问题:单选题Which Control Plane Policing (CoPP) statement is true?()ATraffic to be policed is identified using the control-plane global configuration command.BThe control-plane global configuration command enters the Cisco Modular QoS CLI (MQC) mode.CThe control-plane global configuration command enters the control-plane configuration mode. DTraffic to be policed is identified using the control-plane interface configuration command.EThe control-plane interface configuration command enters the Cisco Modular QoS CLI (MQC) mode.FThe control-plane interface configuration command enters the control-plane configuration mode.
问题:多选题Which two statements are true about RSVP and the InServ QoS model?()Aa drawback of implementing RSVP is the requirement to migrate to a supporting routing protocolBRSVP uses DSCP to signal QoS requirements to routersCRSVP is a routing protocolDRSVP is an IP protocol that uses IP protocol ID 46, and TCP/UDP ports 3455ERSVP specifically provides a level of service for rate-sensitive and delay-sensitive trafficFthe flow-based approach of RSVP is ideal for large, scalable implementations such as the public internet
问题:单选题新生儿甲状腺功能减低症常见于()A 早产儿B 足月儿C 小于胎龄儿D 过期产儿E 低出生体重儿
问题:单选题需立即采取下列哪项措施?( )A 抽血送培养做药敏B 改用敏感性高的抗生素C 诊断性胸穿D 毛花苷CE 肾上腺皮质激素
问题:单选题What is the purpose of using VPN hardware acceleration equipment?()A To offload encryptions functions from router memoryB To use WebVPN instead of IPSecC To decrease performance and efficiencyD To offload encryption functions from a router CPU
问题:单选题Which command should you use to verify what networks are being routed by a given OSPFprocess?()A show ip ospfB show ip routeC show ip protocolD show ip ospf databaseE None of the other alternatives apply
问题:多选题A router has been configured with the commands router eigrp 9 and network No other EIGRP - related commands have been configured. The nswers list the IP addresses that could be assigned to this router's Fa0/0 interface. Which answers list an IP address/prefix length that would cause the router to enable IGRP on Fa0/0?()A172.16.0.1/23B172.16.1.1/26C172.16.1.1/24D172 .16.0.255/23ENone of the other answers is correct.
问题:单选题皮肤粘膜淋巴结综合征的护理措施不当的是( )。A 多漱口B 保持皮肤清洁C 生理盐水擦洗双眼D 口唇涂护唇油E 阿司匹林待高热时口服
问题:多选题To have the best possible voice quality and to utilize effectively the available bandwidth, which queuing and compression mechanisms need to be used?()Aclass-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ)Blow latency queuing (LLQ)Cpriority queuing (PQ) or custom queuing (CQ)DReal-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) header compressionETCP header compressionFUDP header compression
问题:单选题对营养不良患儿护理不当的是()A 根据营养不良的程度、消化功能来调整饮食的量及种类B 改善食欲,促进消化C 与感染性疾病患儿分室居住D 计算补液量宜偏高E 积极治疗原发病
问题:单选题患儿男,4岁。确诊为动脉导管未闭,准备近日行扁桃体切除术,术前准备最重要的是()A 避免劳累B 防止受凉C 注射青霉素D 使用镇静剂E 用强心苷类药物
问题:多选题A company uses Routers R1 and R2 to connect to ISP1 and ISP2, respectively, with Routers I1 and I2 used at th e ISPs. R1 peers with I1 and R2; R2 peers with I2 and R1. R1 and R2 do not share a common subnet, relying on other routers internal to the Enterprise for IP connectivity between the two routers. Which of the following could be used to prevent potential routing loops in this design?()AUsing an iBGP mesh inside the Enterprise coreBConfiguring default routes in the Enterprise pointing to both R1 and R2CRedistributing BGP routes into the Enterprise IGPDTunneling the packets for the i BGP connection between R1 and R2
问题:单选题The wlan controller maintains up to how many controller crash files?()A 10B 5C 15D 20
问题:多选题Which two range descriptions correctly describe IP addressing to use when enabling multicast support using the Cisco Unified Wireless Solution?()Aglobally scoped address rangeB239.0.0.X or 239.128.0.X address rangeCadministratively scoped address range that does not overlap with a link-local MAC addressDany Class D address rangeEsite-local scoped address range
问题:单选题本病易发生下列哪种并发症?( )A 腹膜炎B 脑膜炎C 骨髓炎D 核黄疸E 肝硬化
问题:单选题患儿,女,10个月,因面色苍白2个月来医院就诊。患儿生后单纯母乳喂养,未添加辅食。查体:精神萎靡,营养发育较差,反应迟钝,皮肤黏膜和甲床苍白,头发枯黄,前囟2cm×3cm,心、肺无异常,肝肋下2cm,脾肋下1.5cm。血红蛋白70g/L,血涂片见红细胞体积小、含色素低。应采取的措施是()A 输血治疗B 口服铁剂C 口服叶酸D 口服维生素CE 肌注维生素B12
问题:单选题During which phase of the steps to success methodology for Cisco SMB Security Solutions would the Network Readiness Assessment be used to assess the readiness of an existing network infrastructure and determine which,if any modification should be prior to implementation?()A PrepareB DesignC PositionD DevelopE PlanF Perform
问题:多选题As a Cisco Network Engineer, you have to master the knowledge of the Cisco Storage Area Network solution for the data center. Which three of the following are features of it? ()(Choose three.)AIt provides multiprotocol support.BIt allows you to create separate networks on the VSAN.CIt allows you to migrate to new technologies without a complete equipment upgrade.DIt reduces cost and complexity by providing an easy transition to evolving technologies.
问题:单选题When you issue the logging trap informational command, what happens? ()A An information trap is sent to the SNMP server.B Informational and debug messages are logged to the syslog server.C All messages are sent to the logging host, where selections are made.D All messages from emergencies to informational are sent to the logging host.
问题:单选题小儿肺炎应用抗菌药物治疗时,其停药时间一般是在( )。A 体温正常后5~7天,肺部体征消失B 体温正常,咳嗽消失C 体温正常后6~10天,症状消失D 体温正常后3~4天。症状消失E 体温正常后5~7天,临床症状基本消失后3天