When we read,we construct a mental _______ of the text in our minds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create a mental map in our heads.

When we read,we construct a mental _______ of the text in our minds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create a mental map in our heads.

选项A意为“表现”;选项B意为“想象力”;选项C意为“解释”;选项D意为“识别”。 根据题干,题目意为“当我们阅读时,我们在脑海中构建一个文本的心理表征,就像我们占据一片土地,并在脑海中创建心智地图时那样。”选项A符合题意。
如果没有搜索结果或未解决您的问题,请直接 联系老师 获取答案。


We were at a __________ as to what to do when the gunmen suddenly broke into our house.








The aim(目的) of students who come to school is ro srudy. But if we haven't a right way to study we will waste the time or the money. The following are ways for studying.

The best time for reading js morning. Because in the morning, the air is fresh and our minds are clear.For that reason,we can get good results.

Jt- studying we must be'patient(耐心的). If w.e don't understand a text well,we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one well.

When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book. We can not read absent-.mindedly(心不在焉地) ,or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.

We must always ask "whys". If it is not well understood,write it down and ask our teach-ers or parents,brothers or friends,in any possible way. We must know it completely and then our knowledge can be used well.

Though there are many ways for studying,however,the above mentioned(提及的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so,

( )21. The article tells us_________

A. to read in the morning

B. to pay close attention to ways for studying

C. the importance of reading

D. to have patience in studying




It is true that good writers rewrite and rewrite and then rewrite some more. But in order to work up the desire to rewrite, it is important to learn to like what you write at the early stage.

I am surprised at the number of famous writers I know who say that they so dislike reading their own writing later that they even hate to look over the publishers’ opinions. One reason we may dislike reading our own work is that we’re often disappointed that the rich ideas in our minds seem very thin and plain when first written down. Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker suggest that this fact may be a result of how our minds work. .

Different from popular belief ,we do not usually think in the works and sentences of ordinary language but in symbols for ideas (known as “mentalese”), and writing our ideas down is an act of translation from that symbolic language . But while mentalese contains our thoughts in the form. of a complex tapestry (织锦),writing can only be composed one thread at a time . Therefore it should not be surprising that our first attempt at expressing ideas should look so simple. It is only by repeatedly rewriting that we produces new threads and connect them to get closer to the ideas formed in our minds.

When people write as if some strict critics (批评家) are looking over their shoulder , they are so worried about what this critic might say that they get stuck before they even start. Peter Elbow makes an excellent suggestion to deal with this problem. When writing we should have two different minds. At the first stage, we should see every idea, as well as the words we use to express it ,as wonderful and worth putting down . It is only during rewrites that we should examine what we excitedly wrote in the first stage and check for weaknesses.

68. What do we learn from the text about those famous writers?

A They often regret writing poor works

B Some of them write surprisingly much.

C Many of them hate reading their own works

D They are happy to review the publishers’ opinions.



30. What is the passage mainly about? 、

A. We must make more friends.

B. Don-t quarrel with our parents.

C. What should we do when our parents quarrel.

D. Sometimes we must stay away from our parents.



According to the author, the reason why we go wrong about our friends is that ______.

A)we fall to listen carefully when they talk

B)people tend to be annoyed when we cheek what they say

C) people usually state one thing hut means another

D)we tend to doubt what our friends say

[详细解答]本题的答案可以从第二段开头两句看出来 Why do we go wrong about our friends  or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning,可见,选项C的意思与之相符,应为正确答案。


29. When it thunders, we always see the light before we hear the sound.______ It’s because

A. our eyes are in front of our ears

B. our eyes are cleverer than our ears

C. our eyes can see but our ears can-t

D.light goes faster than sound



We () in the river near our village when we were little girls.

A、used to swim

B、used to swimming

C、are used to swimming

D、were used to swim



“Wilbur, we're born, we live, and, when our time comes, we die. It's just the natural cycle of life. ”is said by().


B、the rat


D、the host



The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies that______.

A) we should pay a debt for, our feeling

B) we have to be hurt when We feel something

C) our pain is worth feeling

D) when we feel pain, we are suffering it

[详细解答]根据上下文,因为下一句指出We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body.显然,这里pay for不是“付钱”的意思,而是指“为…付出”。因此,D为最佳答案。


Only when the CIA Director David was forced to resignthat it's hard to keep our e-mail secret.

A.we realized
B.realized we
C.did we realize
D.we did realize

