问答题This section consists of one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage for each blank.  Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1

This section consists of one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage for each blank.  Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.  The giant panda, the creature that has become a symbol of conservation, is facing extinction. The major reason is loss of habitat, which has continued despite the establishment, since 1963, of 14 panda reserves. Deforestation, mainly carried out by farmers clearing land to make way for fields as they move higher into the mountains, has drastically contracted the mammal’s range. The panda has disappeared from much of central and eastern China, and is now restricted to the eastern flank of the Himalayas in Sichuan and Gansu provinces, and the Qinling Mountains in Shanxi province. Fewer than 1, 400 of the animals are believed to remain in the wild.  Satellite imagery has shown the seriousness of the situation; almost half of the panda’s habitat has been destroyed or degraded since 1975. Worse, the surviving panda population has also become fragmented; a combination of satellite imagery and ground surveys reveals panda “islands” in patches of forest separated by cleared land. The population of these islands, ranging from fewer than ten to more than 50 pandas, has become isolated because the animals are unwilling to cross open areas. Just putting a road through a panda habitat may be enough to split a population in two.  The minuscule size of the panda populations worries conservationists. The smallest groups have too few animals to be viable, and will inevitably die out. The larger populations may be viable in the short term, but will be susceptible to genetic defects as a result of inbreeding.In these circumstances, a more traditional threat to pandas—the cycle of flowering and subsequent withering of the bamboo that is their staple food—can become literally species—threatening. The flowerings prompt pandas to move from one area to another, thus preventing inbreeding in what would otherwise be sedentary populations. In panda islands, however, bamboo flowering could prove catastrophic because the pandas are unable to emigrate.  The latest conservation management plan for the panda, prepared by China’s Ministry of Forestry and the World Wide Fund for Nature, aims primarily to maintain panda habitats and to ensure that populations are linked wherever possible. The plan will change some existing reserve boundaries, establish 14 new reserves and protect or replant corridors of forest between panda islands. Other measures include:better control of poaching, which remains a problem despite strict laws, as panda skins fetch high prices; reducing the degradation of habitats outside reserves; and reforestation.  The plan is ambitious. Implementation will be expensive—56.6 million yuan(US $12.5 million)will be needed for the development of the panda reserves—and will require participation by individuals ranging from villagers to government officials.Summary  The survival of the giant panda is being seriously threatened. Panda numbers have already seriously decreased. This is largely because the overall size of their 1 has been reduced, and habitable areas are now disconnected from each other. Two results are that pandas are more prone to 2 problems and are unable to move around freely to follow the growth cycles of the bamboo that they eat. A new plan aims to   3 existing panda habitats and to join many of them together. This plan also includes reforestation and the creation of 4 To succeed ,everyone ,including both the government and 5 will have to cooperate.
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Practice 3  Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around l50-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

正确答案: 【参考答案】
综述内容应包括5个主要点信息和10个次要点信息中的5个。下划线部分为主要点, 斜体部分为次要点。
As Iraq struggles to recover from conflict and severe economic hardship to a society that is once again able to stand on its own two feet, the United nations has convened a meeting on 23, June to ensure that the Iraqis immediate humanitarian needs are met and the transition to longer-term reconstruction is fully underway by the beginning of the next year.
Indeed, such actions and achievements in responding to anticipated humanitarian needs in Iraq have played a crucial role in averting a much larger potential crisis. Even as the conflict was underway, national UN staff continued to carry out their duties. Aid activities under the Oil for Food Programme in Iraq’s three northern govern orates never stopped.1 National staff of the World Food Programme worked to open corridors from Turkey, Jordan and Iran into Iraq.2UNICEF local staff delivered humanitarian supplies and worked to maintain the supply of potable water.3WHO local staff supported Iraqi health professionals.4 Under the Oil for Food Programme, UNDP worked to maintain and restore electric power supplies, especially in the north.5
As of today, more than 800, 000 metric tonnes of food—enough to feed almost all of Iraq’s 27 million people for two months have been dispatched to Iraq.6 An average of 3.5 million litres of water per day is being tankered7 to hospitals, health centres and communities in the south and in the Baghdad area. Basic medicines, vaccines and health supplies have been delivered8 to facilities throughout the country. Agencies have helped repair and restore water, sanitation and power facilities, as well as schools, which have also been receiving essential education supplies.
But great needs remain. Due to the lack of a functioning economy, combined with prolonged reliance on the ration system, virtually all of the population of Iraq will require food aid in the short run in order to survive.9 The Flash Appeal for Iraq, asking for$2. 2 billion to cover needs for six months, was issued in March. Generous donor funding (approximately$900 million), and access to the resources of the Oil for Food Programme ($1. 1 billion), have meant that $2 billion is already available for humanitarian aid for the people of Iraq. The revised humanitarian appeal for Iraq seeks to meet the needs of the Iraqi people up to the end of the year. Given the healthy funding status, only an additional US $259 million is required.
Food aid alone accounts for two-thirds of the aid being requested through the Appeal. While the food sector, accounting for some $1.56 billion, is fully funded,10 funding is still required for equally important interventions in other sectors. Most essential needs must be still met: health care; clean water and sanitation; electricity; infrastructure repair; shelter; mine action and mine awareness; education; food security and agriculture; assistance for internally displaced persons and returning refugees. Given the urgent needs in other parts of the world in much of Africa, Afghanistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as well as other places, it is essential that donor countries ensure that contributions to Iraq are in addition to and not in place of— funding for other emergencies.
As Iraq struggles to recover from conflict and severe economic hardship to a society that is once again able to stand on its own two feet, the United nations has convened a meeting on 23, June to ensure that the Iraqis immediate humanitarian needs are met and the transition to longer-term reconstruction is fully underway by the beginning of the next year.
Indeed, such actions and achievements in responding to anticipated humanitarian needs in Iraq have played a crucial role in averting a much larger potential crisis. Even as the conflict was underway, national UN staff continued to carry out their duties. Aid activities under the Oil for Food Programme in Iraq’s three northern govern orates never stopped.1 National staff of the World Food Programme worked to open corridors from Turkey, Jordan and Iran into Iraq.2 UNICEF local staff delivered humanitarian supplies and worked to maintain the supply of potable water.3 WHO local staff supported Iraqi health professionals.4 Under the Oil for Food Programme, UNDP worked to maintain and restore electric power supplies, especially in the north.5
As of today, more than 800, 000 metric tonnes of food—enough to feed almost all of Iraq’s 27 million people for two months have been dispatched to Iraq.6 An average of 3.5 million litres of water per day is being tankered7 to hospitals, health centres and communities in the south and in the Baghdad area. Basic medicines, vaccines and health supplies have been delivered8 to facilities throughout the country. Agencies have helped repair and restore water, sanitation and power facilities, as well as schools, which have also been receiving essential education supplies.
But great needs remain. Due to the lack of a functioning economy, combined with prolonged reliance on the ration system, virtually all of the population of Iraq will require food aid in the short run in order to survive.9 The Flash Appeal for Iraq, asking for$2. 2 billion to cover needs for six months, was issued in March. Generous donor funding (approximately$900 million), and access to the resources of the Oil for Food Programme ($1. 1 billion), have meant that $2 billion is already available for humanitarian aid for the people of Iraq. The revised humanitarian appeal for Iraq seeks to meet the needs of the Iraqi people up to the end of the year. Given the healthy funding status, only an additional US $259 million is required.
Food aid alone accounts for two-thirds of the aid being requested through the Appeal. While the food sector, accounting for some $1.56 billion, is fully funded,10 funding is still required for equally important interventions in other sectors. Most essential needs must be still met: health care; clean water and sanitation; electricity; infrastructure repair; shelter; mine action and mine awareness; education; food security and agriculture; assistance for internally displaced persons and returning refugees. Given the urgent needs in other parts of the world in much of Africa, Afghanistan, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as well as other places, it is essential that donor countries ensure that contributions to Iraq are in addition to and not in place of— funding for other emergencies.
解析: 暂无解析


Directions:In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in the spaces 76 - 80. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1- 5 are based on the following passage.  Lack of culture, or rather an excess of the wrong sort of culture, is often considered to be synonymous with disadvantage. Most commonly associated with low cultural standards are low levels of reading, and some thirteen per cent of all twenty-three-year-olds feel they have trouble with reading and writing. One way of compensating such disadvantaged young people is thought to be to provide them with the culture they lack: in particular, high quality reading material.  Whereas forty to fifty per cent of young people aged sixteen to twenty rarely read a book, the majority appear to read comics. In 1991 sales of Viz, a UK comic exceeded one million copies per issue, making it the fourth best-selling periodical in Britain. The reading of comics, however, is not restricted to young people: by 1992 it was estimated that two out of three men aged eighteen to fifty-three read Viz. The number of imitators of this comic has spawned, including Zit, Gas, BrainDamageand Swiz,indicates the extent of the influence it wields.  The reading of comics was traditionally regarded by the educational establishment with considerable suspicion. Whereas the received arts were always assumed to exert an improving or civilizing influence, comics were thought to “rot children’s brains”, to lower educational standards and to threaten morality. They were, and are, assumed to be an inferior cultural form; their readers assumed to come from the lower social classes, to be low educational attainers and to be easily led astray.  Over the past decade, perceptions of comics have shifted. Since the 1970s, the comic format has been commonly used to represent the interests of various disenfranchises groups—community groups, the unemployed, welfare recipients of—who became more conscious of a climate conditioned by other contemporary movements such as civil rights, consumerism, self-help and de-institutionalization. As cultural signifiers, comics have become the subject matter of academic courses in cultural and media studies. Indeed, young people’s cultural activities, grounded in the commercial rather than the subsidized sector, are beginning to merit the attention of the arts establishment.  Summary:  Low cultural standards,such as  1 of reading,a difficulty experienced by many young adults, are often associated with disadvantage. While around half of sixteen to twenty-year-olds rarely read books,most will read comics. Although many comics in Britain are  2 and have lots of readers,the educational establishment sill considers them to be an  3 appealing only to the lower levels of society. However, attitudes are beginning to change as the format has been adopted to  4 of disenfranchised groups. Certain comics have been included in the courses of  5 studies. Young people’s cultural activities are beginning to attract the attention of the arts establishment.

1.low levels 第一段中间提到Most commonly associated with ... they have trouble with reading and writing.与低文化标准相关联的往往是较低的阅读水平,在年龄为23岁的年轻人中有大约13%的人感觉他们在读写方面有困难。
2.best-selling periodicals 摘要中空格的后半句提到and have lots of readers,由此可知空格处应该填与其意思相同的词。文章的第二段指出漫画的销售量很好。所以应该填best-selling periodicals。
3.inferior cultural form 文章的第三段提到The reading of comics was traditionally regarded by the educational establishment with considerable suspicion...They were, and are, assumed to be an inferior cultural form,教育家对人们读漫画书持怀疑态度,漫画书被认为是一种次等的表现文化的形式,漫画书腐蚀人们的心灵,漫画书的阅读者被人们认为来自于较低的社会阶层。由此可知摘要中应该填inferior cultural form。
4.represent the interests 本题答案在文章最后指出“漫画书代表了许多无选举权的团体的利益”,即represent the interests。
5.cultural and media 文章最后一段倒数第二句指出comics have become the subject matter of academic courses in cultural and media studies.漫画已经成为文化和媒体领域中的一门重要课程。故答案为cultural and media。
解析: 暂无解析


Directions: In this section, you are required to write a passage of no less than 100 words based on the following situation. 你听说你的朋友获得了奖学金(scholarship),你给他发封邮件表示祝贺。

正确答案:Dear Yang:How are you gettling along these days? I am glad to know you won the scholarship Congratulations!Everybody knows that it is extremely difficult for a high school student to get the scholarship from Harvard University, one ot the most world-famous universities But you have made it! The scholarship is the best reward to your hard work over these years All of our classmates know how many hardships you have overcome in these years Moreover, it is a great honor both for you and for our school! Our teachers and classmates are very proud of you!I do hope your study abroad will be smoothful and successful in the future Sincerely yours.


Task II (20 marks)  Write an essay of no less than 160 words discussing the following passage and express your personal views on the subject. Write the essay on the answer sheet.  Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.—Bertrand Russell in What I Have Lived For

Three Passions in Life Bertrand Russell said in his article What I Have Lived For: “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind”, which I think is the similar to everybody.
If you ask people that what is the most important experience in their life, most people will say love. Love is the basic feeling of everybody and it is love that links people’s hearts together so that they want to spend time with each other and do something, even sacrifice for each other. So the longing for love will take possession of most people for life-long. And when this love extends to the whole human kind, it presents as unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. It is this kind of pity that supports people live out of the long history through unaccountable hardships.
To most people, the search for knowledge will occupy most time of their life. It’s knowledge that separate people from other animals and keeps mankind progressing.
When you are old and look back to review your life, if you find you have spent most of your life for these three things, though I don’t know if it’s successful or not, but I dare to say that your life is meaningful.
解析: 暂无解析


This section consists of one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage for each blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Management in Cyberspace  Virtual reality is often used to mimic hazardous environments—cockpits of combat aircraft, burning oil rigs, the treasure-strewn caves of irritable dragons and so on. Until now, though, it has rarely been deployed to simulate that most hazardous environment of all—the office. But if Sandra Testani of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia has her way, it will soon be possible to hone the black arts of office politics and corporate survival on a computer before you employ them against your colleagues in the real world. Or, from the boss's point of view, you will be able to practise your skills at “co-operating” in virtual “team-building” exercises.  Dr. Testani's virtual world is called CIMBLE. The acronym stands for CADETT which in turn stands for Consortium for Advanced Education and Training Technologies Interactive Multi-user Business Learning Environment. The idea behind CIMBLE is to let people who are unable or unwilling to meet face to face practise collaborating with each other over a computer network.  To do this, CIMBLE's software creates a virtual world for up to six participants. Each acts via an electronic representative known as an avatar. A participant sees the world (including the other players' avatars, which appear on screen as cartoon-like images of men and women) from his own avatar's point of view. Any other characters that the avatars might interact with are played by a moderator, who also acts as Big Brother, overseeing and monitoring the activities of the group and steering things in a suitable direction.  The CIMBLE software allows the avatars to walk around and manipulate objects in the virtual world (opening doors, for example) at the click of a mouse. It also lets avatars (and hence the participants) talk to one another. Most conversations are assumed to be in the open, and can be heard by everybody. But true office Machiavellis will be pleased to learn that private chats are also possible, since the software can work out who is within earshot of whom, and will transmit sound only to those who should be able to hear it.  So far, Dr. Testani and her colleagues have devised two exercises in their new electronic world. One simply brings the participants together around a virtual conference table and lets them chew over an agenda provided by the moderator. The second, however, is more sophisticated. The participants are deemed to be working for a civil-engineering firm, and are sent off to the proposed site of a new bridge to settle a dispute with local residents and officials. After a long car ride and a night in a hotel (all depicted in loving detail by CIMBLE's software), they meet the irate local and try to mollify them. A successful outcome, allowing the bridge to go ahead, is greeted by an on-screen display of virtual fireworks.  Summary:  Dr. Testani of Franklin Institute designed a software called CIMBLE which  1 CADETT Interactive Multi-user Business Learning Environment. This virtual world is used to mimic the office and has made it possible for  2 people to practise collaborating with others over a computer network.  3 is represented by an avatar, and their activities are monitored by a moderator. With this software, participants can talk to each other—as well as have  4 in the virtual world because the software will transmit sound only to people who should be able to hear it. Two exercises have been devised up till now. One allows the participants to think over an agenda, while the other requires them to  5 over the construction of a new bridge.

正确答案: 1.stands for 第二段开头,Dr. Testani's virtual world is called CIMBLE. The acronym stands for CADETT...,即这个首字母缩写代表…。
2.up to six 第三段开头,CIMBLE's software creates a virtual world for up to six participants,即CIMBLE的软件创造了一个最多可以有六个人参加的虚拟世界。
3.Each participant 第三段,Each acts via an electronic representative known as an avatar,即每个人经由一个叫做avatar的电子代表来行动。这里的each即指前句的six participants中的每一个。
4.private chats 第四段,private chats are also possible, since the software...will transmit sound only to those who should be able to hear it,即私人谈话也是有可能的,因为这个软件可以把声音只传给那些应该听到它的人那里。
75. settle a dispute 倒数第二段,The participants...are sent off to the proposed site of a new bridge to settle a dispute...,第二个实验把参与者派到一座桥梁的拟建地点,让他们去解决一个纠纷。
解析: 暂无解析


Directions:In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary below by choosing no more than three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1 - 5 are based on the following passage.The United Kingdom  Britain (or Great Britain) is an island that lies off the north-west coast of Europe. The nearest country is France, which is 20 miles away and from which Britain is separated by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the North Sea to the east. It comprises the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland, that is, three countries. Scotland is in the north, while Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Britain. It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Britain together with Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom (UK). Thus, the United Kingdom is composed of four countries, the largest of which is England. The capital city is London, which is situated in south-east England.  The UK has a total area of about 244,100 square kilometres (94,248 square miles). About 70% of the land area is devoted to agriculture, about 7% is wasteland, moorland and mountains, about 13% is devoted to urban development, and 10% is forest and woodland. The northern and western regions of Britain, that is Scotland and Wales, are mainly mountainous and hilly. Parts of the north-west and centre of England also consist of mountains and hills.  Britain has a generally mild and temperate climate. It is, however, subject to frequent changes. It has an average annual rainfall of about 120 centimetres (47 inches).  In 1998 the population of the United Kingdom was nearly 59 million. The density of population was approximately 240 people per square kilometre. However, in England, where 83% of the population live, the density was much higher, about 363 per square kilometre.  In the UK, English is the first language of the vast majority of people. However, in western Wales, Welsh is the first language for many of the people. In Scotland only a small number of people speak Gaelic.  In Britain about 66% of the population say that they are Christian, while fewer than 5% say that they belong to other religions.  Summary:  Britain is an island that  1 the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It comprises the mainlands of England, Wales and Scotland. Ireland  2 the west coast of Britain. I  3 Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The United Kingdom consists of Britain together with Northern Ireland. The capital city is London which  4 outh-east England.In 1998 the population of the UK was nearly 59 million. The density of population was 240 people per square kilometre. In the UK English is the first language of most people. In western Wales, Welsh  5 many of the people, but few people in Scotland speak Gaelic.

1.is surrounded by 从原文第一段第三句,可知The island(指Britain)is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean…and the North Sea…。)
2.lies off 根据原文第一段第六句Ireland…lies off the west coast of Britain可知此处是lies off。)
3.consists of (is composed of; comprises) 由原文第一段第七句It consists of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic可知是“包含”的意思。)
4.is situated in (is located in) 从原文第一段最后一句…London…is situated in south-east England可知伦敦位于英格兰东南部。)
5.is spoken by 根据原文倒数第二段Welsh is the first language for many of the people,即许多人说Welsh。)
解析: 暂无解析


The extract below comes from an article which appeared in a magazine called Society Today. You read the extract and have strong feelings about its contents, and decide to write an article, in which you respond to the points made and express your own views.  You should write the article in no fewer than 120 words. Now write your letter on the answer sheet.

The Influence of Popular CultureIt seems that image and appearance are attracting more and more attention in the modern world which is full of material desires. Some believe that it is the rise of popular culture including the media, sport and the fashion industry to blame. It is definitely true that this has somewhat brought about some shallow and egoistic people. However, we absolutely should not attribute this to the popular culture itself.
Popular culture, opposite to exquisite culture, is easy to appreciate and comprehend and is oriented to the common people. Being popular does not mean emphasizing the appearance. The reason why they mislead some people is that they have developed a false concept in their mind. They believe anything popular must be presentational and only related to outer appearance.
Whether the influence of popular culture is positive or negative depends on how people perceive and treat them. Properly used, they can instruct and entertain the public; on the contrary, they can also produce a generation of skin-deep people.
解析: 暂无解析


Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  In the United States today, many people want a college education. However, almost half of the people who go to college now do not attend a four-year college. Instead, they go to a community college.  The community college offers a two-year course of study in a wide range of subjects. It prepares some young people to go on to a four-year college. It trains others for jobs in business, government, or industry.  Some people choose a community college because of cost. The tuition for a semester at a community college can be less than half the cost of a semester at a four-year college. Also, since these colleges are located in large communities, their students can save money by living at home.  Community colleges are also useful for people who have jobs and who do not have time for a traditional four-year college. Some of these people take night courses at community colleges. Others complete long-distance courses, in which they stay at home and use video-tapes, audiotapes, and the Internet.  Community colleges also serve high school graduates who only achieved low grades. Many of these students would not be admitted to a four-year college. If they do well, they may go on to a four-year college.  Today, the country’s 1,500 community colleges have more than 10 million students. These colleges are making it possible for more and more people to continue their education.  Questions:  1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.What does theyin paragraph 1 refer to?  3.In which fields does a community college provide job training?  4.Why do people often prefer to go to a community college?  5.What does the word tuitionin paragraph 3 mean?

1.(the advantages of)community college 本文主要介绍了与普通高校相比,社区学院的各项优点,如:开设课程广泛、学费低以及适合各类学生进修等。
2.half of the people who go to college now ”instead”表意思转折,前后共享一个主语。
3.business, government, or industry 第二段最后一句提到社区学院在商务,政府和工业领域为学生提供职能培训。
4.low cost 第三段提到许多人出于费用考虑选择社区学院,因为它的学费低于四年制高校的一半,并且因为离家近很多学生可以直接住在家里从而节省住宿费。这是community college区别于其他院校最大的地方。
5.cost 本段提到许多人出于cost考虑选择社区学院,并且由第二句话可推断tuition与cost是近义词。tuition学费。
解析: 暂无解析


Writing Task II  (20 points)  Directions: Write a composition of no less than about 160 words, saying whether you agree or disagree with the following statement and giving examples: The biggest dangers to our health and environment come from cars. Remember to write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

There is an argument that the biggest dangers to our health and environment come from cars. Some people may agree with this, while others may disagree. In my opinion, I don’t think the situation is true.
Firs of all, car brings much convenience to our life. Nowadays, with the fast development of China’s economy and China’s entry into the WTO, each year, there is an increasing number of cars on the roads as millions of new cars are produced. Many Chinese people who live in big cities, to a large extent, rely on cars to go to work every day. Without cars those people will have a lot of trouble going to work.
Secondly, although cars have many drawbacks, there are always many solutions to those problems. One way to get rid of the polluted air is to produce green cars without pollution. Another way is to replace car engines with something else. Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars.
Thirdly, cars do post some dangers on our health and the environment, but they are not the biggest cause. Dangers come from many aspects, such as factories or hospitals producing many toxin gas or dumping poisonous water into river.
In sum, on the one hand, we should take measure to resolve the problems; on the other hand, we could also use the scientific and technical productions.
(Word Count: 231)
解析: 暂无解析


Read the passage carefully to find the answers for Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1to 5are based on the following passage.  In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, flexible, and do not make mistakes. As one banker said, “Unlike humans, computers never have a bad day.” And they are honest. Many banks advertise that their transactions are “untouched by human hands” and therefore safe from human temptation (诱惑). Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But they also have no conscience (良知), and the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal.  Computer criminals don’t use guns. And even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witness and often no evidence. A computer cannot remember who used it: it simply does what it is told. The head teller at a New York bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half billion dollars in just four years. No one noticed this theft because he moved the money from one account to another. Each time a customer he had robbed questioned the balance in his account, the teller claimed a computer error, then replaced the missing money from someone else’s account. This man was caught only because he was a gambler. When the police broke up an illegal gambling operation, his name was in the records.  Some employees use the computer’s power to get revenge (报复) on their employers they consider unfair. Recently, a large insurance company fired its computer-tape librarian for reasons that involved her personal rather than her professional life. She was given thirty days notice. In those thirty days, she erased all the firm’s computerized records.  Most computer criminals have been minor employees. Now police wonder if this is “the tip of the iceberg”. As one official says, “I have the feeling that there is more crime out there than we are catching. What we are seeing now is all so poorly done. I wonder what the real experts are doing—the ones who know how a computer works.”  Questions:1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.Why did many banks claim the transactions to be safe?  3.How did the bank teller cover up his crime?  4.What must the librarian do thirty days after she received the notice?  5.What is the difference between computer criminals and ordinary criminals?

1.Computer crimes. / Computer criminals. 本文主要讲述的是借助计算机实施的犯罪行为。
2.Because they are untouched by human hands / are handled by computers. 由文章第一段可知,人们普遍认为不经人手的操作(或电脑操作)是非常安全的,因为他们觉得这样可排除由于人抵不住诱惑而犯错。
3.By claiming a computer error. 由第二段中间部分Each time a customer he had robbed questioned the balance in his account, the teller claimed a computer error…可知,出纳员用计算机错误来掩饰他的罪行。
4.Leave her job. / Quit her work. 第三段提到Recently, a large insurance company fired its computer-tape librarian…She was given thirty days notice.。the librarian被公司开除了,也就意味着她要离开她的工作岗位或停止工作。
5.the computer criminals don’t use guns. 根据文章第二段第一句话可知,计算机犯罪和一般犯罪的区别在于前者不使用枪,即使他们被抓住了也很难找到证人或证据。
解析: 暂无解析
