Read the passage carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. Answ

Read the passage carefully and answer questions 1 to 5. Answer each of the questions in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.BOOK REVIEW                                          Mark Wertman’s                                           True Confessions of a Red Mr. Mom  Most Americans agree that the workplace and the home are very different from the way they were thirty years ago. The world of work is no longer a man’s world. Between 1970 and 1995, the percentage of women who worked outside the home went from 50 percent to 76 percent. In the year 2000, of the more than 55 million married couples in the United States, 10.5 million women were making more money than their husbands, and 2 million men were stay-at-home dads.  Author, husband, and father Mark Wertman writes about being a stay-at-home dad in his book True Confessions of a Real Mr. Mom. His story will help other people who are learning how to live with the changing gender roles in our society.  Mark and his wife, Georgine, were a two-income couple, but things changed when their first baby was born. Georgine wanted to continue her work as a lawyer, but someone had to stay at home to take care of the baby. Georgine had the higher paying job, so she became the provider. They had more children. Mark stayed at home to raise the children. In his book he tells many stories about his role in the family.  At first, it was difficult to change roles. The Wertman kids often went to Mark first to talk about their problems. Georgine was jealous of the time the children spent with their father. Mark had some hard times, too. People often asked him, When are you going to get a real job? Even in the 21st century, society respects the role of provider more than the role of child raiser. Mark found out all about this.  Mark and Georgine learned that it is very important to talk about their problems. In the beginning, Mark thought Georgine had the easy job, and Georgine thought that Mark had it easy. Later they talked it over and discovered that both jobs were difficult and rewarding. Georgine and Mark agree that talking things over and making decisions together helps their relationship.  The Wertmans are happy with the results of their decision. Their children are ready for a world where men and women can choose their roles. Wertman’s book is enjoyable and educational, especially for couples who want to switch roles. As Mark Wertman says, We are society. We make the changes one by one. People have to decide on what’s best for them and their families.  Questions:  1.Why is the workplace no longer a man’s world?  2.What is Mark Wertman’s book about?  3.Why is Georgine the provider in the family?  4.How do the Wertmans work out their problems?  5.What does Mark Wertman think about family roles?
1.Many more women now work outside the home. 由第一段三四句可得出答案。
2.His life as a stay-at-home dad. 由第二段第一句可得出答案。
3.She had the higher paying job. 由第三段第三句话可得出答案。
4.正确hey talk and make decisions together. 由第五段最后一句可得出答案。
5.People should make changes based on reality. 由文章最后一句可得出答案。
解析: 暂无解析
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


下面是某英语教师在阅读课English Around the World的教学片段.
T: Now, you will have 5 minutes to read the passage for the first time, and then I want you to tell me the different ideas in each paragraph, and then you need to answer the questions on the black board.
Why did English begin to be spoken in many other countries?
Do you know the background of Shakespeare?
Why can Indian people speak fluent English?
You can read the passage now!

(2)一般我们在操作读中环节的时候都会分成两个部分,先是快速阅读(fast reading),给学生们少量的时间,让学生快速读课文之后回答一些较为简单的问题,例如文章的主题是什么,大意是什么.或者简要归纳每段的段落大意等;之后是仔细阅读(careful reading),这个时候再让同学们进行二次阅读,然后回答一些关于文章细节理解的问题。



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will master the meaning and usage of the structure “be doing” through reading the passage.
Ability aim:
Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.
Emotional aim:
Students will be more interest in learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will master how to improve reading abilities through finding main idea and details.
Difficult Point: Students will apply the “be doing” to communicate with each other in real situation.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a riddle and students guess the animals, such as “long nose, big ears and strong body——elephant”, then lead to the topic of “let’s go to the zoo to see what animals are doing”.
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. According to the title, students have a prediction about what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage.
Step 3: While-reading
1. Fast reading: students read the passage fast and figure out what kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage then make a list.
2. Careful reading: students read the passage carefully and answer the question: what are the animals doing? Then fill in the blanks.

1. How do you improve students’ interest in learning English?
2. What principle should you use in the post-reading step?

In the process of English teaching, teachers should enrich the teaching approaches, not only teach students through "listening, speaking, reading", but also integrate situational teaching, so that students can feel the diversity of teaching and learning.
Besides, teachers can make use of the form of cooperative study and organize various practice activities in the classroom to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and cooperation, so that students have positive sense of learning.
First, we should persist in the communicative principle. In the production step of reading
class, students should be organized in groups to cultivate their speaking ability and communicative ability. In this way, we can reach the New Curriculum Standard.
Then, we should insist on the truth principle. That means we should provide more real materials that are closet to students’ real life, such as situation creation like what I did in this class. In this way, students’ interest can be aroused and they can apply what they’ve learned in real communication.


Professor Smith promised to look ______ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.







Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following () carefully.








正确答案: D
解析: [解析] 句意:在使用你的新高压锅之前,请先仔细阅读以下用法说明。词义辨析。instructions:操作指南,用法说明;notices:通知;orders:命令;advertisement:广告。


Professor Smith promised to look()my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence.







He looked uneasy and refused to answer questions.


本句意思:他看起来很紧张,并拒绝回答问题。difficult的意思为“困难的”;worried的意 思为“担心的”;anxious的意思为“焦虑的,不安的”;unhappy的意思为“不开心的”。uneasy的 意思为“心神不安的,忧虑的”,和anxious的意思接近。



Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students can know the basic meaning of passage and are able to master the different greeting for the strangers.
Ability aims:
Students can practice guessing content of next paragraph according to the clues which is given in the passage.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English and like to read different English passage after this lesson.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: guess the content of next paragraph according to the clues and know the “learned” body language, especially different greetings
Difficult Point: improve students’ reading interest.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a video about Chaplin’s mime and ask students several questions:
What kind of body language can you see from this video?
Do you know the meaning of these body language?
Step 2: Pre-reading
Present the passage on the screen and read it for all the students. Before reading, ask students one question: What’s the main ideas of these two paragraphs? And guess the main to topic of this lesson?
Then invite several students to share their ideas.
Step 3: While-reading
1.Lead the students to think one question: Is this a whole passage? And ask students to scan the whole passage and give the teacher answer.
2.Ask students to discuss in group and after 10 minutes to invite several students to share their ideas with all the students.
3.And different students may be just guess the content of several paragraphs. So give students a chart, ask them to finish discussing in 5 minutes. Then invite two representatives to state the whole passage.

Step4: Post-reading
Guessing game: Present another passage on the screen. And give students 10 minutes to read and discuss.Then make a chart and tell your own stories according to chart in your own group .Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Present a passage and ask students to read and write a short passsage,which will be put behind of last paragraph.
Blackboard design:

1.Do you have the experience in teaching?
2. What will you do if you pass this exam?

Yes, I do. I have taught a teenager in high school. She was the junior. I mainly taught her grammar. I found her grammar was not very systematic. So I taught her from the grammar in words to the grammar in sentences in order to make her master the whole grammar, especially those always appeared in her exams. And during the teaching, I find the most important that it is the teacher should have a better understanding of the whole grammar and the high school English course. Besides, the teacher should pay more attention to the patience. It will make students relax when their learning and get along with the students.
First, I will find a teaching job to practice my teaching ability. And at the same time to prepare the teachers’ exams for school. When I prepare, I think the most important it’s to know the content of text in high school and do many exercises to practice these knowledge.
Second, I will visit some good teachers who is teaching the high school and learn some experience and practice my teaching ability.
Last, I need to reflect myself to improve my knowledge and my teaching procedures.


Teacher:Now listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions on PPT.
Teacher:OK.Whocan answer the questions
Teacher:No one can answerOK.Let’s listen again.
Teacher:OK.Now,can anyone answer the questions
Teacher:Now,look at the script of the listening material and answer the questions.

(1)此教学情境属于听力教学的听中(while-listening)部分。此教学步骤的目的是通过各种听力练习活动,达到理解信息和训练技能的目的。 (2)原因:本课程的授课对象为高一年级学生,但是老师所提供的语言材料是讨论石油争端问题的新闻,所以可以判断.学生不能正确回答问题主要是因为听力材料的难度高于学生应有的听力水平。除此原因外,也可能是问题的设置较难,超出了学生的认知能力和语言水平。也可能是因为学生对此话题并不感兴趣,而且听力理解的练习活动是问答式.较为传统,所以学生参与度和热情度并不高。


For Question 1, select one answer choice.  In the passage, “gold standard” most nearly means ______.

monetary normalcy


natural outgrowth


financial custom


cultural expectation


best practice

正确答案: D
“gold standard”在金融学上,意思是“金本位,金本位制”,这里用的是其比喻意义,指“the best of its kind”。文中的意思是,“作者的意图是决定准确有效理解文章含义的最佳选择”,因此,E项最符合题意。


Which of the following has the least effect on the effectiveness of questions in classes?

students' language proficiency


the number of students


wait-time allowed after a question


feedback given to students after they answer the questions

正确答案: C
