
().Please call me Mary. That's my first name.

A. How are you

B. How shall I address you

C. Are you Mary


题库中有15种类型的题目,每种都有80道。现在随机从题库中调取题目,如果要保证调取的题目中包含4种不同类型的题目,且每种至少10道,那么至少要调取( )道题目。





D [解析]最不利的情况是,调取了3种类型的题目各80道,又调取了其他12种题目各9道,那么再任意调取一道,就能保证共包含4种不同类型的题目,且每种至少10道。那么至少要调取:3×80+12×9+1=349(道)。答案为D。



第 1 题





21. Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black?

A) which

B) whose

C) that

D) its



请教:2010年高考全国卷I数学(文)试题及参考答案(估分)第1大题第 3小题如何解答?


第 3 题



参考答案题目顺序为随机,请根据题目开头单词查找,或Ctrl+F查找题目中的关键词,不要输入整个题目题目:_ Please call me Mary. Thats my first name.答案:How shall I address you?题目:Excuse me, _ Yes, its 8633-2788. If you have any other questions,dont hesitate to ask.答案:could you please tell me whats the telephone number on my desk?题目:Hello, Im David Chen. Nice to meet you. _ .答案:Nice to meet you too.题目:Hi, Im Melinda Smith, the new secretary. Nice to meet you here.Hi, Im Mike Brown from the Training Center. _答案:I hope youll be happy working here.题目:Sally,_, Mary Brown.Nice to meet you. Im Sally Johnson, the Sales Manager.答案:this is our new secretary题目:Isnt it impolite to call people by their first names? The underlined wordis of the same word class as_.答案:interesting题目:Dont be afraid _ ask a lot of questions.答案:to题目:Hello, everyone. Id like to _to you our new secretary, Melinda Smith.答案:introduce题目:I like the working atmosphere here.Its very_ .答案:friendly题目:I think_is impolite to call people by their first names.答案:it题目:If you have any questions here, please tell us. Well all be_to helpyou.答案:ready题目:Im looking forward to_ together with you.答案:working题目:Keeping eye contact makes the other person_ welcome and comfortable.答案:feel题目:People here usually_each other by their first names instead of familynames.答案:call题目:Smile a lot and be_ friendly as possible to everyone you meet.答案:as二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. Ill show you around and introduce you to other colleagues.(). 后面试题题目省略答案:1:C; 2:A; 3:A; 4:B; 5:A二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks with the words given below.点击听音频_Melinda Smiths got a job at Qiaoxiang Community Service Center. Today is herfirst day at work.George, the Director of the Administration Department, is introducingher to Wendy and Helen._. 后面试题题目省略答案:1:meet; 2:call; 3:number; 4:really; 5:forward二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Shaking Hands Manners If you thought handshakes were just a gesture of greeting, then think again!A handshake is not only a way of greeting; it can also show your personality. Sincewe all want to set a good first impression, it is important to know the right shakinghands manners. 后面试题题目省略答案:1:A; 2:A; 3:B; 4:C; 5:B二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确写T错误写F。Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F).INTRODUCE YOURSELF ON THE FIRST DAY OF WORK How to introduce yourself on the first day of work?If you are looking for some ideas, here are some tips for you. 后面试题题目省略答案:1:T; 2:F; 3:T; 4:F; 5:F



第 12 题





第 5 题



心理测验命题在理解方面的主要要求是( )。


英语 语法
题目来源:5月18日 下午 陕西省 西安市 面试考题
Daniel: Hi, Simon. Do you play football at weekends?
Simon: Of course, I often play football with my cousins.
Daniel:Do your parents go with you?
Simon: No, they don’t. But my dad sometimes watches our games. Sometimes he reads at home. My mum often shops at weekends. What about you, Daniel?
Daniel:I often stay at home. Sometimes I go swimming with my dad.
教师资格考试考前黑钻押题,瑞牛题库软件考前更新,下载链接 www.niutk.com
1. What is the foundation of setting teaching aims?
2. How did you teach the new knowledge to students in this class?

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will know basic knowledge and structure about simple present tense.
Ability aim:
Students will use the simple present tense to express their ideas.
Emotional aim:
Students will improve their interests of learning English.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students can master the basic rule and meaning of simple present tense.
Difficult Point: Students can use the simple present tense to describe their present state and simple affair.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Free talk: The teacher talks about what do you usually do at weekends and asks students to share their answers.and then lead in the topic: today we also talk about weekend activities.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Ask students to open the book and the teacher reads the passage and ask students to find out the main idea of the dialogue.
2. Ask students read the passage on their own and answer following questions.
Question1: What does Simon’s mother often do at weekends?
Auswer1: My mum often shops at weekends.
Question2:What does Daniel usually do at weekends?
Auswer2: I often stay at home
Structure: subject+present tense of the verb.(ask Ss to pay attention to the verb must agree in person with its subject )
Step 3: Practice
1. Fill in the blank. Show some questions on the screen. Students need to choose the correct answer.
(1) We often _____ (play) in the playground.
(2) What_____ (do)he usually _____(do) after school?
(3)He ____(get) up at six o’clock.
2. Translation. Show some sentences on the screen and students need to translate them into English.
Step4: Production
Discussion. Ask them to share their weekend activities with their partners in group of six. During their discussion, they are expected to use as many simple present tense.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to write an essay based on their discussion after class.

1. What is the foundation of setting teaching aims?
Total new curriculum English teaching goal is: to cultivate the students’ comprehensive using ability of language. Comprehensive language using ability is based on the development of language skills, language knowledge, emotional attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness. Five aspects reflect the development value of “all for the students”. It shows three dimensions of the teaching goals, namely, knowledge and ability, process and methods, emotional attitude and values.
2. How did you teach the new knowledge to students in this class?
This is a grammar lesson, and we often call it “knowledge course”. For knowledge courses, there are two teaching methods: deductive teaching method and inductive teaching method. In order to arouse the enthusiasm and initiative of students, I adopted the inductive method to teach them new knowledge. First, I asked the students to read the article quickly and get familiar with the main idea of it. On this basis, I asked them to read it again and pay attention to the underlined part. In the process, students could easily find similarities among these sentences. Then I asked them to pay attention to the feature of these nouns. During their discussion, students realized that these nouns are abstract names. Finally, I guided the student to summarize the meaning of appositive clauses by translating these sentences. That’s how I taught new knowledge.

小学英语 语法
题目来源:5月19日 上午 广东佛山市 面试考题
1.题目:Last weekend
cleaned my room; washed my clothes; stayed at home; watched TV
Mike: How was your weekend?
Chen Jie: It was fine, thanks.
Mike: What did you do?
Chen Jie: I stayed at home and watched TV.
1. 你认为板书应该呈现什么?
2. 你认为小学英语老师应该具备什么样的特质?

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
1. Students can master the meaning of the words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”,
“stayed at home” and “watched TV”.
2. Students can grasp the grammar simple past tense in key sentence patterns such as “What did
you do?” and “I stayed at home”.
Ability aim:
Students can express their feelings by using simple past tense in daily communication.
Emotional aim:
Students can develop their interest in learning English.
Key and difficult points:
Key Points:
Words: cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV;
Sentence patterns: What did you do?, I stayed at home.
Difficult Point:
Students can master the usage of simple past tense and use it in their daily communication.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings. Talk about the weather.
2. Free talk.
Tell students I went shopping and bought a new dress last weekend. Ask students questions “What about you” or “What did you do last weekend?”. Then invite some of them to share. Some students may give the answer with wrong tense such as “I play basketball last weekend.”. Therefore, I will correct it and let them pay attention to it and tell them today we are going to learn the grammar simple past tense.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Show some pictures on the screen and present some words such as “cleaned my room”, “washed my clothes”, “stayed at home” and “watched TV” on the blackboard. Guide students to learn the words.
2. Ask students to observe these words carefully to find if there are some similarities. Then invite some of them to give answers.
3. Explain simple past tense to students and summarize the rules of it. Write down the rules on the blackboard.
4. Read the conversation for students. Ask them to listen carefully and find out how to ask other’s activities in the last week. Write the sentences on the blackboard.
Step 3: Practice
1. Do an exercise
Ask students to write down the past tense of the verbs given on the blackboard.
wash stay play is are do
2. Role play
Ask students to work in pair to practice the conversation. Then act the conversation out. 5minutes is given. Then invite some pairs to show their performance.
Step4: Production
Ask students to do a survey about what they did last weekend. Ask them to work in group of 6 and one of them acts as the group leader to collect their group members’ activities and make a list for us. 10 minutes will be given. After that, invite one group to share their report. Tell students they should report like this. For example, “Last weekend, Lily washed the clothes.” Then give encouragement for them.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: Ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: Talk about what they did in the last weekend with their parents.

1. What does the blackboard design should present?
Blackboard design is an important part of our teaching because a good blackboard design can show the key points of lesson clearly. Also, it is very helpful for students to understand the content of this lesson. As for me, this lesson is a grammar class. So I think the content of blackboard design should contain the following aspects, including title of this lesson, key words and sentence patterns, key grammar points or rules, and exercises. By writing these on the blackboard, I believe students can grasp the main content of this lesson.
2. What qualities do you think you should have as a primary school English teacher?
I think as a primary school English teacher, I should have the quality of innocence. Primary school students like lively and relaxing classes, as well as kind and friendly teachers. The teacher’s smile and friendly face often make the students feel warm and be willing to communicate, so that the teaching atmosphere will be very relaxing, and the teaching effect will be better.

更多 “管理英语1网核形考任务单元自测1答案” 相关考题
考题 单选题—Hello! Can I speak to Alice, please?  —Sorry. She isn’t in at the moment.  — ______ ? Please tell her to call me back on my mobile.A Could I leave a messageB Can you hold the lineC Will you put me throughD May I take a message正确答案:B解析:根据第三句后面的回答可知打电话的人在留口信,故A项符合语境。选项B“先别挂断”常用于接电话的人叫打电话的人做的行为,选项C“为某人接通电话”也不正确,根据对话内容,电话已通,但Alice不在,选项D“我能给你捎个口信吗?”应该是接电话人说的话,不符合语境。

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考题 编研题目查找档案材料时,应当遵循在编研题目要求的范围内()的原则。A、全面查找,宁多勿漏B、全面查找,尽量精简C、全面查找,宁少勿多D、全面查找,宁缺勿滥正确答案:A

考题 单选题编研题目查找档案材料时,应当遵循在编研题目要求的范围内()的原则。A 全面查找,宁多勿漏B 全面查找,尽量精简C 全面查找,宁少勿多D 全面查找,宁缺勿滥正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

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考题 高中英语 语法 一、考题回顾 题目来源:5月19日上午浙江省杭州市面试考题 试讲题目 1,题目:语法教学试讲 2,内容: Ken: Hello, Wang Ling. May I come in? Wang Ling: yes, of course. But could you please shut the door behind you? It’s freezing outside. Ken: Sure. Wang Ling, can I use your computer to surf the net? Wang Ling: No, you can’t right now. I need to check my email. You can use my MP3 player, if you like. Ken: Great! Thanks! 3,基本要求: (1)朗读所给对话。 (2)配合教学内容适当板书 (3)针对该对话中的划线部分,设计相应的语言运用活动 (4)用英文试讲 (5)试讲时间:10分钟 答辩题目 1.How do you think about that the teacher is learning? 2.Please retell your presentation.答案:解析:二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aims: (1) Students can master the usage of Modal verbs. (3) After this lesson, students can know the difference of usage of different Modal verbs in different situations. Ability aim: After this lesson, students can use this grammar to express their attitude. Emotional aim: Students are able to get the confidence of learning English. Key and difficult point: Key Point: master the usage of Modal verbs. Difficult Point: use this grammar to express attitude. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song: If I were a boy If I were a boy Even just for a day I’d roll out of bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted and go 3. Then talk about the word “would”. Then lead in the topic of today: modal verbs. Step 2: Presentation 1.Ask students to open the book and the teacher reads the passage and ask students to find out more sentences with model verbs. ① May I come in? ② could you please shut the door behind you? ③ can I use your computer to surf the net? No, you can’t right now. You can use my MP3 playerThen ask students to find more modal verbs they have met: might, would, should, ought to. Step 3: Practice 1.Fill in the blanks: Ask students to fill in the blanks using the suitable modal verbs. ①Could?you?speak?English?then?? ②Can I help you? ③May I start my presentation? 2.Make dialog: ask for permission Step4: Production 1.Discussion: work in groups of 4 and 5 minutes will be given to have a discussion about what permission questions we can use at home ang at school. Then some of the students will be invited to share answers. 2.Role play: Create a situation for the students, that is, suppose you are in a mall now, imagine what conversation will happen here. 10 mins to prepare with your desk mate. Step5: Summary and Homework Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class. Homework: find out more usage of may, could, can, next class let’s share the answer.【答辩题目解析】 1. How do you think about that the teacher is learning? 【参考答案】All of us want to be a good teacher. But how does it come? I think several qualities are definitely necessary: academic knowledge, the understanding of children, and the techniques and methods for teaching. As the saying goes: there is no best, but only the better. For our teachers, it means we should keep going on our job, improve our own abilities and skills of teaching. We do have a lot of ways to improve ourselves, but no matter what kinds of progress, we get them through the same way, that is learning. I appreciate every opportunity that i can learn from the textbooks, from the other teachers, from the students, even from every class i hold. This way might be hard but with pleasure. 2. Please retell your presentation. 【参考答案】 It is a grammar lesson of senior high school .so i use inductive method. First, I give them 5 minutes to read this article and circle the sentences with modal verb. Then i invite a student to come to the front to write down the sentences. next, i give my students 5minutes to discuss with their desk mates about the similarities between these modal verbs and ask them to share their answers. After their sharing, i make a conclusion about the usage of modal verb in this article. The function is that the modal verbs are used to express permission.

考题 博客日志中由()充当“关键词”角色,方便查找和管理的A、日志题目B、博客地址C、友情链接D、日志标签正确答案:D

考题 博客日志中由()充当"关键词"角色,方便查找和管理的。A、日志题目B、博客地址C、友情链接D、日志标签正确答案:D