问题:At the foot of the mountain__________A.a village lie B.lies a village C.does a village lie D.lying a village
问题:"It′s no use,Mum,"said Johnny."I′m just no good at dancing." "You′ve got to keep trying.Tonight will be?21,dear.Try a turn with that pretty Lisette."Johnny?22.Every Saturday night used to be the best of the week.He and his parents went to the?23?at the Club,where his hero,Alcide,played the accordion(手风琴)with the band.But lately everything had changed.Now that Johnny was older,he was?24?to dance with a girl!25?Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club,music had already started.Johnny got up his?26?to approach Lisette."May I have this dance?"Johnny asked."That′s all right,"said Lisette.Johnny struggled to keep up with Lisette′s?27?steps,but he was always one beat behind her.Then Johnny heard his friend Pierre say,"Look!Johnny has two left feet!"Laughter burst from the crowd.Johnny?28?and ran outside,determined never to go to another dance. The next Saturday,Alcide drove to Johnny′s house for some potatoes.He happened to hear Johnny playing the accordion.Alcide′s eyes?29."Bring that accordion and play some songs tonight,"Alcide said.Then he drove off,leaving Johnny staring open-mouthed?30him. At the Club,Johnny scanned the crowd for Lisette and?31?her.The band played for a long time before Alcide said,"Dear friends,I got a?32?for you tonight.Young Johnny is going to join us!"Trembling,Johnny stepped up on the platform,his eyes on the floor.He began to play,and the band joined in behind him.When the song ended,he heard cheers.Johnny kept playing until the dance was?33"You did a fine job tonight.Play with us again next Saturday night,"Alcide said."Yes,sir!"said Johnny.34?he went outside,Johnny saw Lisette and her friends near the door.Lisette stepped forward,smiling,"You played really good tonight!"she said. "Thank you,"Johnny blushed(脸红).As he walked on,Pierre?35?moved out of the way for him to pass. Johnny patted his accordion.Come to think of it,in his whole life,he had never once seen Aleide out on the dance floor.第23题答案是A.platform B.appointment C.meeting D.dance
问题:A.(0,+∞) B.(-∞,+∞) C.(1,+∞) D.[1,+∞)
问题:在同一地点的甲、乙两个单摆,摆球的质量之比为1:4,摆长之比为4:1,那么,在甲振动10次的 时间内,乙振动__________次.
问题:It is widely accepted that English is the global language of modern times. About three decades ago,French was recognized as the language of diplomacy(外交),and German was considered the language of science and technology.English now dominates(主导)not only as the language of science but also diplomacy,computing,and tourism.Today,in terms of native speakers,Mandarin Chinese is the world′s largest language. Yet there are people who believe that China will become the most powerful country in the world.Some have?even fixed the date as early as the year 2020.At present,while English is more widely spoken than any other?language,there are more people who speak Chinese than English due to the large population in China alone.If China?does become a world power,there is no doubt that this language will spread worldwide. As the controversy over which language will become dominant in the world continues,there are many who feel?that the dominance of English is unique and irreversible(不可逆的).However,a separate study from David Graddol′s suggests that English′s dominance in the scientific area will continue.There is also an argument that the?English language would be changed greatly by 2020 for various reasons.With the possibility of China rising as a?world power,Mandarin could definitely challenge the dominance of English as a global language.What does controversy in the last paragraph probably mean?A.Plan. B.Argument. C.Conditoin. D.Goal.
问题:_______a microscope we can see different kinds of things that are unable to be seen by our naked eyes.A.In terms of B.In place of C.By means of D.By far
问题:—Would you take this along to my home for me? —__________A.With pleasure B.That's right C.Never mind D.Don't mention it
问题:Montreal is larger than_______in Canada.A.any city B.any cities C.any other cities D.any other city
问题:宓子贱为单父①宰⑦,过于阳昼,日:“子亦有以送仆乎 ”阳昼日:“吾少也贱,不知治民之术。有钓道二焉,请以送子。”子贱日:“钓道奈何 ”阳昼日:“夫投纶③错④饵,迎而吸之者,阳桥⑤也,其为鱼也薄而不美;若存若亡,若食若不食者,鲂⑥也,其为鱼也博而厚味。”宓子贱日:“善。”于是未至单父,冠盖迎之者交接于道。子贱日:“车驱之!车驱之!夫阳昼之所谓阳桥者至矣。”于是至单父,请其耆老尊贤者而与之共治单父。(选自《说苑》) 【注】①单父:古地名。 ②宰:春秋时把卿大夫所属私邑的长官称为“宰”。 ③纶:钓鱼用的粗丝线。 ④错:同“措”,放置。 ⑤阳桥:鱼名。 ⑥鲂:鱼名。比较下面语句中加点词的含义。
问题:The road will be blocked if there_______another snow.A.is B.will be C.to be D.will have
问题:下列关于我国疆域的叙述正确的是()A.与我国云南接壤的国家有缅甸、泰国、老挝、越南 B.我国南北跨纬度近50°,东西跨经度60°以上,因此东西距离大于南北距离 C.吉林、黑龙江、内蒙古、甘肃、新疆均与俄罗斯相邻 D.我国大陆海岸线北起鸭绿江,南到北仑河口
问题:下列各句中,划线的成语使用不恰当的一项是( )A.“动漫”是由两个词缩略结合产生的复合词,需要给予一个禁得起推敲和考证的解释,相关解释有入已经给出了数个,但又总是出尔反尔。 B.29日报道,韩国空军远程空对地导弹“斯拉姆-增敏(SLAM-ER)”今年6月进行发射训练时,因推进器问题坠毁。然而,韩国空军方面5个月来对此一直秘而不宣。 C.在政府严禁大面积拆迁的情况下,某些地方政府和房地产商偷换概念,剥茧抽丝,“小片小片拆”,“小片小片建”,到最后再连成一个整体。 D.如果你是一位教师,“以其昏昏,使人昭昭”,必然谬种流传,误人子弟;如果你是一位官员,“以其昏昏,使人昭昭”,必然诬枉不正.贻害他人。
问题:受唐朝文化影响而在本国各级学校教授儒学的是( )A.日本 B.朝鲜 C.印度 D.阿拉伯
问题:Brighton is a popular seaside town on the south coast of England.Not long ago,some policemen were very?21.There had been several,serious accidents?22?by motorists driving too fast.The police started to set up a speed trap(速度监视器).They measured?23?of 88 yards on a straight road and watched to see?24?a car took to?25?that far.They knew that if a car took six seconds,it was traveling faster?26?the?27?limit of 30 miles an hour. When the policemen were ready,they hid?28?a hedge(树篱)and started to time passing cars.During their first half an hour,they caught five drivers.The policemen wrote down the?29?of each car and the name and address of the driver.But for the next half an hour the policemen didn′t see anybody?30?too fast.They thought that this was very?31.One of them drove a quarter of a mile along the road and saw two students?32?on the grass.They were holding up a sheet of cupboard so that motorists could see it.On the notice one of the students?33:"Danger.Speed trap." The policemen took the notice away and wrote down the names of the students.Later on they were each fined£5 for?34?to stop the police catching motorists who were?35?the law.第26题答案是A.than B.less than C.the same as D.no less than
问题:第3题读音不同的是A.gather B.gentle C.goat D.gold
问题:Don′t sit there__________nothing.Come and help me.A.do B.to do C.doing D.and doing
问题:假如你把一根大头针戳进气球,要过多久气球才会爆裂呢?不需要很久,而且这个时间可以利用高速摄像来测定。不管怎样,橡胶在压力之下裂开,总是要耗费“一点儿”时间的。然而,假定你取一个分子,它只有十亿分之四英寸大,对它完成相当于把一根针戳进气球的动作,那么这个分子要隔多久才会断裂呢?这个时间要比气球爆裂短得多,然而科学家现在照样能测出来。一个分子是由一团原子组成的。当这些原子互相靠得足够近,由于它们外层区域的微小电子相互交叠在一起,因而使这些原子粘合在一起了。这种电子的交叠形成了一种稳定状态,倾向于保持不变。为了保持这种状态,原子必须继续保持紧密相连,这就形成了所谓的“化学键”。 形成一个化学键的两个原子并不是保持静止不动的。在绝对零度(等于-273℃)以上的任何温度下,原子总是倾向于以随机的方式随意运动。不过,当它们被化学键绑在一起后,就 不能再自由运动,但可以这么说,它们仍不断地尝试做自由运动。被化学键绑在一起的两个原子可能会做相互分离的运动,但是化学键会把它们拉回到一起来。它们会再做分离运动,但又被拉回,如此往复。因此,原子就在自己的位置上振动。 化学键活像一个小弹簧,原子相互分离得越远,化学键施加的拉力就越强。然而,如果由于某种缘故,原子的分离运动超过一个临界值,化学键就会紧张过度,像一根弹簧那样,出现断裂。这时,分子断裂,而原子获释。随着温度升高,原子会逐渐远离,超过化学键的束缚。如果温度升得足够高,分子肯定会断裂。同样,如果注入其他形式的能量,分子也会趋于断裂。现在的问题是一旦注入足够的能量,分子断裂开的时间有多长。研究人员发现,一个化学键从受损到断裂所需的时间是2.05×10-17秒。光线以每秒186262英里的速度运动,这是我们宇宙中能够达到的最快速度。如果一束极快的激光脉冲打在分子上,在化学键断裂以前,这束光也只能离开四百分之一英寸。对第一段“总是要耗费‘一点儿’时间的”的理解,正确的一项是( )A.这句话意在强调气球爆裂时间的漫长 B.这句话意在强调气球爆裂时间的极短 C.这句话意在强调气球爆裂时间相对较长 D.这句话意在强调气球爆裂时间相对较短
问题:__________A.through B.by C.on D.in
问题:"...She was married to an officer in India,long ago India;and she had a life of physical adventure(冒险)as exciting as her poetry.Her husband could cross rivers using crocodiles(鳄鱼)as stepping stones.He died when she was only 39.Unwilling to exist without him,she took her life,leaving a son in England." I stared at the paper,21?reading,couldn′t help thinking. Crocodiles are lazy animals as a rule,but they can move like lightening when they want to.And they don′t mind hurrying?22?they′re hungry.There used to be lots in Indian rivers,living on fish mostly;but what′s a little fish for a fifteen-foot crocodile?They ate people,fisherman or anyone else delicious enough to get too near;women doing the?23,or children playing at the water′s 24.A hungry crocodile′s mouth?25?over a meal with a sound like a gunshot.A big fellow can?26?in a man in two bites(咬)。 That woman′s husband crossed rivers?27?from one crocodile′s back to the next.I believe it.It had to be done quickly before the creature could see what was happening.It wasn′t28?a brave,active man;and no doubt he improved with practice.He could never look?29while crossing. The wife used to watch him--I felt sure of that.She lived?30?the adventure,the?31?excitement of it all.Their real life was with tigers,snakes...It′s no wonder she wrote?32poetry. Then he died.I imagined how she felt.Was there another man?33?him in India,in the world?She was still young,hardly a sitting-room widow(寡妇)."I must?34,too."she said to herself.So she did what she felt she had to do.A?35?probably,to her head. But her young son,their son?Was her love for him nothing compared to her husband?Well,what do you think?第24题答案是A.border B.end C.side D.edge