. We thought they were with the man who was asking directions. The children started to ask my wife some questions and she took their picture. The man sat down and talked to us while the children were playing nearby. As he was leaving, we realized that the children were not with him. Suddenly, one of them grabbed my wife抯 handbag and ran away along the beach. I chased him, and my wife followed me. The child dropped the bag, and so we got it back. We were walking back along the beach when we realized that we had left the camera behind. When we got back to our place, the camera was not there and nor were the rest of the children. The same day I reported the matter to the local police. I bought a replacement camera the next day and I enclose a receipt. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Tim Manning

(1). The man came to us to ().

A、 ask for the way

B、ask for some money

C、tell us about his children

(2). We thought the children ().

A、 knew the man who was asking directions

B、wanted to ask for directions

C、didn’t know the man

(3). My wife and I () the child who took away the handbag.

A、 grabbed

B、ran after

C、waited for

(4). Our camera () when we came back to our place.

A、 was still there

B、was broken by the other children

C、was taken away by the other children

(5). The writer of the letter wants the insurance company to ().

A、 pay for their unlucky holiday

B、report the theft to the police

C、give them insurance on their camera




July 21st , 2007 was a typical English summer’s day — it rained for 24 hours! As usual, I rushed home from work at midday to check on the house. Nothing was amiss. By the time I lift work at 5 pm, however, the road into our village was flooded. Our house bad never been flooded but, as I opened the front door, a wave of water greeted me. Thank God the kids weren’t with me, because the house was 5 feet deep in water . We lost everything downstairs. And the plaster had to be torn off the walls, ceilings pulled down.

At first we tried to push on through. We didn’t want to move the children out of home, so we camped upstairs. We put a sheet of plastic across the floor to protect us from the damp. But after three months, we felt very sick, so we moved to a wooden house in a park. The house was small, but at first we were all just delighted to be in a new place. Unfortunately, things took longer than expected and we were there for 10 months. The life there was inconvenient. What surprised me most was how much I missed being part of a community(社区).We had lived in a friendly village with good neighbors, and I’d never thought how much I’d miss that.

Although-our situation was very bad, it’s difficult to feel too sorry for yourself when you look at what’s happening elsewhere. I watched a news report about floods in Northern India and thought , “We didn’t have a straw hut(茅草房)that was swept away , and our house is still sanding . We’re lucky .”

We moved back home in August. With December coming, there’s reconstruction work to be done, so it’s difficult to prepare for Christmas. But I can’t wait — I’m going to throw a party for our friends in the village to say thanks for their support . This year, I won’t need any gifts — living away from home for months has made me realize how little we actually need or miss all our possessions . Although we are replacing things , there’s really no rush — we have our home back , and that’s the main thing .

45. What does the underlined word “amiss” in the first paragraph mean?

A. Wrong.B. Missing.C. Right. D. Found.



The problem is so serious that the situation is out of control.

A.We’ve got to set up a police line and ask for aid

B.We’ve got to ask for back-up from the PLA and police

C.We’ve got to report to the superiors rapidly and ask for back-up

D.We have informed the authorities to take precautionary measures.



If we make loans to governments, we may suffer "sovereign risk".



C.Doesn't say

解析:从文中第三句话Even loans to governments may be unsafe, however, because of what is called "sovereign risk"可以看出。


As for food, experts suggest that______.

A. we should eat less

B. we should never eat meat

C. we should have meals with less salt and sugar

D. we should have meals without salt or sugar

47.答案为C  此题为细节题。本文的最后是专家在饮食方面给人们提出的建议。从句子As for meals people are advised to eat less salt and sugar。可以得出答案是C


Sunday was going to be the birthday for me and my other two classmates. As we were born in the (21) month,we decided to have a big party to (22) it.

On that evening,we invited all of our classmates. We prepared a lot of food and drinks.After singing the birthday song,we (23) the delicious cake together. We sang more songs and played games. Then someone told funny stories,and (24) laughed. Three hours flew by quickly.Because we had to (25) before 11:00,we ended our party at 10:00. Before we left,our classmates gave' (26 )0f us a birthday card with their best wishes. ( 27) we took some pictures together. What a great time we had! At that moment,l felt love,happiness and friend- ship.

Before the party,only my (28) could remember my birthday,and l had never had such a big party and so many friends wishes.(29) I wanted to say to my classmates,"Thank you,and I will (30) forget this evening,especially each of you!

( )21.







We can never expectbluer sky unless we create less polluted world.

A. a; a B. a; the

C. the; a D. the; the



Whether we will go or not () the weather.



C、relies on

D、depends on



It is a sight that we ( ).

A、were never forgotten

B、shall never forget

C、never forget

D、had never forgotten



We can learn from the second paragraph of the passage that there are some equations of market which can explain the demand and supply of the currency of a country.



C.Doesn't say

解析:结合第二段第二、三句,意指在经济模型中有许多解释货币供需的等式联合求解,且货币供需的理由很详细以确保每个等式成立,但并不像题中所说的有些等式可以解释一国的货币供求(the demand and supply of the currency)。
