简述维修审查委员会——MRB(Maintenance Review Board)。


简述维修审查委员会——MRB(Maintenance Review Board)。

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The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process,editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.The policy follows similar efforts from other journals,after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research findings.
“Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal,”writes McNutt in an editorial.Working with the American Statistical Association,the journal has appointed seven experts to a statistics board of reviewing editors(SBoRE).Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal’s internal editors,or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers.The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.
Asked whether any particular papers had impelled the change,McNutt said:“The creation of the‘statistics board’was motivated by concerns broadly with the application of statistics and data analysis in scientific research and is part of?Science’s overall drive to increase reproducibility in the research we publish.”
Giovanni Parmigiani,a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health,a member of the SBoRE group.He says he expects the board to“play primarily an advisory role.”He agreed to join because he“found the foresight behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel,unique and likely to have a lasting impact.This impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself,but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.”
John Ioannidis,a physician who studies research methodology,says that the policy is“a most welcome step forward”and“long overdue.”“Most journals are weak in statistical review,and this damages the quality of what they publish.I think that,for the majority of scientific papers nowadays,statistical review is more essential than expert review,”he says.But he noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine,the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.
Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyze data,but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research,according to David Vaux,a cell biologist.Researchers should improve their standards,he wrote in 2012,but journals should also take a tougher line,“engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process”.Vaux says that Science’s idea to pass some papers to statisticians“has some merit,but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify‘the papers that need scrutiny’in the first place”.
It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that

A.Science intends to simplify their peer-review process.
B.journals are strengthening their statistical checks.
C.few journals are blamed for mistakes in data analysis.
D.lack of data analysis is common in research projects.

根据题干直接定位到第一段。解题关键在于第二句The policy follows similar efforts from other journals(该政策效仿了其他杂志类似的做法),the policy指第一句The journalScience is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process,(《科学》杂志把统计检查额外添加到它的同行评审过程中),由此可直接推断出正确答案为选项B journals


What should management do before accepting outside funding?

A.Conduct an in-depth review of the proposal
B.Grant seats on the board to the investor
C.Discuss the deal with customers
D.Consider the reputation of the investor

第4段第l句中的“to throughly analyze”意为“深刻全面地分析”。


Which statement is generally correct regarding the maintenance requirements for ships under GMDSS ________.

A.Redundancy of functions of certain equipment will partially meet this requirement

B.On-board maintenance provided by a person holding a GMDSS maintainer's license will partially meet the requirements

C.Shoreside maintenance and scheduled tests and inspections will partially meet this requirement

D.All of the above




正确答案: (1)每个IRB都包括至少5名具有不同文化、经济、教育、性别和种族背景等的成员组成,成员需要具有特殊领域的专长,有的属于伦理、法律等科学领域,至少一人为非研究机构成员。在国外,医院中的IRB通常由医师、律师、学者、牧师及社区中的非医学专业人员组成。近年来,护士也被纳入其中。


The maintenance work for sailors includes ()(清洁), repairing and painting work on board a ship. 正确答案A

  • A、cleaning
  • B、cleaner
  • C、cleanly
  • D、cleanness



It will take at least two weeks for the board members to review __________work on the budget proposals.

A. ours
B. we
C. our
D. us




  • A、维修计划文件(MPD.
  • B、维修审查委员会报告(MRBR)
  • C、C.厂家服务通告(S
  • D、飞机飞行手册



The journal Science is adding an extra round of statistical checks to its peer-review process,editor-in-chief Marcia McNutt announced today.The policy follows similar efforts from other journals,after widespread concern that basic mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research findings.“Readers must have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal,”writes McNutt in an editorial.Working with the American Statistical Association,the journal has appointed seven experts to a statistics board of reviewing editors(SBoRE).Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal’s internal editors,or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers.The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.Asked whether any particular papers had impelled the change,McNutt said:“The creation of the‘statistics board’was motivated by concerns broadly with the application of statistics and data analysis in scientific research and is part of?Science’s overall drive to increase reproducibility in the research we publish.”Giovanni Parmigiani,a biostatistician at the Harvard School of Public Health,a member of the SBoRE group.He says he expects the board to“play primarily an advisory role.”He agreed to join because he“found the foresight behind the establishment of the SBoRE to be novel,unique and likely to have a lasting impact.This impact will not only be through the publications in Science itself,but hopefully through a larger group of publishing places that may want to model their approach after Science.”John Ioannidis,a physician who studies research methodology,says that the policy is“a most welcome step forward”and“long overdue.”“Most journals are weak in statistical review,and this damages the quality of what they publish.I think that,for the majority of scientific papers nowadays,statistical review is more essential than expert review,”he says.But he noted that biomedical journals such as Annals of Internal Medicine,the Journal of the American Medical Association and The Lancet pay strong attention to statistical review.Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyze data,but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research,according to David Vaux,a cell biologist.Researchers should improve their standards,he wrote in 2012,but journals should also take a tougher line,“engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process”.Vaux says that Science’s idea to pass some papers to statisticians“has some merit,but a weakness is that it relies on the board of reviewing editors to identify‘the papers that need scrutiny’in the first place”.
Which of the following is the best title of the text?

A.Science Joins Push to Screen Statistics in Papers.
B.Professional Statisticians Deserve More Respect
C.Data Analysis Finds Its Way onto Editors’Desks
D.Statisticians Are Coming Back with Science

主旨大意文章第一段由Science将增加statistical checks引出话题,接下来各段就此问题McNutt,Giovanni Parmigianni,John Ioannidis,David Vaux提出各自的看法。文中statistical,papers反复提及,可知该词是文中核心词。选项B和选项D首先排除,偏离主题,statisticians仅在文中提及,非重点讨论内容;选项C与文中主题相差较大,因此排除。


药物临床试验独立伦理委员会(Independent Ethics Committee,IEC或者Institutional Review Board,IRB)是什么组织?




  • A、MRC(medieal research council)
  • B、ERC(ethical review committee)
  • C、DSMB(data safety monitoring board)
  • D、IRB(institutional review board)
  • E、NGO(non-governmental organization)

