问答题Practice 5  Read the following text(s) and write an essay to  1) summarize the main points of the text(s),  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and  3) justify your stand.  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text(s). If you u

Practice 5  Read the following text(s) and write an essay to  1) summarize the main points of the text(s),  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and  3) justify your stand.  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text(s). If you use more than three consecutive words from the text(s), use quotation marks (“ ”).  You should write 160—200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.  Smoking influences citizen’s health and also pollutes our living environment. Recently, Chen Zhu, minister of Health, said that the government should gradually include anti-addiction counseling and drugs in basic medical insurance coverage. Should anti-addiction be covered in medical insurance? The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions.  Supporters:  Smoking is now the biggest threat to human health. Through medical insurance to pay for their anti-addition drugs, smokers are more likely to have a try to quit smoking.  It is hardly possible for smokers to quit smoking by their own efforts. If anti-addiction counseling and drugs are included in basic medical insurance coverage, smokers are more than willing to seek professional doctor for help and thus increase the chance of success.  Helping smokers keep away from addiction not only benefits the smokers themselves, but also those around them, which is of great potential public health significance. In addition, the cost of using medical insurance to pay for anti-addiction is much lower than that to treat chronic diseases in the future.  Opponents:  Looking at the number of people who are smokers versus the great majority who aren't, it's much fairer to put the costs on the backs of those who cause them rather than on the backs of the great majority who don't smoke.  Anti-addiction drugs are used to prevent  diseases, which is supposed to be paid from the public health or disease control, but not from medical insurance fund.  If anti-addition is covered in medical insurance, with 270 million smokers in China, how can the insurance bear it? In terms of 3000 RMB per person, we need 810 billion for medical insurance fund, while in 2010, the total income of urban basic medical insurance fund is only 430.9 billion.
正确答案: 【范文】
With the announcement that government is on the road of packing anti-smoking drugs in the medical insurance coverage, there is a heated public controversy. Supporters believe that this measure encourages smokers to quit smoking, increasing the chance of success. Opponents argue that there are too many smokers in China, so it is unfair for non-smokers to pay for the cost. As regards this issue, I am of the opinion that anti-addiction should be covered in the medical insurance.
For one thing, although smoking is a personal habit, the harm it brings about affects all the people in the country, even in the world because it can not only destruct the health of both the smoker and the people surrounding him, but also cause environmental pollution. Hence, the act to cover anti-addiction in medical insurance by government is beneficial to the society. For another, packing anti-smoking medicine into medical insurance coverage encourages more smokers to take the initiative to give up smoking. Usually when they have to pay for the abandonment of smoking, smokers are less willing to show an active and positive attitude towards the non-smoking program. However, if this service is free, they may be more inclined to have a try.
All in all, smoking is not just a personal habit, but also a serious social problem. Our planet cannot bear this choking air any more and we should take actions immediately to support the anti-addiction program by having anti-smoking drugs covered into medical insurance.
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Part B


Read the following saying and write an essay in which you should

1) interpret the saying,

2) give your comments onthe saying, and

3) write a title for your essay.

A woman’s career, particularly if it is successful, is often blamed for the break-up of a marriage, but never a man’s.

You should writ 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



A self-evident prejudice is made clear by the given saying that a woman’s career, particularly if it is successful, is often blamed for the break-up of a marriage, but never a man’s.  Those who support the saying attribute the break-up of a marriage to the successful career of the wife. In their eyes, a successful woman devoted to her career will certainly neglect her duties to her husband, her children and thus results in the break-up of the family. This accusation is unfair and absolutely unacceptable.

The prejudice lies in the fact that it has been branded in our mind that women should be inferior to men and they should be at home to foster children and to support their husband. In fact, women should be entitled the rights to have their own careers. They have the rights to get the satisfaction from work besides that from their families. This accusation ignores the fact that the responsibilities for break-up of a marriage should be taken by both parties instead of one. Cleary, to blame a carrer woman for the break-up of a marriage is groundless.

As a conclusion, what has been traditionally taken for granted in our mind should be replaced by more rational ideas. From now on, it should be prescribed in our mind as law of various nations that everyone is born equal and they should be on equal terms.


Part B


Write an essay with the title “Reading Books in Printed Form. or on Computer” in which you should

1) analyze the strong points and weak points of each one, and

2) tell your own preference and your reasons.

You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


Reading Books in Printed Form. or on Computer

The popularization of computer has made it possible to read books on computer. With it, there is much discussion about whether e-books will replace traditional print-on-paper books.

Some people say they like only e-books, which are quicker and more convenient to get and use. To get a needed book, one has to spend much time or money in searching for or buying it in bookstores, but one can just type in the title, author or other related information of the book to find it in minutes on internet. Sometimes one can even read the full content of a digitized book free of charge or instantly discuss about a book in an online forum. Moreover, a lot of information of books can be stored in a small compact disc, which is easy to take.

Other people, however, think printed books are still necessary. In the first place, too much time in front of the computer can cause eyestrain or increase radiation risks. Second, a printed book can be read at your convenience. One can read in bed before sleep or during a boring journey, without fussing with a computer.

In sum, since e-books and printed books have their respective advantages and can complement each other, I would like to combine the two ways to meet different needs. For quick reference, a digitized book will probably be useful. To appreciate a poem or a novel, I prefer the traditional way of reading on printed books. 


Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



A Helpless Father

The picture ironically shows that a pitiable old man in rags is being helplessly kicked off by his three sons and a daughter, who all wear decent clothes. The father’s negligent children are all guarding their home gates lest their old father “roll into” their households. In other words, they four ignore their moral sense of assuming the responsibility for their old father even though they may be all living a satisfying life. That is a painful scene we often encounter in our daily life.

Sad to say, the moral decline of the younger generations may be a rather explosive situation in our modern society. People definitely have their living conditions improved by wider and wider margins, as evidenced by the four children’s decent dressing, but their moral sense still remains sadly unchanged or in some cases becomes dramatically downgrading. Most people might have become too much self-centered, and even worse, they discard the tradition of giving respect to the elderly. They no longer care for their elders, let alone their neighbors or the disadvantaged; instead they try every means to avoid responsibility for other citizens. When one cares for others, one might even appear stupid or may even be distrusted.

Therefore, we have to take some useful measures to avoid the scene that is mentioned above. We must launch a variety of campaigns about the return to the good tradition of giving help and love the elderly. Moreover, we must appeal to our government to establish some relevant laws to punish those who avoid their duties. The last but not the least, our respect for age is an indication of the progress of human society, as imperatives of traditions require. We sincerely wish that the old man could be welcome to any of the four households, elegantly dressed, and a smile on the face.


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should(1)describe the drawing briefly,(2)interpret its intended meaning,and(3)give your comments.

一、审题谋篇2014年的大作文从总体上来看不难,因为它考查到了现在的一个社会热点。而且从十年的考研真题来讲,2005年的大作文考查到的是赡养老人的问题,当年的图画是可怜的老父亲缩成了一只皮球,四个儿女守着四个球门,老人被儿女们踢来踢去。当年的描述图画部分比较难表达,而今年图画描述部分相比起来就容易得多。写作框架仍然采取标准三段式来写。第一段图画描述段的写作内容主要是描述图画,需包括两点:三十年前是个什么样子,现在是什么样子。三十年前“我”还是个孩子,母亲大手拉小手陪伴着我成长;现在,母亲上年纪了,我陪伴在母亲的身旁。图的重心应该是在右边一幅,突出的是子女长大后要关爱、感恩父母。第二段是图画内涵阐释段。首先用一句话阐释图片内涵,然后用事实对该内涵进行阐释。可正面举例说明社会存在这样良好的风尚,也可以从反面说明当前社会中人们忽视了对父母的关爱和回报。第三段评论段的写作内容为给出自己的评论和建议。可以指出年轻人应该把尊重和照顾年迈的父母视为一种道义责任。也可以从细节出发,年轻人在生活中如何做到孝顺父母。只有这样,我们的家庭才能和睦,社会才能更加和谐!二、参考范文As can been seen,love between a mother and a daughter is reflected by the drawing:in the left one,a young and amiable mother is holding one hand of her little daughter,while in the right photo,when the mother is aged,her daughter,who has grown up,is supporting her,just as the mother did thirty years ago.Just as the caption below summarizes,the implication conveyed in the picture is self-evident:we need to show our concern and love to our parents.However,most of us fail to do this job.As our pace of life gallops along,increasingly our society is seeing a decline in traditional moral values.It is revealed in the fact that we always put back filial piety.As young men now deem the career as the priority,they often choose to migrate with their jobs,and work around the clock,leaving parents in empty-nests.Besides,many people are used to substituting their care for parents with money or gifts.While it is beyond dispute that material support can improve our parents’living standards,what these aged people need most is company and love from us,such as a simple call,a short time at home.It is easy to draw this conclusion that,to our parents,nothing can be better than the filial piety from children.Whenever possible,we should gather around the table for a“reunion dinner”with our parents;whether busy or not,we need to give our parents a call and tell them we are fine.Only with our full awareness of caring our parents with gratitude can our parents lead a really happy life.三、万能句型1.As can been seen,…is reflected by the drawing:….2.Just as the caption below summarizes,the implication conveyed in the picture is self-evident:….3.As our pace of life gallops along,increasingly our society is seeing….4.It is revealed in the fact that….5.While it is beyond dispute that…,….6.It is easy to draw this conclusion that….7.Only with our full awareness of…can….



Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White pollution ”is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to

1)give your opinions briefly and,

2) make two or three suggestions

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.(10 points)


Dear Editor(s),
  I am writing this letter to draw your attention on “plastic pollution”. Though regulations that ban the free usage of plastic shopping bags have been put into effect,what is happening in some areas is less-than-satisfactory.
  How to solve this problem effectively has become a hot issue among many people in recent years. As for me, I would like to make several suggestions. On the one hand, the governments should set up rules and regulations to control the productivity and circulation of the plastic bags. On the other hand, people should realize the significance of protecting our environment and not use too many plastic bags.
  I would be greatly appreciated if you take my suggestions into consideration. And I sincerely hope that your Newspaper could help to solve the problem.

Yours faithfully,
Li Ming



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


As is illustrated in the picture, the two disabled persons whose crippled legs are bound together do a lot of traveling. Accordingly, this far-reaching picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: the people who are in the dark want to turn the corner but they can not make it respectively and in turn they have to choose to pull together in times of trouble.
  There are several reasons accounting for this. Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle, we may encounter various plights, where we would be at a loss rather than to seek for others’ assistance. Further more, if we do not offer help to each other when we confront dilemma, we would not realize our dream. And no issue in China is as basic to build up the society in harmony as to conduct coordination in face of disasters.
  Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the value of mutual aid. It is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to advocate spirit of supporting each other. To begin with, the government should make laws to encourage people to unite. In addition, people should enhance the awareness of caring each other especially when they are in trouble. Only in those ways, can we make people, even not being acquaintance, help each other.


Directions: You have stayed with your friend’s family for a month. Now you are going back home. Write a message to your friend’s family to 1) express your gratitude. 2) show your appreciation of the good days you’ve had together. 3) say goodbye. You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sig your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.(10 points)



  I am writing this letter to thank you for the hospitality you gave me during my one-month stay with you.

During this period, you managed to make me feel at home with all your consideration and hospitality. Especially, I want to show my gratitude to you for your effort made in adapting to my irregular schedules. I count myself fortunate indeed to have had the opportunity to spend the memorable 30 days with you.
 Now, I am going back home. I am really reluctant to say good bye to you.
 With thanks again and best wishes to you.


                                             Li Ming



Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


  As is illustrated in the picture, the two disabled persons whose crippled legs are bound together do a lot of traveling. Accordingly, this far-reaching picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: the people who are in the dark want to turn the corner but they can not make it respectively and in turn they have to choose to pull together in times of trouble.
  There are several reasons accounting for this. Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle, we may encounter various plights, where we would be at a loss rather than to seek for others’ assistance. Further more, if we do not offer help to each other when we confront dilemma, we would not realize our dream. And no issue in China is as basic to build up the society in harmony as to conduct coordination in face of disasters.
  Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the value of mutual aid. It is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to advocate spirit of supporting each other. To begin with, the government should make laws to encourage people to unite. In addition, people should enhance the awareness of caring each other especially when they are in trouble. Only in those ways, can we make people, even not being acquaintance, help each other.



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and(3)give your comments You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

In the picture above,a man is talking on his phone loudly in a public place,being deliberately ignorant of other people's aversion to him within the same enclosed area.This illustration tries to point out the public cell phone behavior Public places,such as libraries,hospitals,galleries and theaters,are usually expected to be quiet and peaceful ne uses of mobile phones in such places are likely to disrupt the desirable working environment For instance.in a library,where people are pondering over the books,the constant mobile ringtones or the phone conversation will be intru-sive or irritating.Mobile phone usage in public places like hospitals can easily interfere with the medical equipment which can be harmful to the patient.Moreover,the environment at shopping malls,stores and other public places is very noisy and talking over cell phones will add extra decibel.Apart from that,using mobile phones in music galleries or theaters can result in others'discomfort and spoil their entertainment In my opinion,cell phones should be allowed in public places with some restrictions.What's more,in public places,quiet zones where phone use is banned should be set up.


Suppose you have been working at the International Students Office of your school for a year.Since you are going to graduate from school,you need to write a resignation letter of about 100 words to the office director,Mr.Wang to l)state your reason(s),and 2)make an apology.Do not use your own name at the end of the letter.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)

Dear Mr.Wang,I truly appreciate the guidance and support you have given me in the past year.Thank you for the great skills and knowledge you've imparted to me.However,I have to submit my resignation for personal reasons,leaving my job at the International Students Office.As the recruitment season is coming,I have to spend a lot of time preparing for job interviews.Besides,I must work on my graduation thesis,reading a large amount of literature and discussing regularly with my thesis adviser.Therefore,I decide to quit this job to focus on my job hunting and thesis writing.Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may cause.I will do my utmost to make a smooth handover before leaving.Best regards,Li Ming
