[初中英语]江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学牛津初中英语 7BUnit5基础知识词汇运用专项检测题

I would _________ play tennis than football.






After they finished _____football,they went for a drink in a pub.


B.to play



I've always enjoyed_____ football.

A. to play

B. playing

C. play


The only games( )I play are football and tennis.






-Shall we play football after class together -_____________________

A、Great, that's a good idea.

B、I don't like playing football.

C、Thanks for your help.


1.The flowers are (love).Thank you.2.The policeman opened the box (care).3.Its (danger) to play football in the street.4.Nanjing is one of the most beautiful (city) in our country.5.She didnt pass the exam. She is (happy).6.All the living things cant live air (with).7.The books are not mine. Theyre (they).8.Helen will go (boat) on the lake next Sunday.9.I saw two (mouse) in front of the house.10.They are watching TV in the (sit)room.11. The earth (go) round the sun.12.Wheres Jack? He (play) in the basketball court .13.I (catch) a very bad cold last week.14.The students are looking forward to (visit) the toy factory.15.He (watch) TV last night instead of _(do) his homework.16.She could (drive) a car when she was young.17.The girl with two dogs always (go) out for a walk after supper.18.There (be) lots of money in my purse.19. Its time for him (have) supper.20. (not play) in the street. Its dangerous.21. Air is so important for us. We cant live _(with) it. 22. They can hear the whisper, but they cant find anything _(usual). 23. Our teacher _ (take) us to the museum yesterday morning. 24. She often makes a lot of mistakes. She is not _(care) at all. 25. It takes me two hours _(do) my homework every day. 26. A monkey can use _(it) tail to hang down from the tree. 27. Millie was _surpriseto hear the bad news. 28. The books are not Millies. They are those _(child). 29. My father told me a _(fun) story and I laughed a lot. 30. Pandas are so _(love). I love watching them eat bamboos.31. Peters father fell into the river. He drove his car _ (care). 32. The buildings fell down _ (terrible). 33. The old men have poor_ (memory). 34. There are many _ (piano) in the classroom. 35. Today, many old men live _ (lonely). 36. To play with matches is very _ (danger) for children. 37. They are twins. I cant tell the_ (different) between them. 38. He didnt get a good result in Maths, so he was _ (happily). 39. Will you go on an outing by _ (you) this weekend, Amy? 40. Did you do anything for your own _ (safe)? 41. I _(lose) my pen on the way to school. Could you lend one to me? 42. She saw a lot of _ (smoke) from the next door. 43. Sometimes dogs are very _ (noise). 44. The girl practised _(read) the story again and again before the competition.45. Simon is good at _ (write). 46.We always do _ (we) best to help the children in poor areas. 47.Tell Jim _(not forget)_(turn) off the lights when he leaves.48.The boys parents are _(grate) for your help.49.We are looking forward to _(see) you soon.50. When he heard the bad news, he was _(happy).51._(visit) from all over the world like visiting the Great Wall when they are in China.52.The boy _(can not) row a boat last year.53. She、 _ (save) a child from the fire. 54. They didnt play football because Simon forgot _ (bring) a football. 55. Yesterday Amy _ (catch) a big fish. 56. This weekend Ill go shopping instead of _ (watch) TV at home. 57. He _ (lose) his way on the way to the bus stop. 58. If you work hard, you _ (study) E、nglish well. 59. Its eight oclock. The Zhangs _ (plan) the trip to Nanjing tomorrow. 60. One of the students _ (be) born in Canada. 61. Listen, someone _ (call) for help. 62. Jack didnt study hard last term at all, so he _ (fall) behind. 63. Thank you for _ (join) us. 64. Tom said that he _ (can fin

The policeman told the boys ___ football in this park.

A.not playing

B.not play

C.not to play

D.to not play


The policeman cautioned the prisoners _____ any tricks.

A: not playing

B: not to play

C: not to playing

D: not play


Don't play ______ football here.





参考答案: C

—Would you love to play football with us?(作肯定回答)

—Yes,______ ______ ______ ______.

V. 41.1 would love t0

The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door _______, _______ there for a while and then entered it. A. open; to stand B. opening; stood C. open; stood D. opened; standing

with the door open是with 的复合结构,open 为形容词,表状态; stood与came, entered为并列关系,在句中作谓语。  (本解析由学员提供)

更多 “[初中英语]江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学牛津初中英语 7BUnit5基础知识词汇运用专项检测题” 相关考题
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考题 The policeman came up to the lonely house with the door __________,__________there for a while and then entered it.A.open; to stand B.opening; stooD.C.open; stood D.opened; standing 答案:C解析:考查open的用法和非谓语动词。open本身有形容词词性,放排除B、D。第二个空和前面的came up和后面的entered是并列关系,所以用动词的过去时作谓语。故选C。

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考题 He likes to swim()A、and to play footballB、and playing football C、but play football D、and he also likes playing football 正确答案:A

考题 单选题He likes to swim()A and to play footballB and playing football C but play football D and he also likes playing football 正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

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考题 The boys enjoyed()football very much.A、played B、playing C、play D、to play正确答案:B

考题 单选题The policeman told the boys ______ in the street.A not to playB don’t playC not play正确答案:B解析:本题考查固定短语。句意:警察告诉那些男孩不要在街上玩耍。tell sb. to do sth.的否定形式是tell sb. not to do sth.。

考题 单选题He likes to swim()A and to play footballB and playing football C but play football D and he also likes playing football 正确答案:A解析:暂无解析