
评定学业成绩时,信度好、效度却往往不高的试题是( )。






I _____ the wrong thing. Can I use your eraser?

A. write B. wrote C. am writing D. will write


评定学业成绩时,信度好,效度却往往不高的试题是( )。






一级建造师考试题目根据《招标投标法》第26条规定,投标人应当具备( )的能力。









int data(3),

int i,

for (i=1,i<=3,i++)

data(i)= 100


A. data(0)

B. data(1)

C. data(2)

D. data(3)




2014年英语(一)试题参考答案Section I Use of English1. D. where2. B. fades3. A. While4. C. damaging5. C. wellbeing6. A. turns7. C. workouts8. D. functions9. B. process10. A. excel11. A. However12. D. according to13. B. further14. C. sharpness15. D. allows16. B. track17. B. on18. A. constantly19. C. build20. D. effectiveSection Reading ComprehensionPart AText121. C. encourage jobseekers active engagement in job seeking. 22. A. to register for an allowance from the government.23. D. A passion to ensure fairness for taxpayers.24. B. uneasy.25. A. Unemployment benefits should not be made conditional.Text226. D. the attraction of financial rewards.27. B. Pursuing a bachelors degree in another major.28. C. the rigid bodies governing the profession.29. D. bans outsiders involvement in the profession.30. C. a problem in Americas legal profession and solutions to it.Text331. C. a handsome reward for researchers.32. B. the founders of the awards.33. A. the joint effort of modern researchers.34. D. Their endurance has done justice to them.35. B. acceptable despite the criticism.Text436. A. Critical.37. D. keep a leading position in liberal education.38. C. the application of emerging technologies.39. B. biased against classical liberal ideas.40. A. Illiberal Education and “The Heart of the Matter”Part B41. C How do archaeologists know where to find what they are looking for when there is nothing visible on the surface of the ground? Typically, they survey and sample (make test excavations on) large areas of terrain to determine where excavation will yield useful information. Surveys and test samples have also become important for understanding the larger landscapes that contain archaeological sites.42. F Most archaeological sites, however, are discovered by archaeologists who have set out to look for them. Such searches can take years. British archaeologist Howard Carter knew that the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun existed from information found in other sites. Carter sifted through rubble in the Valley of the Kings for seven years before he located the tomb in 1922. In the late 1800s British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans combed antique dealers stores in Athens, Greece. He was searching for tiny engraved seals attributed to the ancient Mycenaean culture that dominated Greece from the 1400s to 1200s BC. Evanss interpretations of these engravings eventually led him to find the Minoan palace at Knossos (Knoss), on the island of Crete, in 1900.43. G Ground surveys allow archaeologists to pinpoint the places where digs will be successful. Most ground surveys involve a lot of walking, looking for surface clues such as small fragments of pottery. They often include a certain amount of digging to test for buried materials at selected points across a landscape. Archaeologists also may locate buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detectors. Archaeologists commonly use computers to map sites and the landscapes around sites. Two- and three-dimensional maps are helpful tools in planning excavations, illustrating how sites look, and presenting the results of archaeological research. 44. D Surveys can cover a single large settlement or entire landscapes. In one case, many researchers working around the ancient Maya city of Copn, Honduras, have located hundreds of small rural villages and individual dwellings by using aerial photographs and by making surveys on foot. The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically between AD 500 and 850, when Copn collapsed. 45. B In another case, American archaeologists Ren Million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacn in the Valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City. At its peak around AD 600, this city was one of the largest human settlements in the world. The researchers mapped not only the citys vast and ornate ceremonial areas, but also hundreds of simpler apartment complexes where common people lived. Part C46. 这也解释了为什么当我们尝试用语言描述音乐的时候,充其量只能是说清楚自己的感受,而无法抓住音乐本身。47. 总而言之,他是一个思想不受束缚的人,而且是一个富有勇气的人。我认为勇气是理解更是演奏其作品不可或缺的品格。48. 贝多芬惯以超凡的力度加大音响,随后突然进入一个意想不到的柔和乐段。这种手法在前人的作品中极为罕见。49. 尤具深意的是他的自由观,在他看来自由关系到个人的权利和责任:他主张思想和个人表达的自由。50. 苦难是不可避免的,但与之抗争的勇气正是生活的意义所在。对贝多芬的诸多作品,我们都可做此解读。Section WritingPart A51. (略)Part B52. (略)

供答型试题包括( )。






评定学业成绩时,信度好、效度却往往不高的试题是( )。












《荀子·正名》说:“刑名从()”。 A.夏 B.商 C.西周 D.春秋 参考答案B







单词:英语( )。






更多 “考研英语(一)2014年真题答案” 相关考题
考题 问答题Passage 1  After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced (1)______ for a few days, I was (2)______ to wait tables on my own. All went (3)______ that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily (4)______ the tables not far from the kitchen.(5)______, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays (托盘).  Before I knew it, the (6)______ was full of people. I moved slowly, (7)______ every step. I re- member how (8)______ I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables. It looked different from the one I was (9)______ on. It had nice handles, which made it (10)______ to move around. I was (11)______with everything and began to (12)______ I was a natural at this job.  Then an old man came to me and (13)______, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved (14)______ you work. It seems your tray stand has been very (15)______ to you, but we are getting ready to (16)______ now, and my wife needs her (17)______ back. "  At first his (18)______ did not get across. Then, I got it. I had set my trays on his wife’ s orthopedic walker(助听器). My face was (19)______. I wanted to get into a hole and (20)______.1. A. manager       B. assistant      C. cook        D. waitress2. A. promised      B. invited       C. allowed       D. advised3. A. well        B. quickly       C. safely       D. wrong4. A. left        B. given        C. brought       D. shown5. A. Therefore      B. However       C. Otherwise      D. Finally6. A. kitchen       B. street        C. restaurant     D. table7. A. minding       B. changing       C. taking       D. saving8. A. angry        B. calm         C. sad         D. happy9. A. fixed        B. trained       C. loaded       D. waited10. A. slower       B. lighter       C. quieter       D. easier11. A. pleased      B. angry        C. unsatisfied     D. complaining12. A. believe      B. agree        C. regret       D. pretend13. A. said        B. asked        C. complained     D. advised14. A. letting      B. making        C. watching      D. having15. A. useful       B. familiar       C. unusual       D. interesting16. A. rest        B. order        C. eat         D. leave17. A. bag        B. walker        C. tray        D. coat18. A. idea        B. praise        C. message       D. need19. A. cold        B. full of joy     C. pale        D. on fire20. A. lie        B. hide         C. defend       D. stay正确答案:1.D 本题考查句义理解。由下句可知:我首先和一位有经验的服务员一起工作了几天,且作者是一位服务员而不是厨师。 2.C 本题考查词义辨析。A选项为“承诺”;B选项为“邀请”;C选项为“允许”;D选项为“建议”。上句是我和有经验的人工作了几天,故几天后我被“允许”自己工作。 3.A 本题考查词语搭配。这里强调一切进展顺利。go well表示“进展顺利”,也是对下文的不愉快做铺垫。 4.B 本题考查词义辨析。本句的意思为,我幸运地被分了几张离厨房很近的桌子。was left为“被留下”;was brought为“被带来”;given为“被分给”;shown为“被展示”。 5.B 本题考查上下文理解。上句中的lucky以及下旬I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays.可推断出此处是转折关系,however为“然而”;finally为“最后”;therefore为“所以”;otherwise为“否则,要不然”,只有however可表达转折。 6.C 本题考查上下文理解。我是在一家饭店工作,所以挤满人的地方应该是“饭店”restaurant,而不是“厨房”kitchen。 7.A 本题考查词义辨析。饭店的人很多,所以我在小心翼翼地走着。mind“小心,当心”。mind every step在句中做状语。 8.D 本题考查上下文理解。从下文对the tray stand的描述可知,当我看到the tray stand时,内心是高兴的。 9.B 本题考查词义理解。本句的意思为,它看起来与我训练时的托盘不一样。I was trained on是定语,修饰the one,one替代名词the tray stand。fix“固定,安装,修理”;load“装载”。故选B。 10.D 本题考查上下文理解。由It had nice handles可知,此处强调移动方便。 11.A 本题考查上下文理解。由上文作者说得到了一个与众不同的托盘感到很欣喜,此处应为对能对工作得心应手而感到很满意。 12.A 本题考查词义辨析。本句的句意为,我所做的一切都很顺利并且开始认为自己天生就是适合干这种工作的人。此处表达作者对自己的一种主观的判断。 13.A 本题考查上下文理解。下文为老人对作者说的话,可知老人过来后发出了“说”的动作。 14.C 本题考查词义辨析。an old man应该是饭店的一位客人,他想表达“很喜欢看到作者用托盘工作后得心应手的样子”,因此此处应选watch。 15.A 本题考查句义理解。useful“有用的”;familiar“熟悉的”,后常接with;unusual“不寻常的”;interesting“有趣的”。从第二段的描述可知,the tray stand对我是有用的。 16.D 本题考查上下文理解。由上下文信息及本句的but可知,老人打算离开。而不是rest“休息”,order“点菜”或是eat“吃”。 17.B 本题考查词语搭配。结合下面一段第四句话I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker可以判断,此处应与下文对应为walker。 18.C 本题考查词语搭配。本句的句意为,起初我没明白他的意思。get across“被传达,被理解”;message“书面或口头的信息”;idea“主意,想法,观念”。 19.D 本题考查词语搭配。由I had set my trays on his wife’s orthopedic walker.可知,作者意识到自己犯了一个错误,此时作者的脸红了。 20.B 本题考查句义理解。由get into a hole可知句意:我无地自容,所以想找地方藏起来。解析:暂无解析

考题 A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ B.Ⅱ、Ⅰ、Ⅲ C.Ⅲ、Ⅰ、Ⅱ D.Ⅲ、Ⅱ、I答案:B解析:在西方古典建筑中,越是高大的建筑,其高度与开间的比例关系越狭长,这是因为采用石结构的建筑两柱间距离受到过梁跨度的限制所致。

考题 问答题Passage 3  It was the district sports meeting. My foot still hadn’t healed (痊愈) from a(n) (1)______ injury. I had (2)______ whether or not I should attend the meeting. But there I was (3)______ for the 3,000-metre run.  “Ready set” The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed (4)______ me. I felt (5)______ as I fell farther and farther behind.  “Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest (6)______ I had ever heard at a meeting. The first-place runner was two laps (圈) ahead of me when she crossed the finish line.  “Maybe I should (7)______,” I thought as I moved on. (8)______, I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran (9)______ and decided not to (10)______ in track next year. It wouldn’t be worth it, (11)______ my foot did heal.  When I finished, I heard a cheer (12)______ than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and (13)______, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys.”  I was leaving (14)______ several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.  “Courage? I just (15)______ a race !” I thought.  “I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”  Suddenly, I regained (16)______. I decided to (17)______ track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always (18)______ in medals and victories, but in the (19)______ we overcome (战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win, (20)______ the people who don’t give up when they lose.1. A. slighter    B. worse      C. earlier     D. heavier2. A. expected    B. supposed     C. imagined    D. doubted3. A. late      B. eager      C. ready      D. thirsty4. A. from behind   B. ahead of     C. next to     D. close to5. A. ashamed     B. astonished    C. excited     D. frightened6. A. cheer      B. shout      C. cry       D. noise7. A. slow down    B. drop out     C. go on      D. speed up8. A. Therefore    B. Otherwise    C. Besides     D. However9. A. with delight  B. with fear    C. in pain     D. in advance10. A. play      B. arrive      C. race      D. attend11. A. even if    B. only if     C. unless     D. until12. A. weaker     B. longer      C. lower      D. louder13. A. well enough  B. sure enough   C. surprisingly enough D. strangely enough14. A. while     B. when       C. as       D. since15. A. finished    B. won       C. passed     D. lost16. A. cheer     B. hope       C. interest    D. experience17. A. hold on    B. turn to     C. begin with   D. stick with18. A. measured    B. praised     C. tested     D. increased19. A. sadness    B. struggles    C. diseases    D. tiredness20. A. or       B. nor       C. and       D. but正确答案:1.C 根据语境,应知是此次运动会之前的脚伤未痊愈,earlier“之前的,较早的”。 2.D 句意:“我”的脚受伤了,对于是否参加比赛有些犹豫不决。doubt“怀疑,迟疑”。故本题选D。 3.C 考查短语be ready for “准备好做某事”。 4.B 考查短语意思。from behind从后面。ahead of超过…。next to接着…。close to紧挨着…。由下文I fell farther and farther behind可知选B。 5.A 由句意知,“我”落在了别人后面,因此很羞愧,ashamed“羞愧的”符合题意,故本题选A。 6.A 考查近义词辨析。cheer表示人群的欢呼声或为运动员加油的喊声。shout呼喊,喊叫声。cry哭声。noise噪声。根据语境可知选A。 7.B 由上文可知,“我”比第一名慢了两圈,觉得很丢脸,想中途放弃。drop out“放弃,退出。speed up加速。 8.D 考查连词意思。therefore所以。otherwise否则。besides除了。however表示转折关系。drop out和keep going构成转折关系。故本题选D。 9.C 句意:因为“我”有脚伤,因此跑得很痛苦。in pain在痛苦之中。故本题选C。 10.C 考查动词词义。play“玩耍。arrive到达。race“赛跑”,是不及物动词。attend是及物动词,后应加宾语。综上,答案选C。 11.A 考查短语意思。even if即使。only if只有。unless除非,如果不。until直到;在……之前。根据句意,“我”决定,即使以后脚好了,也不参加田径比赛了,故本题选A。 12.D 由后文可知,人们是为“我”坚强的毅力而欢呼的,因此在“我”跑完比赛时,欢呼声应比之前的更大,louder“(声音)更大的。故本题选D。 13.B sure enough“足以确信”,由下句They must be cheering for the boys中的must可知,此时“我”确信人们是在为即将开赛的男孩子们欢呼。 14.B be doing sth., when…表示“正要……时,……”,故答案选B。 15.D finish“完成。win赢。pass通过。lose输。由上文可知“我”输了比赛。 16.B cheer欢呼。hope希望。interest兴趣。experience经历,经验。由于别人的鼓励,“我”心中又有了希望。故本题选B。 17.D 考查短语意思。hole on握住。turn to求助于。begin with以……为开端。stick with“继续,坚持。由于别人的鼓励,“我”决定继续参加明年的比赛。故答案选D。 18.A 句意:勇气和力量不总是用奖牌和胜利来衡量。measure衡量。praise表扬。test测量。increase增加。故本题选A。 19.B 考查名词词义。此句表示在斗争中取胜。sadness悲伤。struggle斗争,奋斗。disease疾病。tiredness辛苦,劳累。 20.D 考查连词意思。此处选but,与上半句的not连用,not…but意为“不是…而是…。解析:暂无解析

考题 :单词:英语( )A.香水:法国B.规则:游戏C.常识:知识D.抽象:艺术正确答案:B 英语里有单词,单词却不是英语独有的,很多语言里都有单词;游戏里有规则,规则却不是游戏独有的,比赛、考试等活动中都有规则,所以本题应该选择B。

考题 _____________A. use B. in C. on正确答案:B

考题 单词:英语( )A.香水:法国B.规则:游戏C.常识:知识D.抽象:艺术正确答案:B 英语里有单词,单词却不是英语独有的,很多语言里都有单词;游戏里有规则,规则却不是游戏独有的,比赛、考试等活动中都有规则,所以本题应该选择B。

考题 评定学业成绩时,信度好,效度却往往不高的试题是( )。A.问答型试题B.论文式试题C.主观性试题D.客观性试题正确答案:D客观性试题对教材中知识点的覆盖面较大,而且评分标准固定,阅卷教师评分时无主观判断。对该题型进行评定时,信度往往很高,但反映结果的效度不高,不能据此来判断被试者的特点。

考题 老舍:鲁迅 A.英语:语文 B.夏天:冰箱 C.冰心:金庸 D.玉石:姚明答案:C解析:均为著名的文学家,且都是笔名。故答案选C。

考题 老舍:鲁迅 A.英语:语文 B.夏天:冰箱 C.冰心:金庸 D.玉石:姚明答案:C解析:均为著名的文学家,且都是笔名。故答案选C。

考题 评定学业成绩时,信度好,效度却往往不高的试题是()。 A.问答型试题 B.论文式试题 C.主观性试题 D.客观性试题答案:D解析:【名师点评】客观性试题对教材中知识点的覆盖面较大,而且评分标准固定,阅卷老师评分时无主观判断,对该题型进行评定时,信度往往很高,但反应结果的效度不高,不能据此判定被试者的特点。故正确答案为D。