单选题Which of the following fails to tell what birds do according to the passage?A They help plants grow in miraculous ways.B They clean up the dead bodies of fish and animals.C They keep the oceans from being polluted and acidic.D They are likely to attack

Which of the following fails to tell what birds do according to the passage?

They help plants grow in miraculous ways.


They clean up the dead bodies of fish and animals.


They keep the oceans from being polluted and acidic.


They are likely to attack those irresponsible hunters.

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Passage Three

Trees should only be pruned (修剪) when there is a good reason for doing so. Many gardeners believe that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from leaving the tree to grow in its own way.

First, pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut out diseased or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus causing wounds. A tree may grow healthier by removing the branches that are locking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air.

One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry (进入) for diseases, but it is a wound that will heal. Often there is a race between the healing and the disease as to whether the tree will live or die. Pruning is usually clone in winter, for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without the interference from the leaves.

41. According to the article, which of the following statement is NOT true?

A. Pruning is necessary when there are unwanted branches.

B. Damage is done to a tree if it is left to grow in its own way.

C. Diseased or dead branches should be cut away if they are found to rub against each other.

D. Growing side branches often prevent air from moving freely.


41.答案为B  根据第一段最后一句可知该陈述是错误的,修剪只是在有必要的时候才进行。



Why do plants grow in some places and not in others? Why does some land have so much growing on it,while other land has almost no plants growing on it at all?

To grow plants need several things. One is warmth. In very cold places almost nothing grows. Plants also need water. In very dry parts of the earth only a few unusual plants can grow. That's why dry deserts everywhere are almost not covered by trees or grass.

Plants must also have a place in which to f,ut down their roots and grow. They find it diffi-culr to grow on hard land. The town is built on hard land. The plants here have only the soil found between the cracks of the stones Io grow in.

Another thing plants must have before they can grow is food.

Whar will happen if we try to make things grow on the sandy beach? A few plants,such as beach grass,will grow in sand,L ut most plants won-t. Even if the weather is warm enough.and we water the plants each day. Many of them will die because the sand on this beach has al-most no food for plants.

( )21. According to the passage,plants need _________ things to grow well.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five



According to the passage which of the following is true?

[A] A fixed star refers a star that is always stationary on the sky.

[B] Scientists can tell the motion of the earth from the motions of other five planets.

[C] Ancient people had scanty knowledge about the movement of the stars.

[D] All the stars on the sky can be seen all the year around.

根据文章的最后一句话,“...their apparent motions on the celestial sphere reflecting both their own independent motions around the sun and our motion as well”可以得出结论,即那五颗行星的运动也反映了地球的运动。在四个选项中,只有B符合题意。



The Body Thieves

In the early nineteenth century in Britain,many improvements were being made in the
world of medicine.Doctors and surgeons were becoming more knowledgeable about the
human body.Illnesses that had been fatal a few years before were now curable.However,
surgeons had one problem.They needed dead bodies to cut up,or dissect(解剖).This
was the only way that they could learn about the flesh and bones inside the body,and the
only way to teach new surgeons to carry out operations.
The job of finding these dead bodies was carried out by an unpleasant group of people
called "body snatchers". They went into graveyards(墓地)at night and, using wooden
shovels to make less noise,dug up any recently buried bodies.Then they took the bodies
to the medical schools and sold them.A body could be sold for between £5 and £10,
which was a lot of money at that time.The doctors who paid the body snatchers had an
agreement with them一they never asked any questions.They did not desire to know where
the bodies came from,as long as they kept arriving.
The most famous of these body snatchers were two men from Edinburgh called William
Burke and Wil!iam Hare.Burke and Hare were different because they did not」ust dig up
bodies from graveyards.They got greedy and thought of an easier way to find bodies.
Instead of digging them up,they killed the poorer guests in Hare's small hotel.Dr Knox,
the respected surgeon they worked for,never asked why all the bodies they brought him
had been strangled(勒死).
For many years Burke and Hare were not caught because,unsurprisingly,the bodies
of their victims were never found by the police.They were eventually arrested and put on
trial in 1829.The judge showed mercy to Hare and he was released but Burke was found
guilty and his punishment was to be hanged.Appropriately,his body was given to the
medical school and he ended up on the dissecting table,just like his victims.In one small
way,justice was done.
Now,over 1 50 years later,surgeons do not need the help of criminals to learn their
skills.However,the science of surgery could not have developed without their rather

Burke and Hare differed from other body snatchers in that
A:they got other people to dig up bodies for them.
B: they sold the bodies only to one surgeon.
C: they dug up bodies not just from graveyards.
D: they resorted to murder to get bodies.



Passage 2
Birds are a critical part of our ecological system. But more than ever, birds are threatened byhuman pollution and climate change.
We need the birds to eat insects, move seeds and pollen around, transfer nutrients from sea toland, clean up after the mass death of the annual Pacific salmon runs, or when a wild animal fallsanywhere in a field or forest.
How could we enjoy spring without the birds flitting busily in our garden or dropping by tocheck out the flowers in our urban window box Can you contemplate America without the soaringbald eagle, or even those scavengers like the pigeons and gulls that clean up discarded food scrapson our city streets and waterfronts How diminished our lives would be without them
Scavenging eagles and condors need hunters to behave responsibly and bury, or remove, theremains of any shot deer peppered with fragments of lead bullets. Loons, ducks and other water birdswill be poisoned by lead bullets and lead fishing sinkers if we allow such objects to drop in theirfeeding space.
All sea and shore birds, even the puffins and guillemots of the otherwise pristine Aleutians,need us to make sure that no other heavy metals, like mercury and cadmium, are dumped in riversand make their way across the oceans.
Birds like the terns, knots and shearwaters that migrate between the far north and deep, deep,south of our planet need people everywhere to cease and desist from filling in their wetland fuelstops and rest stations, and from constructing golfing resorts and factories in their feeding andbreeding grounds.
Seabirds are among the most endangered vertebrate species on the planet, with the InternationalUnion for Conservation of Nature classifying 97 species as globally threatened, and 17 in the highestcategory of critically threatened. Of greatest concern are the pelicans of the southern oceans and thespectacular, but slow-breeding albatross.
Plastic bags must be eliminated from natural environments so sea and shore birds don′tmistakenly carry such debris back to feed their chicks, with invariably lethal consequences. Thealbatross, cormorants and herons need us to stop over-fishing and compromising their normal foodsupply.
The pelicans, penguins and all the birds that inhabit, or visit, our coastlines need us to ensurethat we do not dump oil into gulfs and bays, or release so much carbon dioxide into the atmospherethat the oceans turn acidic and we lose the mussels and oysters, the mass of calcareous plankton thatfeeds so many creatures, and the coral reefs that nurture enormous numbers of edible species.
Think about it: We share this small green planet. As they fly, feed and nest, the birds monitorthe health of the natural world for us, provided that we, in turn, make the effort to access that keyinformation.
The birds and humans are both large, complex and ultimately vulnerable organisms that inhabitthe top of the food chain. At the end of the day, their fate will be our fate.
Which of the following fails to tell what birds do according to the passage

A.They help plants grow in miraculous ways.

B.They clean up the dead bodies of fish and animals.

C.They keep the oceans from being polluted and acidic.

D.They are likely to attack those irresponsible hunters.

细节题。A项“以奇妙的方式帮助植物生长”对应第:二段“We need the birds to eat insects,move seeds andpollen around,transfer nutrients from sea to land”.鸟类吃害虫,帮助植物播撒种子和传播花粉,将营养从海洋转移到陆地。B项“清理鱼类和动物的尸体”对应第二段“clean up afterthemass death ofthe annualPacific salmon runs.orwhen awild animal falls anywhere in a field or forest”。C项“阻止海洋的污染和酸化”,相关内容出现在第二段、倒数第三段;D项“可能攻击不负责任的猎人”,相关内容出现在第四段,但两项均不能从文中推测出来。出题人的题干设置有问题,本题C、D两项理应都选。但是,在考试中,遇到此类问题,要选出与文意最不相关的一项.比较两项,D项与文意更为不符,故选D。


Which of the following statements can best be inferred from the passage?

A. Fishes only "speak" to communicate with each other.

B. Researches are now being made to study the significance of fish sounds.

C. Sea animals have a sharper hearing ability than men.

D. Sounds made by fish cannot be transmitted through the air.

答案为 B。根据第一段第二至第五句, Actually, their talk may be as meaningful as much of our own.For example,some sea animals use their  "voices" to locate their food in the ocean expanses;others use their "voices" to let their fellows know of their locations;and still others,as a means of obtaining mates.Sometimes, "speaking" may even mean the difference between life and death to a sea animal.It appears in some cases that when a predator approaches,the prey depends on no more than the sounds it makes to escape 作出该项选择。选项 A中only不确切;选择 C和D在文中都没提到。


23. From the passage,we can know it is ________for plants to grow in dry places.

A. easy

B. difficult

C. impossible

D. important

23.B【解析】由第二段第五句“In very dry parts of the earth only a few unusual plants can grow.”可知 B是正确答案。


According to the passage,which of the following is true? ( )

A. Tell the truth,even when you are wrong.

B. Keep some animals to kill them.

C.Look down on new ideas.

D. Everything on the Internet is good for children.

A[解析]A选项说哪怕做错事也要讲实话,符合第一条规则,要做个诚实的学生。B选项说养几只动物后杀了它们,不符合第二条规则中保护动物的要求。C选项说轻视新想法,不符合第三条规则中的“Don't look down on new ideas”。D选项说互联网上所有的内容都对孩子有好处,不符合第五条规则说的要选择适合孩子看的网页。所以答案选A。


According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?__________ 查

A.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society
B.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change
C.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society
D.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young

根据第二段“social changes is also likely to occur more frequently and mole readily in thematerial aspects…in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early…in the less basic andless emotional aspects of society than in their opposites”可知A、C、D项都正确,而由第一段最后一句可知,不同的观点以及对现状不满可以加速社会变革.因此B项错误。



The Body Thieves

In the early nineteenth century in Britain,many improvements were being made in the
world of medicine.Doctors and surgeons were becoming more knowledgeable about the
human body.Illnesses that had been fatal a few years before were now curable.However,
surgeons had one problem.They needed dead bodies to cut up,or dissect(解剖).This
was the only way that they could learn about the flesh and bones inside the body,and the
only way to teach new surgeons to carry out operations.
The job of finding these dead bodies was carried out by an unpleasant group of people
called "body snatchers". They went into graveyards(墓地)at night and, using wooden
shovels to make less noise,dug up any recently buried bodies.Then they took the bodies
to the medical schools and sold them.A body could be sold for between £5 and £10,
which was a lot of money at that time.The doctors who paid the body snatchers had an
agreement with them一they never asked any questions.They did not desire to know where
the bodies came from,as long as they kept arriving.
The most famous of these body snatchers were two men from Edinburgh called William
Burke and Wil!iam Hare.Burke and Hare were different because they did not」ust dig up
bodies from graveyards.They got greedy and thought of an easier way to find bodies.
Instead of digging them up,they killed the poorer guests in Hare's small hotel.Dr Knox,
the respected surgeon they worked for,never asked why all the bodies they brought him
had been strangled(勒死).
For many years Burke and Hare were not caught because,unsurprisingly,the bodies
of their victims were never found by the police.They were eventually arrested and put on
trial in 1829.The judge showed mercy to Hare and he was released but Burke was found
guilty and his punishment was to be hanged.Appropriately,his body was given to the
medical school and he ended up on the dissecting table,just like his victims.In one small
way,justice was done.
Now,over 1 50 years later,surgeons do not need the help of criminals to learn their
skills.However,the science of surgery could not have developed without their rather

The body snatchers used wooden shovels because
A: they did not wish to spoil the dead bodies.
B: they wanted to keep the bodies to themselves.
C:they were afraid of being caught.
D: they were careful not to disturb anyone.

