Dr Myers and other researchers hold thatA. people should look for a baseline that c


Dr Myers and other researchers hold that

A. people should look for a baseline that can’t work for a longer time. B. fisheries should keep the yield below 50% of the biomass C. the ocean biomass should restored its original level. D. people should adjust the fishing baseline to changing situation

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Dr. Myers and other researchers hold that ________.

[A] people should look for a baseline that can’t work for a longer time

[B] fisheries should keep the yield below 50% of the biomass

[C] the ocean biomass should restored its original level

[D] people should adjust the fishing baseline to changing situation



Different cultures have different__concerning how far apart people should stand when communicating with each other.

A. conclusion

B. commitment


D. communications



The saying“He who dies rich, dies disgraced” properly means that

A. the wealthy people should give away their fortunes after death

B. the wealthy people should feel ashamed for their assets

C. the wealthy people should abandon their careers for charities

D. it is shameful for the wealthy people to keep their wealth till death

语义理解题。选项A“the wealthy people should give away their fortunes after death”(富人死后应放弃财产);选项B“the wealthy people should feel ashamed for their assets”(富人应为自己的财产感到耻辱);选项C“the wealthy people should abandon their careers for charities”(富人应该为了慈善放弃自己的事业);选项D“it is shameful for the wealthy people to keep their wealth till death”(有钱人到死都保留着自己的财产是件羞辱的事)。从上下文可知,只有D符合句义,因此D为正确答案。


To be inspired by other people's creativity,children should______.

A.write ideas

B.make up stories

C.buy good notebooks

D.visit museums,libraries,and science centers



We should not talk about other people’s ______ life.







Passage Two

When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else is not so clear. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing, reading and sewing, become near sighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant (远处的) things clearly'.

People who are nearsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people's eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle (角度). To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out

of the other eye. You will find the object's relation to the background (背景) and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.

40. We should take good care of our eyes ______.

A. only when we cannot see perfectly

B. only when we can see well

C. even if we can see well

D. only when we realize how important our eyes are


    40.答案为C  此考题为推理题。根据作者在第1段第2句所表达的,等到我们两眼视力下降了我们才认识到眼睛的重要性,我们就可断定C正确。


Social workers should learn how to()people.

A. look at

B. look into

C. look after



What were the people asked to do in the study?

A. To make a face at each other.

B. To get their faces impressive.

C. To classify some face pictures.

D. To observe the researchers' faces.



different cultures have different ________ concerning how far apart people should stand when communicating with each other.







We can infer from Dr Myers and Dr. Worm’s paper that

A. the stock of large predators in some old fisheries has reduced by 90%. B. there are only half as many fisheries as there were 15 years ago. C. the catch sizes in new fisheries are only 20% of the original amount. D. the number of larger predators dropped faster in new fisheries than in the old.

