In the course of time, the study of language has come to establish close links with other branches of s() studies, such as sociology and psychology.

In the course of time, the study of language has come to establish close links with other branches of s() studies, such as sociology and psychology.
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阅读理解There is no doubt that man is a member of the animal kingdom.Anyone who has thought about this fact seriously must have wondered how it has come about that man has achieved a position so supreme(最高的) among the myriad(无数的) kinds of animal life.Two characteristics of man, in comparison with all other animals, that stand out above all others are the creation and use of tools and the development and use of language.Since no other animals have achieved these abilities, it must be assumed that man’s evolutionary development led to his capacity to create and use tools and to devise and use language.

Once these abilities and practices evolved, they probably became driving forces in the further evolution of man.Those members of the species who become most proficient(精通的) in the fabrication of tools and in the command of language and thought would tend to survive and maintain their kind for good, at the expense of those of lesser ability.

11.Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?()

A.Tools and language are either the effects or the causes of human evolution.

B.No other animals have achieved human abilities.

C.Among the animals, only man is able to use tools and language.

D.Man owns his capacity to making use of tools and language.

12.“Animal kingdom” in the passage refers to ().

A.the place where all animals live

B.the animal society

C.all kinds of animals, including man

D.the forest with animals

13.One important condition for man’s evolution is() .

A.the animal kingdom

B.a supreme position

C.the myriad kinds

D.his natural capacity

14.The phrase “come about” in the passage is likely to mean ________.





15.The last sentence suggests that() .

A.those of lesser ability would be very expensive order to survive, man has to sacrifice some other animals

C.those who become proficient in making tools can speak well

D.language and thought could be acquired by man



Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?

A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.

B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.

C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.

D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.


52.答案为A  从第一段美国教授在巴西的经历可看出,他对巴西学生的表现很困惑,因此A为最佳选项。


Other fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed, history records changes in human objectives, and sociology interprets human behavior. in social contexts.





词汇方面:contribute to意为“是……的原因;增进,有助于”;knowledge意为“知识;知晓,了解”,文中活译为“对…的理解”。


Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well?

How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well?When we compare them with adults
learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact. A little child without knowledge or experience
often succeeds in a complete mastery(精通)of the language. A grown-up person with fully developed mental
powers,in most case,may end up with a faulty and inexact command(掌握).What accounts for this differ-
Despite other explanations,the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself,partly in the
behavior of the people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue is the most fa-
vorable of all,namely,the first years of life.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is
more important,always in its genuine form,with the right pronunciation,right intonation,right use of words
and right structure. He drinks in(吸收)all the words and expressions , which come to him in a flash,
ever-bubbling(冒泡的)spring. There is no resistance : there is perfect assimilation.
Then the child has,as it were,pnvate lessons all the year round,while an adult language-student has
each week a limited number of hours,which he generally shares with others.The child has another advan-
tage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and
facial expressions.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found in language lessons in schools,
when one talks about ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January.And what a child hears is generally
what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech are successful,his desires are
understood and fulfilled.
Finally,though a child's "teachers" may not have been trained in language teaching,their relations
with him are always close and personal.They take great pains to make their lessons easy.

So far as language teaching is concerned,the teacher's close personal relationship with the student is more important than the professional language teaching training he has received.
C:Not mentioned

句意:和学习外语的成人相比,儿童学习母语较容易。关键词是with ease。依据此关键 词,可在文中第一段找到相关叙述:A little child without knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language,A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers,in most case , may end up with faulty and inexact command.(一个没有知识和阅历的小孩可以完全 掌握语言,而大多情况下,一个脑力健全的成人学语言可能会出错和掌握不准确),因此可推 知,儿童学习母语比起成年人学习外语来说,学的要好得多,故此题为“正确”的。
句意:成年人的知识和智力妨碍了他们对外语的准确掌握。关键词mental powers。依 ,据此关键词在第一段的第四句中发现相关叙述:A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers, in most case , may end up with a faulty and inexact command.(在大多数的情况下一个脑 力健全的成年人学习语言可能会出错和掌握不准确。)但原文中并没提到“造成成年人掌握外 语的能力较差的原因”,故此题为“未提及”的。
儿童母语学得好的原因只是源于他们的学习环境。本题主要考查对事实细节的判断。 根据文章第二段的段首句:"...the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself, partly in the behavior of the people around him.”由句中两个partly引出的两个原因,不难判断出 题目中“solely”的绝对说法是不正确的,故此题为“错误”的。
句意:早年大量的听力练习是儿童成功地学习母语的部分原因。关键词the first years of life,依据此关键词在第二段的第二句中发现相关句:In the first place ,the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all , namely , the first years of life.(早年学习母语的时间是最 有益的。)接下来的一句突出的说明了儿童期听力练习的方式。故此题为“正确”的。
句意:儿童学习母语有常年上家教课的优势。借助常识判断该句的说法不正确。关键 词:all the year round,依据此关键词在第三段的第一句中发现直接相关句:Then the child has, as it were , private lessons all the year round.(儿童学习母语好像是常年上家教课。)比较原句和 问题句的结构,发现不同之处在于“as it were”的结构。因为部分结构的差异往往是设置了陷 阱。实际上,as it were的含义是“好像是”。所以原文说“好像是”,而题干句说“是”,所以判断 题干句“不正确”,故此题为“错误”的。
句意:手势和面部表情可能会对儿童掌握母语有帮助。关键词:Gestures and facial ex- pressions,依据此关键词在第三段的第二句中发现直接相关句:The child has another advantage: he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and facial expressions.(儿童学习母语的另一个优势是可以接触各种情景的母语,而且母语中还伴 随了正确的手势和面部表情。)可见原句的说法与题干句一致,故此题为“正确”的。
句意:就语言教学而言,教师与学生的亲密关系比学生受到专业的语言培训更重要。 本题主要考查对事实的判断。根据文章最后一段的内容事实判断,并没有提及到“教师与学生 的亲密关系和学生受到语言培训的重要性”,故此题答案为C。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子


The study of language development over a period of time is generally called


历时语言学(diachronic linguistics)主要研究语言在一个时期内的演变发展。


听力原文:The bank's foreign exchange department has to keep constant track of the positions in the various currencies.


A.The bank's foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.

B.The hank's foreign exchange department has to record the positions in the various currencies.

C.The bank's foreign branches department has to record the various foreign currency liabilities.

D.The bank's foreign branches department has to record the positions in the various currencies.



If a sailing vessel with the wind on the port side sees a sailing vessel to windward and cannot tell weather the other vessel has the wind on the port or starboard side, she shall ______.

A.hold course and speed

B.sound the danger signal

C.keep out of the way of the other vessel

D.turn to port and come into the wind



24. Peter is tired of study,maybe because he _______ .

A. has no close friends

B. has no pocket money

C. plays too many computer games

D. gets fatter and fatter

24.C【解析】由针对Feeling tired of study的原因分析可知,引起厌学的原因是因为游戏玩得太多了。


Why Is the Native Language Learnt So Well?

How does it happen that children learn their mother tongue so well?When we compare them with adults
learning a foreign language,we often find this interesting fact.A little child without knowledge or experience
often succeeds in a complete mastery(精通)of the language,A grown-up person with fully developed mental
powers,in most cases,may end up with a faulty and inexact command(掌握).What accounts for this
Despite other explanations,the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child himself,partly in the
behavior of thle people around him.In the first place,the time of learning the mother tongue is the most fa-
vorable of all,namely,the first years of life.A child hears it spoken from morning till night and,what is
more important,always in its genuine form,wirth the right pronunciation,right intonation,right use of words
and right structure. He drinks in(吸收)all the words and expressions, which come to him in a flash, ever-
bubbling( 冒泡的)spring. There is no resistailce: there is perfect assimilation.
Then the child has,as it were,private lessons all the year round,while an adult language-student has
each week a limited number of hours,which he generally shares with others.The child has another advan-
tage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the right kind of gestures and
facial expiessiotis.Here there is nothing unnatural,such as is often found in language lessons in schools,
when noe talks aboult ice and snow in June or scorching heat in January.And what a child hears is generally
what immediately interests him.Again and again,when his attempts at speech are successful,his desires are
understood and fulfilled.
Finally,though a child's"teachers"may not have been trained in language teaching,their relations
with him are always close and personal.They take great pains to make their lessons easy.

So far as language teaching is concerned,the teacher's close personal relationship with the student is more important than the professional language teaching training he has received.
C:Not mentioned

句意:和学习外语的成人相比,儿童学习母语较容易。关键词是with ease。依据此关键词,可在文中第一段找到相关叙述:A little child without knowledge or experience often succeeds in a complete mastery of the language.A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers,in most cases, may end up with a faulty and inexact command.(一个没有知识和阅历的小孩可以完全掌握语言,而大多情况下,一个脑力健全的成人学语言可能会出错和掌握不准确),因此可推知,儿童学习母语比起成年人学习外语,学的要好得多,故此题为“正确”的。
句意:成年人的知识和智力妨碍了他们对外语的准确掌握。关键词mental powers。依据此关键词在第一段的第三句中发现相关叙述:A grown-up person with fully developed mental powers , in most cases , may end up with a faulty and inexact command.(在大多数的情况下,一个脑力健全的成年人学习语言可能会出错和掌握不准确。)而该句的下一句提出了成年人和儿童在学习语言方面不同原因的问题,但原文中并没有提到“造成成年人掌握外语能力较差的原因”,故此题为“未提及”的。
句意:儿童母语学得好的原因只是源于他们的学习环境。本题主要考查对事实细节的判断。根据文章第二段的段首句:“…the real answer in my opinion lies partly in the child him-self, partly in the behavior of the people around him.”由句中两个partly引出的两个原因,不难判断出题目中“solely”的绝对说法是不正确的,故此题为“错误”的。
句意:早年大量的听力练习是儿童成功地学习母语的部分原因。关键词the first years of life.依据此关键词在第二段的第二句中发现相关句:In the first place ,the time of learning the mother tongue is the most favorable of all , namely , the first years of life. (早年学习母语的时间是最有益的。)接下来的一句说明了儿童期听力练习的方式,故此题为“正确”的。
句意:儿童学习母语有常年上家教课的优势。关键词all the year round。依据此关键词在第三段的第一 句中发现相关句:Then the child has , as it were , private lessons all the year round.(儿童学习母语的优势好像是可以常年上家教课。)比较原句和问题句的结构,发现不同之处在于“as it were”的结构。实际上,as it were的含义是“好像是”。原文说“好像是”,而问题句说“是”,所以判断问题句“不正确”,故此题为“错误”的。
句意:手势和面部表情可能会对儿童掌握母语有帮助。关键词:Gestures and facial cxpressions。依据此关键词在第三段的第二句中发现直接相关句:The child has another advan-tage:he hears the language in all possible situations,always accompanied by the right kind of ges-tures and facial expressions.(儿童学习母语的另一个优势是可以接触各种情景的母语,而且母语中还伴随了正确的手势和面部表情。)原句的说法与问题句一致,故此题为“正确”的。


It is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times.
About three decades ago,French was recognized as the language of diplomacy(外交),and German was considered the language of science and technology.English now dominates(主导)not only as the language of science but also diplomacy,computing,and tourism.Today,in terms of native speakers,Mandarin Chinese is the world′s
largest language.
Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country in the world.Some have?even fixed the date as early as the year 2020.At present,while English is more widely spoken than any other?language,there are more people who speak Chinese than English due to the large population in China alone.If China?does become a world power,there is no doubt that this language will spread worldwide.
As the controversy over which language will become dominant in the world continues,there are many who feel?that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible(不可逆的).However,a separate study from David Graddol′s suggests that English′s dominance in the scientific area will continue.There is also an argument that the?English language would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons.With the possibility of China rising as a?world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language.

The author says that Chinese is expected to spread worldwide if__________.

A.China becomes a real world power
B.China has a larger population
C.China has the modern technology
D.more tourists come to China

