问题:单选题What is the difference between the IPv6 addresses ::/0 and ::/128?()A ::/0 is the unspecified address, and ::/128 is the multicast addressB ::/0 is the unicast address, and ::/128 is the anycast addressC ::/0 is the unicast address, and ::/128 is the multicast addressD ::/0 is the anycast address, and ::/128 is the multicast addressE ::/0 is the default route, and ::/128 is the unspecified addressF ::/0 is the anycast address, and ::/128 is the default address
问题:多选题Which two statements describe traffic policing?()ATraffic bursts are smoothed out by queuing the excess traffic to produce a steadier flow of dataBExcess traffic is buffered so that the traffic remains within the desired rate.CPackets that conform to traffic policies are not delayed.DPacket marking is available and allows excess packets to be re-marked with a lower priorit
问题:单选题患儿,2岁。因咳嗽、咳痰2d,喘息半天入院。体检:体温38.4℃,脉搏96次/min,呼吸45次/min,呈呼气性呼吸困难,听诊两肺满布哮鸣音及粗湿啰音,患儿咳嗽无力,诊断为哮喘性支气管炎,家长非常焦急,担心转为支气管哮喘。以下哪项护理措施不妥()A 定时为患儿拍背B 多饮水,稀释痰液C 体位引流D 超声雾化吸入E 经常负压吸痰
问题:单选题At which stage of the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach would you recommend supporting and troubleshooting the system? ()APreparationBPlanningCDesignDImplementationEOperationFOptimization
问题:单选题The Prescott Shovel Company wants to upgrade its Cisco Unity Express from a Cisco Unified CallManager Express integration to a Cisco Unified CallManager integration. Which statement is true?()A A special hybrid license is required. B The Cisco Unity Express license must be changed. C The Cisco Unity Express license does not need to be changed. D The license file names are identical, which allows them to be interchanged as long as the module itself is not being upgraded.
问题:单选题Which of the characteristics below is associated with the (QoS) Integrated Services Model?()A QoS classified at layer 3 using IP precedence or DSCPB Guaranteed rate serviceC Implemented using FIFO queuesD All traffic has an equal chance of being dropped
问题:单选题You are troubleshooting a one-way call problem with a Cisco 7920 wireless IP phone on a standalone WLAN. What may have caused this problem?()A The minimum data rate is not set to 11 Mbps.B Publicly Secure Packet forwarding is enabled.C The access point is set to the least congested channel.D An address resolution protocol has been disabled.
问题:多选题Which two statements about the WLAN Solution Engine (WLSE) are true?()AWLSE supports centralized configuration.BWLSE supports distributed configuration.CWLSE can pick up statistics on a device even if the device is not properly configured.DWLSE can be used to upgrade the firmware on APs and bridges.EWLSE monitors device fault and performance conditions but cannot report any policy misconfigurations
问题:单选题What is the meaning of the default value of the EIGRP variance command of 1? ()A Only the path that is the feasible successor should be used.B Load balancing is disabled on t his router.C The router only performs equal - cost load balancing on all paths that have a metric greater than 1D The router performs equal - cost load balancing.
问题:单选题On a Cisco Aironet 1240AG Series standalone access point, the radio LED is dark blue and blinking,but the status LED and Ethernet LED are both off. What does this indicate?()A A firmware upgrade is in progress.B An access point buffer overflow is occurring.C The access point is booting.D The internal radio has failed.
问题:问答题Refer to the output shown on switch SW1 below: VLAN 1 bridge priority set to 8192. VLAN 1 bridge max aging time set to 20.VLAN 1 bridge hello time set to 2. VLAN 1 bridge forward delay set to 15. Switch is now the root switch for active VLAN 1. What command would you enter to reproduce this output?
问题:多选题Which three methods would help prevent critical network-traffic packet loss on high speed serial interfaces? ()Apolicy routingBincrease link capacityCWREDDCBWFQELFIFWFQ
问题:单选题What is the maximum number of CTI ports for a Cisco Unified Contact Center Express 4.0 Standard deployment? ()A 150 B 200 C 300 D varies based on the number of expansion servers used E varies based on the number of applications configured
问题:单选题护理使用洋地黄的患儿时,以下叙述不正确的是( )。A 每次给药前应数脉搏或听心率B 患儿应单独服用洋地黄,不要与其他药物混合C 如出现心率减慢、肝缩小、呼吸改善、尿量增加说明洋地黄有效D 服用洋地黄时应使用排钾利尿药E 如发现心律失常、恶心呕吐、视物模糊、色视、嗜睡、头晕,提示洋地黄中毒的可能,应先停药,报告医生处理
问题:单选题患儿女,胎龄34周,日龄3天,出生体重2300g,心率120次/分,呼吸佳,四肢活动自如。该患儿初始的哺乳量为()A 1~2mlB 3~4mlC 5~10mlD 10~15mlE 15~20ml
问题:单选题The Cisco Wireless Location Appliance provides an audit trail for each device tracked for up to how many days?()A 45B 60C 15D 30
问题:单选题患儿男,两岁半。咳嗽,发热两天,体温37.8℃,呼吸困难,口唇发绀,听诊右肺下部有细湿啰音,PaO7.6kPa,PaCO8kPa,诊断为支气管肺炎,首选的护理诊断是()A 体温过高B 营养不足C 气体交换受损D 清理呼吸道无效E 潜在并发症:心衰
问题:单选题12岁小儿,做结核菌素试验72小时,局部出现硬结直径12mm,判断结果是()A (-)B (+)C (++)D (+++)E (++++)
问题:单选题Refer to the following architectures, which one is able to supply a core infrastructure so that customers can capitalize quickly with the change of business requirements?()A BranchB CampusC TeleworkerD Data center
问题:单选题On a WLAN controller, what is the default roaming bandwidth percentage reserved for voice clients?()A 6 percentB 12 percentC 18 percentD 24 percent