问答题Passage 1  Literature is a form of art that can be enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with 1 knowledge of literature may miss a lot 2 reading a novel, short story, poem, play, or 3. These readers are comparable to the 4 at a foot

Passage 1  Literature is a form of art that can be enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with  1 knowledge of literature may miss a lot  2 reading a novel, short story, poem, play, or 3. These readers are comparable to the  4 at a football game who watch the game and  5 it without really understanding the complex movements  6 on the field. Although they may enjoy the 7, many spectators watch only the ball 8 missing the contribution of other members  9 the total play as well as the intricacies occurring within the 10. A person who understands football  11 better yet has played the game-is more capable12 judging when a team is playing well or  13 and is also likely to enjoy a “good” game more. The  14 is true of reading literature. Most people have read numerous  15 works, but many do not understand or  16 the author’s skill in communicating. This book17 intended to help you learn to 18attentions not on what happens. But on  19 it happens and how the author has 20it-to analyze and evaluate literary works so that you can fully experience and appreciate them.1. A. abundant  B. informal   C. necessary  D. limited2. A. if     B. when     C. by      D. upon3. A. fiction   B. poetry    C. essay    D. art4. A. audience  B. spectators  C. coaches   D. players5. A. 1ike    B. appreciate  C. enjoy    D. evaluate6. A. happened  B. taken place  C. going    D. occurring7. A. game    B. scene     C. work     D. art8. A. somewhat  B. entirely   C. perhaps   D. generally9. A. of     B. within    C. to      D. about10. A. offence  B. game     C. defense   D. team11. A. but    B. even     C. and     D. or12. A. of     B. to      C. in      D. for13. A. skillfully B. successfully C. poorly    D. badly14. A. same    B. reason    C. other    D. sport15. A. athletic  B. literature  C. football   D. literary16. A. realize  B. appreciate  C. like     D. recognize17. A. will be  B. hasbeen    C. is      D. was18. A. pay    B. call     C. draw     D. concentrate19. A. why    B. where     C. how     D. when20. A. narrated  B. presented   C. maintained  D. explained
正确答案: 1.D  文章首句指出文学是一种不需要正规指导就能欣赏的艺术形式,however表明句意发生转折,前后两部分要比较说明的对象应是一致的。这里的people指的就是那些without formal instruction的人,结合选项,可知空白处应是limited。informal不能修饰knowledge。
2.B  根据主从句逻辑联系,可知该处应选B项,表示“当…时”。by doing sth.“通过做某事”。upon doing sth. 相当于as soon as从句。
3.C  空白处单词和novel, short story, poem, play同属于文学形式。essay散文,随笔。符合语境,本题答案为C项。fiction“小说”,是个广义词,与一部分novel, short story构成包容关系,故排除。poetry“诗”,是个整体概念,而上文中的poem指具体一首诗,poetry与poem也构成包容关系。art“艺术”,意义更为广泛。
4.B  spectator“(比赛或热闹事件的)观众”。audience“(演出,演讲等的)听众,观众”。coach“教练”。player“比赛者,表演者”。
5.C  这里是将没有多少文学知识的人与看足球的人进行比较。文章首句的can be enjoyed without formal instruction暗示该处也是enjoy“享受,欣赏”。like“喜欢”。evaluate“评价,评估”。appreciate“鉴别,欣赏”强调理解并欣赏其价值,与文意不符。
6.D  空白处是非谓语动词做定语修饰movements。occur指自然事件或过程的发生,符合该处语境。happen通常指意外事件的发生。realize“实现”。
7.A  根据上下文,这里的they指的是那些看足球比赛的人,故选game,指代football game。
8.B  前面的watch only the ball提示这些观众只看足球却彻底忽视了那些球员。entirely“完全地,彻底地”,最符合该处语境。somewhat“稍微,有点”。perhaps“或许”。generally“一般地”。
9.C  make contribution to“为…做贡献”。
10.C  前边的the contribution of other members指的应是进攻方,那么as well as引出就应是相对应的防守方。根据上下文,只有C项最可能。defense“防卫,防卫”。offence“攻击”。
11.D  understands football和has played the game是一种并列的选择关系,故用or来表示。better yet“更好的是”已有递进的关系,不能用even。
12.A  be capable of doing sth.为固定词组,表示“有能力做某事”。
13.C  由judge和well or判断这里的意思是“不好地”。poorly“拙劣地”,符合该处语境。badly“严重地,非常地”,用于表示程度。
14.A  the same is true of“与…情况相同”。
15.D  The same is true of reading literature.表明该文重新回到对文学阅读的讨论上。literary“文学的”,literary works“文学作品”。其余选项均不符合语境。
16.B  这里讲得仍是那些文学知识有限的人对文学作品的理解。结合前面的do not understand“不理解”以及各选项可判断,空白处应是recognize“认出,识别;承认”。
17.C  sb. intend to do sth.“某人意欲做某事”,用于表现一个人的意图。sth. be intended to do sth.“某物就是用于…”,用于表现使用某物来做某事的意图。描述客观事实,真理,或评论一本书,一幅画等,要用一般现在时态。
18.D  concentrate on“集中精力于”。
19.A  既然涉及文学作品的真正理解和欣赏,就不可能把注意力集中在一些具体细节上,而应放在为何及如何上。
20.B  present“提出;展现,表现”。narrate“叙述,讲述,讲故事”。真正有文学价值,值得欣赏的文学作品绝不会是一般的讲故事。
解析: 暂无解析
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which literary form. flourished in elizabethan age more than any other form. of literature?

A. Novel.

B. Drama.

C. Poetry.

D. Essay.



You don't know what you've got till it's gone,Joni Mitchell rold us.So now that the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature will be postponed-it seems worth asking what,exactly,the prize gives us.For decades,the choices of the Swedish Academy have failed to provoke much interest from American publishers and readers.This i.s not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation,as publishers often complain.On the contrary,over the last two decades,many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature.But then,the failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new.If you drew a Venn diagram showing the winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other,their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.Does this mean that a different group of critics and professors in a bigger,more diverse country woulcl have done a better job at picking the winners?Very possibly.In the mind of the general public,the Nobel basically descends from the sky to bless the winner.But it is nothing more or less than the decision of a particular group of readers,with their own strengths and weaknesses.And the problem with the Nobel Prize in Literature goes deeper.No matter who is in the room where it happens,the Nobel Prize is based on the idea that merit can best be determined by a small group of specialists.This may make sense for the prizes in the sciences,since those fields are less than penetrable to anyone but fellow practitioners.Even in the sciences,however,there is a growing sense that the tradition of awarding the prize to just one or two people distoris the way modern science is actually practiced today:Most important discoveries are the work of teams,not of individual geniuses brooding in isolation.Literature is at least produced by individual authors;but in this case,the Nobel's reliance on seemingly expert judgment runs into a different problem.For literature is not addressed to an audience of experts;it is open to the judgment of every reader.Nor is literature proZressive,with new discoveries replacing old ones:Homer is just as groundbreaking today as he was 2,500 years ago.This makes it impossible to rank literary works according to an objective standard of superiority.Good criticism helps people to find the books that will speak to them,but it doesn't attempt to simply name"the most outstanding work,"in the way the Nobel Prize does.A book earns the status of a classic,not because it is approved by a committee or put on a syllabus,but simply because a lot of people like it for a long time.Literary reputation can only emerge on the free market,not through central planning.
Which of the following is true of the Nobel Prize in Literature according to Para.3?

A.Its judges are narrow-minded.
B.lts value is overstated by the public.
C.Its decision is interfered by amateurs.
D.Its rewards for the winners are falling.



Edgar Allan Poe occupies an important position in American literature as a poet and a()

A.short story writer






You don't know what you've got till it's gone,Joni Mitchell rold us.So now that the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature will be postponed-it seems worth asking what,exactly,the prize gives us.For decades,the choices of the Swedish Academy have failed to provoke much interest from American publishers and readers.This i.s not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation,as publishers often complain.On the contrary,over the last two decades,many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature.But then,the failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new.If you drew a Venn diagram showing the winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other,their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.Does this mean that a different group of critics and professors in a bigger,more diverse country woulcl have done a better job at picking the winners?Very possibly.In the mind of the general public,the Nobel basically descends from the sky to bless the winner.But it is nothing more or less than the decision of a particular group of readers,with their own strengths and weaknesses.And the problem with the Nobel Prize in Literature goes deeper.No matter who is in the room where it happens,the Nobel Prize is based on the idea that merit can best be determined by a small group of specialists.This may make sense for the prizes in the sciences,since those fields are less than penetrable to anyone but fellow practitioners.Even in the sciences,however,there is a growing sense that the tradition of awarding the prize to just one or two people distoris the way modern science is actually practiced today:Most important discoveries are the work of teams,not of individual geniuses brooding in isolation.Literature is at least produced by individual authors;but in this case,the Nobel's reliance on seemingly expert judgment runs into a different problem.For literature is not addressed to an audience of experts;it is open to the judgment of every reader.Nor is literature proZressive,with new discoveries replacing old ones:Homer is just as groundbreaking today as he was 2,500 years ago.This makes it impossible to rank literary works according to an objective standard of superiority.Good criticism helps people to find the books that will speak to them,but it doesn't attempt to simply name"the most outstanding work,"in the way the Nobel Prize does.A book earns the status of a classic,not because it is approved by a committee or put on a syllabus,but simply because a lot of people like it for a long time.Literary reputation can only emerge on the free market,not through central planning.
It's implied that the Swedish Academy fails to

A.see the value of non-English novels.
B.arouse the passion of worldwide readers.
C.recognize many historically great writers.
D.expand the influence of American literature.

由题干关键词the Swedish Academy和fails to锁定至第二段。该段④⑤句指出,瑞典文学院未能反映出文学历史的真实评判——上世纪最具影响力、读者群最广的作家中,只有少数获过诺贝尔文学奖。由此可知,瑞典文学院未能对许多历史上伟大的作家给予认可,C.正确。[解题技巧]A.与“美国读者对诺贝尔文学奖不太感兴趣,这并非仅仅因为他们抗拒翻译小说”隐藏文意“诺奖大多颁发给非英语小说”相反.D.则由这一隐藏文意过度推导出“未能扩大英语文学(包括美国文学)的影响”。B.将“诺贝尔文学奖未能唤起美国读者热情”夸大为“未能唤起全世界读者热情”。


You don't know what you've got till it's gone,Joni Mitchell rold us.So now that the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature will be postponed-it seems worth asking what,exactly,the prize gives us.For decades,the choices of the Swedish Academy have failed to provoke much interest from American publishers and readers.This i.s not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation,as publishers often complain.On the contrary,over the last two decades,many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature.But then,the failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new.If you drew a Venn diagram showing the winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other,their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.Does this mean that a different group of critics and professors in a bigger,more diverse country woulcl have done a better job at picking the winners?Very possibly.In the mind of the general public,the Nobel basically descends from the sky to bless the winner.But it is nothing more or less than the decision of a particular group of readers,with their own strengths and weaknesses.And the problem with the Nobel Prize in Literature goes deeper.No matter who is in the room where it happens,the Nobel Prize is based on the idea that merit can best be determined by a small group of specialists.This may make sense for the prizes in the sciences,since those fields are less than penetrable to anyone but fellow practitioners.Even in the sciences,however,there is a growing sense that the tradition of awarding the prize to just one or two people distoris the way modern science is actually practiced today:Most important discoveries are the work of teams,not of individual geniuses brooding in isolation.Literature is at least produced by individual authors;but in this case,the Nobel's reliance on seemingly expert judgment runs into a different problem.For literature is not addressed to an audience of experts;it is open to the judgment of every reader.Nor is literature proZressive,with new discoveries replacing old ones:Homer is just as groundbreaking today as he was 2,500 years ago.This makes it impossible to rank literary works according to an objective standard of superiority.Good criticism helps people to find the books that will speak to them,but it doesn't attempt to simply name"the most outstanding work,"in the way the Nobel Prize does.A book earns the status of a classic,not because it is approved by a committee or put on a syllabus,but simply because a lot of people like it for a long time.Literary reputation can only emerge on the free market,not through central planning.
It can be inferred from Para.5 that

A.literary creation requires more talent than science.
B.nowadays literature is seeing a decline and fall.
C.old literary works do not always lack novelty.
D.there are no criteria for ranking literary works.



30.in this passage the writer wants to tell us

A. how to eat breakfast

B. people can-t work without breakfast

C. breakfast is important

D. parents may not have breakfast



You don't know what you've got till it's gone,Joni Mitchell rold us.So now that the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature will be postponed-it seems worth asking what,exactly,the prize gives us.For decades,the choices of the Swedish Academy have failed to provoke much interest from American publishers and readers.This i.s not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation,as publishers often complain.On the contrary,over the last two decades,many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature.But then,the failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new.If you drew a Venn diagram showing the winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other,their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.Does this mean that a different group of critics and professors in a bigger,more diverse country woulcl have done a better job at picking the winners?Very possibly.In the mind of the general public,the Nobel basically descends from the sky to bless the winner.But it is nothing more or less than the decision of a particular group of readers,with their own strengths and weaknesses.And the problem with the Nobel Prize in Literature goes deeper.No matter who is in the room where it happens,the Nobel Prize is based on the idea that merit can best be determined by a small group of specialists.This may make sense for the prizes in the sciences,since those fields are less than penetrable to anyone but fellow practitioners.Even in the sciences,however,there is a growing sense that the tradition of awarding the prize to just one or two people distoris the way modern science is actually practiced today:Most important discoveries are the work of teams,not of individual geniuses brooding in isolation.Literature is at least produced by individual authors;but in this case,the Nobel's reliance on seemingly expert judgment runs into a different problem.For literature is not addressed to an audience of experts;it is open to the judgment of every reader.Nor is literature proZressive,with new discoveries replacing old ones:Homer is just as groundbreaking today as he was 2,500 years ago.This makes it impossible to rank literary works according to an objective standard of superiority.Good criticism helps people to find the books that will speak to them,but it doesn't attempt to simply name"the most outstanding work,"in the way the Nobel Prize does.A book earns the status of a classic,not because it is approved by a committee or put on a syllabus,but simply because a lot of people like it for a long time.Literary reputation can only emerge on the free market,not through central planning.
The author mentioned science prizes to support the view that

A.scientific reputation should depend on expert opinion.
B.science prizes should not ignore the work of teams.
C.literary writers should be judged by fellow writers.
D.literary merit should not rely on specialist judgment.

由题干关键词saence prizes定位至第四段。该段首句概括指出“诺贝尔文学奖存在深层问题”,随后指出“诺贝尔奖的基本理念‘价值可以由一小组专家很好地决定”’,紧接着以科学类奖项说明这一理念存在一定程度的合理性:除了同行,其他人恐怕无法通晓,故而可以由一小部分专家来决定;第五段进而对比指出文学类奖项与科学类奖项的不同之处:文学并非面向专家读者而作,而是面向普通大众而作。借此不难得知,作者提及科学奖只是为了对比指出文学作品价值不可依赖专家评判。故D.正确。[解题技巧]A.、B.均侧重“科学”,属写作事实本身,而非写作目的。C.直接将第五段②句“文学作品应该由读者评判”篡改为“文学作家应由其他作家评判”。


(I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) The Watts riots give rise to a flourishing of ghetto literature and art.()



You don't know what you've got till it's gone,Joni Mitchell rold us.So now that the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature will be postponed-it seems worth asking what,exactly,the prize gives us.For decades,the choices of the Swedish Academy have failed to provoke much interest from American publishers and readers.This i.s not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation,as publishers often complain.On the contrary,over the last two decades,many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature.But then,the failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new.If you drew a Venn diagram showing the winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other,their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.Does this mean that a different group of critics and professors in a bigger,more diverse country woulcl have done a better job at picking the winners?Very possibly.In the mind of the general public,the Nobel basically descends from the sky to bless the winner.But it is nothing more or less than the decision of a particular group of readers,with their own strengths and weaknesses.And the problem with the Nobel Prize in Literature goes deeper.No matter who is in the room where it happens,the Nobel Prize is based on the idea that merit can best be determined by a small group of specialists.This may make sense for the prizes in the sciences,since those fields are less than penetrable to anyone but fellow practitioners.Even in the sciences,however,there is a growing sense that the tradition of awarding the prize to just one or two people distoris the way modern science is actually practiced today:Most important discoveries are the work of teams,not of individual geniuses brooding in isolation.Literature is at least produced by individual authors;but in this case,the Nobel's reliance on seemingly expert judgment runs into a different problem.For literature is not addressed to an audience of experts;it is open to the judgment of every reader.Nor is literature proZressive,with new discoveries replacing old ones:Homer is just as groundbreaking today as he was 2,500 years ago.This makes it impossible to rank literary works according to an objective standard of superiority.Good criticism helps people to find the books that will speak to them,but it doesn't attempt to simply name"the most outstanding work,"in the way the Nobel Prize does.A book earns the status of a classic,not because it is approved by a committee or put on a syllabus,but simply because a lot of people like it for a long time.Literary reputation can only emerge on the free market,not through central planning.
We can learn from the last paragraph that

A.enduring love of readers makes a work a classic.
B.readers do need the Nobel Prize in Literature.
C.marketing makes contribution to literary reputation.
D.excellent works naturally attract much good criticism.

第六段②③句总结道“文学作品只有通过自由竞争,争取读者持久的热爱,才能成为经典、获得声誉”。可见A.正确。[解题技巧]B.与①②句“诺贝尔奖既没有帮助读者寻找吸引他们的书籍,也无法造就文学经典”(committee指代包含诺贝尔文学奖在内的各奖项评委会)中隐含的态度“诺贝尔奖对读者没有太多意义”相悖。C.将③句market(free market与central planning分别比喻“作品自由竞争,从读者处赢得声誉”与“官方指定‘伟大’作品,试图为作品带来声誉”)误解为“商业推广”,得出“商业推广可提升文学声誉”。D.由①句细节good criticism、outstanding work杂糅而成,原文并未谈及出色作品是否吸引优质评论。


It can be inferred from this passage that .

A. the paradox that it is both necessary to distinguish form content and also impossible to do so cannot be resolved by rejecting its premises
B. both content and form of the work of art are illusory
C. the content and form of the work of art are separable
D. aesthetic experience is not intrinsically valuable

