What does the author imply by "Until now such bonds have largely been the preserve of rich-country is-suers" ( Line 3-4, Para.2) ?( )[A] The catastrophe bonds are mainly reserved by rich countries.[B] Only rich countries have the ability to issue the cata


What does the author imply by "Until now such bonds have largely been the preserve of rich-country is-suers" ( Line 3-4, Para.2) ?( )

[A] The catastrophe bonds are mainly reserved by rich countries.

[B] Only rich countries have the ability to issue the catastrophe bonds.

[C] Rich countries seldom issue the catastrophe bonds.

[D] Most of the catastrophe bonds are raised in rich countries.

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The principal factor depressing life expectancy in developing countries has always been the high death rate for infants and children. The World Bank studies suggest that as much as two thirds of the difference in life-spans between people in developed countries and those in developing ones can be traced to differences in survival rates for children under five. It is here where the most improvement has come. According to UN estimates, significant regional drops in infant mortality - ranging from 25 percent to 60 percent and centering near 40 percent - appear to have taken place between the late 1950s and the late 1970s in northern Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Although sub-Saharan Africa' s mortality trends cannot be quantified with confidence, there is reason to believe that life expectancy has risen and infant mortality has declined in that region as well. There is little doubt that population growth has accelerated in sub-Saharan Africa since the 1950s; in fact, sub-Saharan Africa is widely thought to have the highest rate of population growth of any major region in the world. Only a small portion of that acceleration is likely to have been caused by increases in fertility (and increases in fertility, insofar as they have occurred, may also imply improvements in health and nutrition).

Mortality, of course, is not a perfect measure of nutritional change. Improved nutrition is only one of a number of forces that have been pushing down death rates in developing countries. Others include the upgrading of hygiene and sanitation; the extension of public health services; medical innovations; improvements in education, communications, transportation, and, in some areas, civil order. Even so, the extent to which improvements innutrition—both direct and indirect—have reduced mortality in developing countries has frequently been underestimated. For example, Sri Lanka experienced an abrupt jump in life expectancy shortly after the Second World War. Whereas this was long described as a "technical fix"—a triumph of DDT over the anopheles mosquito—years later researchers realized that abrupt and rapid drops in mortality had also taken place in Sri Lanka' s highlands, or "dry zones", where malaria had never been a serious problem. In both highlands and lowland regions health improved in tandem with access to food.

According to the author, life expectancy in developing countries is not high mainly because developing countries______.

A.have a low standard of living

B.have no public health services

C.have no public and private hygiene and sanitation

D.have low survival rates for infants and children



They( ) had such a rich meal.

A、rarely have not

B、have rarely not

C、have rarely

D、have not rarely



—What should a healthy diet contain? —()

A.We shouldn’t eat too much fast food because it’s rich in fat.

B.A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutrients.

C.A lot of food safety issues have been exposed in the food industry.



Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

An understanding of man's effect on the balance of nature is crucial (关键的) to being able to find the appropriate remedial action. It is a very common belief that the problems of the population explosion are caused mainly by poor people living in poor countries who do not know enough to limit their reproduction. This is not true. The actual number of people in an area is not as important as the effect they have on nature. Developing countries do have an effect on their environment, but it is the populations of richer countries that have a far greater impact on the earth as a whole.

For example, tropical forests are known to be essential to the balance of nature, yet we are destroying them at a great rate. They are being cleared not to benefit the natives of that country, but to satisfy the needs of rich countries. Central American forests are being destroyed for grassland to make pet food in the United States cheaper; in Papua slew Guinea, forests are destroyed to supply cheaper cardboard packaging for Japanese electronic products; in Burma and Thailand, forests have been destroyed to produce more attractive furniture in Singapore and Hong Kong. Therefore, a rich person living thousands of miles away may cause more tropical forest destruction than a poor person living in the forest itself.

In short, it is everybody's duty to safeguard the future of mankind—not only through population control, but by being more aware of the effect his actions have on nature. Nature is both fragile and powerful. It is very easily destroyed; on the other hand, it can easily destroy its most dangerous enemy—man.

31.According to the first paragraph, people usually believe that .

A.poor people in poor countries contribute to the imbalance of nature

B. rich people know how to protect the environment by taking actions

C. people in poor areas know a lot about the birth control

D. rich people in rich countries have done a lot to balance nature



The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries______.

A) heavy industry becomes mare energy-intensive

B) income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil. prices

C) manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed

D) oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP

[详细解答]题干要求考生判断《经济展望》中的估计说明了发达国家的什么情况。文章第四段提到,国际经合组织 (OECD,Organization for Economic Co-operation and Develop ment)在最近一期的(经济展望)中估计,如果石油价格全年保持在乎均22美元一桶的水平,那么相对1998年的 19美元一桶,这将使发达国家在石油进口方面的支出增加仅为国内生产总值的0.25-0.5%。这比1974年或 1980年四分之一的收入损失要小。可见D选项“oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP'’(油价变化对 GDP没有重大影响)是其中表达的含义。B选项"income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices”(收入的损失主要来自原油价格的波动)和文意相反。A选项“heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive”(重工业消耗更多能源)和C选项"manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed" (制造业受到了严重的冲击)都不是该文讨论的问题。


The author holds that______.

A.mortality rates in developing countries have been brought down by a number of forces

B.medical innovations are the only way to reduce mortality rates in developing countries

C.the upgrading of hygiene and sanitation has played a crucial role in reducing mortality rates in developing countries

D.improved nutrition is the only one factor that reduces mortality rates in developing countries



The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been()only to the very rich.

A. manageable

B. measurable

C. affordable



听力原文:M: So, Jane, how long have you been an author?

W: Well, Tom, I didn't start writing until I was in my thirtieth, and I'm over seventy now. So goodness, I must have been writing for about forty years.

How long has the woman been an author?

A.About 30 years.

B.About 40 years.

C.About 60 years.

D.About 70 years.



The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries

A heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive.

B income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices.

C manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed.

D oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP.



Poets,songwriters and politicians hate the idea,but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear:money buys happiness and the richer you are,the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life.Until now,a survey of 43 countries(1)on October 30th by the pew Research Cenre of Washington,DC,shows that people in(2)markets are expressing almost the same level of satisfaction as people in rich countries.It is the biggest(3)to the standard view of happiness and income seen(4)The Pew poll asks respondents to(5),on a scale from zero to ten,how good their lives are Those who say between seven and ten are counted as(6).In 2007,57%of respondents in rich countries put themselves in the top four tiers;in emerging markets the(7)was 33%:in poor countries only 16%-a classic(8)of the standard view But in 2014,54%of rich-country respondents counted themselves as happy,whereas in emer-ging markets the percentage(9)to 51%.This was happening just at a time when emerging markets chances of converging economically(10)the West seemed to be(11)Rich countries did not experience(12)declines in happiness.The decreases in America and Britain were tiny(a single percentage point),13 the share of happy Germans rose(13)points.A large drop in formerly joyful spain ensured a modest overall decline for the rich.(14)the conver-gence happened(15)huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia and Pakistan.In 12 of the 24 emerging markets,half or more people(16)their life satisfaction in the top tiers of the ladder.This is not to(17)the link between income and satisfaction has been snapped Poor coun-tries still(18)only a quarter of the people there are in the happy tiers=half the level of the other two groups.There is(19)a clear link between happiness and income growth.China's GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10%in 2007-2014 and its happiness level rose 26 points.(20)countries,richer people express more satisfaction than their poorer neighbours.wing onilia(18)选?

A.catch up
B.fall apart
C.lag behind
D.set aside

词组辨析题。A.catch up赶上;B.fall apart崩溃;C.lag behind落后;D.set aside放在一边。原文说:Poor countries still18:only a quarter of the people there are in the happy tiers-half the level of the other two groups.“贫困国家仍然:只有四分之一的人认为自己幸福—是发展中国家和发达国家的一半。”根据下文提示,该句意思非常明确,即“贫困国家仍然落后”,故C.为答案。
