alter database open
alter database open repairlog
alter database open resetlogs
alter database open resetlog
alter database resetlogs open
RMAN enables you to open the target database when it is already mounted. Which command must you execute at the RMAN prompt to open the database?()
After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount the database andthen execute a command to open the database:SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; Which two statements are true()
Upon starting your database, you receive the following error:You can choose from the following steps:1.Restore the database datafiles.2.Issue the alter database clear unarchived logfile group 1 command.3.Issue the alter database open command.4.Issue the alter database open resetlogs command.5.Recover the database using point-in-time recovery.6.Issue the Startup Mount command to mount the database.7.Back up the database.Which is the correct order of these steps in this case?()
A. 1,6,5,4,7
B. 6,5,4
C. 6,2,3,7
D. 1,6,3
E. The database cannot be recovered
Which of the following commands cannot be executed when the database open?()
After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount thedatabase and then execute a command to open the database: SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN; Which two statements are true()
Which command is used to open the database after an incomplete recovery?()
You have lost all your SYSTEM tablespace datafiles (system_01.dbf and system_02.dbf) nd the database has crashed. What would be the appropriate order of operations to correct the situation?() a. Mount the database with the startup mount command. b. Take the SYSTEM datafile offline with the alter database command. c. Restore the SYSTEM_01.dbf datafile from backup media with the required archived redo logs. d. Restore all SYSTEM tablespace-related datafiles from backup media. e. Issue the recover tablespace SYSTEM command. f. Issue the recover datafile SYSTEM_01.dbf command. g. Open the database with the alter database open command. h. Open the database with the alter database open resetlogs command.
If a log file becomes corrupted, it may cause the database to stall. How would you correct such a situation?()
Which of the following represents the correct way to perform an online recovery of datafile 4, which is assigned to a tablespace called USERS?()
After the recovery is complete, which command should you execute?()